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Posts posted by Kathcairns

  1. 22 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    I get the caution on pitch invasions for the reason you state. Don’t see it happening personally, but I get it. 

    on the Collymore song, I don’t care either way really, sing it don’t song it, I couldn’t care less. The German bomber song that was sung, so what no harm caused and some of the reactions on this forum where laughable. 

    Your comment on coke heads, again not for me but if that’s what someone wants to do in their spare time that’s up to them and not for me to police. I think your comment on the items people wear is a bit how can I put it, snobbish, Elitist and discriminatory. Tarring everyone with the same brush because of what they wear is poor at  best. Going on the pitch and attacking players we can agree is stupid and of course not wanted. 

    As per your last comment, I hope the rules are relaxed at the end of the season because I’d love to be on the pitch when we win league one, however making down from the SW upper would be a challenge for me. 

    Would you say the same about cokeheads if it was your child. What you want to do in your spare time is up to you. Dont think so( hope you wouldnt).

  2. 17 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    Agree, I’m a ex key clubber and still going ?…….I think my point was (and probably not articulated very well) more people would rather have a ground full of an atmosphere akin to the South stand rather than the North Stand, hence let’s not turn the whole ground into a North Stand like atmosphere. 

    I sit with 5 of my family in the north east corner, and we all sing and shout same as a lot round us do.

  3. 13 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    Agree, I’m a ex key clubber and still going ?…….I think my point was (and probably not articulated very well) more people would rather have a ground full of an atmosphere akin to the South stand rather than the North Stand, hence let’s not turn the whole ground into a North Stand like atmosphere. 

    Dont think that will ever happen at any ground, because we all like to let off steam and football grounds are the only place we can do it. Just be sensible about it.?

  4. 2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    I agree you’re absolutely correct and the those who don’t fit are no longer wanted I get that. Let’s see how that pans out as the atmosphere dies on its arse. The goals seems to be a soccer aid type event crowd each week, it won’t be sustainable. Look at the attendances in the North V south stand week in week out, it tells me which people prefer. 

    By the way im not into the woke lot, im in my seventies, we just use commin sense?

  5. 2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    I agree you’re absolutely correct and the those who don’t fit are no longer wanted I get that. Let’s see how that pans out as the atmosphere dies on its arse. The goals seems to be a soccer aid type event crowd each week, it won’t be sustainable. Look at the attendances in the North V south stand week in week out, it tells me which people prefer. 

    You have got to have a stand where families go, and there are alot of families that go to derby. I wouldnt take my grandchildren in the south stand, and children are the future fans dont forget.

  6. 2 hours ago, atherstoneram said:

    But that's the way the game is going,clubs would rather have families attending using clapping sticks etc which brings in more revenue rather than those who cause trouble, times are changing.

    Anything that kids love is fine by me. I liked the rattles and gas canisters that hooted, but not safe now with some of the idiots you get at games.

  7. 11 hours ago, TexasRam said:


    Oh wait I know this one, it’s having an ideology forced on people even if they don’t agree with it, even it doesn’t make sense or even of it isn’t even scientifically correct.  But you must comply otherwise we will say you are not nice to people and we will cancel you. 

    No wait it can’t possibly be that, that’s just not nice. 

    Not for this tread I guess. So back to the point I really hope that the atmosphere we built up last season continues into this season and isn’t quietened or softened because a small small minority maybe get upset by some naughty words in songs. 

    I think most people shut their ears to it anyway, i dont mind swearing ,it when the vile songs start that i cant stand, surley our fans didnt think it was acceptable when opposing fans sang about the phillpot children, so not acceptable we do the same against various players families.

  8. 4 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    I am and I believe the assumption (apart from the don’t like swearing bit) is fairly accurate that those who attend games infrequent/turn up for the big games only don’t understand the culture of the game as much of those who turn up week in week out. Moreover anyone buying a half scarf shouldn’t not be allowed anywhere near a football ground imo 

    Have you considered that a lot of people cannot afford to go to many matches( i was one in late seventies when my children were small). So of course they are going to make the most of the matches they can go to.  Dont think you should class people as being real fans on wether they go to matches or not, thats all im trying to say.

  9. 4 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    I am and I believe the assumption (apart from the don’t like swearing bit) is fairly accurate that those who attend games infrequent/turn up for the big games only don’t understand the culture of the game as much of those who turn up week in week out. Moreover anyone buying a half scarf shouldn’t not be allowed anywhere near a football ground imo 


  10. 6 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    I didn’t say he was less of a fan.  If you read it properly my reply was to a post saying people who do sing those songs etc etc know nothing about football and are not a fan, which is not a correct assumption. 

    But you are assuming people who go occassionally, dont like swearing buy half and half scarves are not real fans and know nothing about football, how do you come to that conclusion.

  11. 8 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    Absolute minority, from my experience the boys and girls I know who go and support thier team are maybe a bit loud or sing songs that god forbid have the odd expletive in probably know more about our football club and football in general than most on here. They especially know more than the people who turn up now and again dont want to be offended by any bad language and would rather sit in silence, buy halfscarves and use  clapping sticks or god forbid “hold a can I have your shirt please placard”

    Think you are being a bit rude in some of your remarks here, my dad is 95 ,cant attend now, but he was never a singer when he went, but he loved football. Was he less of a fan than the ones who sing vile songs at opposing players.

  12. 15 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    But do you not think there was a brilliant atmosphere at the women’s international last night, or at any rugby international?

    I’m sure there would have been a few drinks taken before both, yet you won’t hear foul-mouthed ranting and hatred of the opposition.

    Unfortunately, football attracts the same type of people who attend protest marches just to hide their bad behaviour in a group setting. Many of them couldn’t identify players from their own team let alone the opposition.

    We have to find a way to maintain a party atmosphere and a celebration of our team and football in general.

    We owe it to our children, who will be the fans of the future, to set an example.

    Think you are right, we do owe it to our children to set a good example. My son started going at 5 and now we take his son at 5. We just want to enjoy the game.

  13. 1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

    No chanting at opposition fans, no choice language, no bouncing, and apparently as little men in the crowd as possible. Atmosphere at football will be dead in 2/3 years at this rate. 
    Now I’m not condoning pitch invasions etc (however at certain times I think they are joyful events, it’s just lately the odd clown has ruined them ) however football is tribal always has been always will be, take that element out and you kill the game as we know it. You can’t beat an atmosphere with two sets of fans going at it back and forth, supporting their teams. 
    It seems we have to make it as sterile as possible to placate the offended by everything crew again, no thanks. 

    In the 40's and 50's and mostly 60's grounds were packed with working class fans, no trouble then. It all came in the seventies. If you watch old films the atmosphere was brilliant, rattles and everything, so really you dont need foul and abusive songs and chants at matches.

  14. 9 hours ago, ramit said:

    i don't pretend to have all the answers of how to best improve fan behavior, a problem with deeper roots in societal structure, but i know what i don't like.

    A personal monkey cage for each fan would solve many problems with fan behavior, except perhaps spitting and poo chucking.

    The worst period of attending matches, were when the fences were up. We dont want to go back to them again, so any banning measures are ok with me.  Fans who want to run onto the pitch will have to think twice before doing it. Everybody is responsible for their own behavior at the end of the day.

  15. 58 minutes ago, ImARam2 said:

    I got the No.74 from Tenant Street, to Perth Street, Breadsall Estate. My mother used to work at the little cafe across the road before moving to the 'Savoy' chip shop on the Morledge.

    My bus was wiltshire rd cant remember the number. I went in that cafe loads of times.

  16. 14 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    It’s not just now, I’ve always been silly, somethings I’m nostalgic for, overnight queuing is not one of them.

    Things were different then, pubs shut at 10 30, had to be on the last bus home, so to be out all night with mum and dads permission was great.?

  17. 12 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    Right, I advocate that season ticket holders are not allowed to keep their own seat, if you want a particular seat I suggest you camp outside and when the turnstiles open make a mad dash for said seat. But I suggest you don’t have anything to drink before the match cos if you get up to go to the toilet I feel that I am entitled to sit there, loyalty, tosh.

    Now you are being silly, but i have queued all night  at Baseball ground for cup tickets in 69. Fun when you are young but prob not so nowadays.

  18. 9 minutes ago, DerbyRevolution said:

    If there is no loyalty scheme then the only way to do it, if demand exceeds allocation, is by ballot. 

    register interest for said game, how many tickets you want, draw ballot. 

    That is feasible, could work this season when away tickets are in short supply.

  19. 13 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    There was a promotion at Asda this Morning, 1st 100 customers get a £100 voucher to spend in their store, I queued from 12-30am this Morning, Lots of people there, Store opens up and people walk in, My turn I hold my hand out and no voucher, WTF I said to the man dishing them out, I've been here since 12-30am, Sorry Sir he said...1st come 1st served.

    I've been a customer at Asda since they opened here...that aint fare ?

    Should have got there at 11 30?

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