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Everything posted by Srg

  1. Don't know how I forgot about him, but yes, if he's on the pitch he's more than capable.
  2. Doesn't include miles covered, I guess. Ebou would be right up there in that. Hard to put into stats the overall affect on the rest of the team as well.
  3. An actual suggestion... bound in realism based on cost, age, need and stats. What is this thread turning into? 2 things, he's quite short at 5ft 8 and he's currently team mates with Raul Albentosa.
  4. Sibley did a pretty good job from corners.
  5. The one thing I would say about Bird is that as good as he is, and as great of a person he clearly is, there was so few games where you ever came away thinking he was the best player on the pitch.
  6. Going to any Championship club for a certain style of play is just dumb. Managers come and go, styles change quickly.
  7. That’s where I am at with it. He clearly wanted new scenery. Obviously, at the time we weren’t up, but now we are, there’s a world we could finish above them this season.
  8. Have to agree. Wouldn't want him first choice. An athlete (who's been injured a lot so far) who isn't much of a footballer.
  9. I love a good conspiracy theory as much as most Forest fans, but you have to at least get the basics right.
  10. You sense Warne would be a big proponent of that.
  11. 3,000 capacity the article says.
  12. They could literally stay up with the points total they have now, which is 29. Even if they didn't have a point deduction it's only 33. Nowhere near the supposed safety of 40 points. It's a terrible season however you slice it, they shouldn't have been anywhere near relegation with the three promoted teams being so unbelievably poor.
  13. I like that. Warne touched on how important he felt it was in his post-season interview. Good friendly to have there too.
  14. Not sure a year long contract is much of a commitment to a home though, in fairness. Hale would likely know of him from Southampton. His wiki is interesting, definitely had some issues over the last few years.
  15. Correct, but they'd show on the retained list under a section for extensions. But my point is, if Warne had a blank slate, I'd imagine there might be some he would not have chosen.
  16. Depends on the contract. Some of them will be automatic based on things like appearances.
  17. Retained list will include "contracts offered" so doesn't need to be signed to come out. I would also imagine discussions will have taken place over the last couple of months. I don't think the released list would be ideal for Warne either. There's going to be players who have triggered extension who he likely wouldn't ideally want to keep for a Championship team.
  18. He was good on FM a couple of years back. Therefore, a must sign.
  19. Been injured I think a fair bit this season. Sure those who go like @angieramwill confirm
  20. Posh notorious for getting a lot of money for their players. It’s an expensive pool to fish from. Would like to think we scout more rough gems than that nowadays.
  21. Srg


    It’s a duty thing that the Government taxes higher ABV more. More and more comes in at 3.8% or even lower just to make the same margin they were before.
  22. Also got a year extension that I'm sure they'll trigger.
  23. No, as RamsTV was always aimed at the overseas fans, and that hasn't changed.
  24. Always has been the bad party. It should just go on % of ticket sales. If ticket sales are good, it can be on TV. If they're not, then the game isn't on.
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