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Posts posted by Jram

  1. I had to check the spelling of amortisation and my understanding of it isn’t much better but am I right in thinking a player leaving on a free who we bought for £5million would go down as a £5million loss in our accounts for this year? Or is better now they’ve made us change our practice? 

  2. Oh god, I just really hope we get lucky and someone like Watson or Stretton have a mad breakthrough season with loads of goals and/or assists 

    At the moment, it does look really bad on the investment front so another relegation scrap seems likely 

    Only positives: maybe Jozwiak/Sibley will be much improved, Lawrence not missing three months might make a big difference... and now for the coup de grace of clutching at straws... IBE? 

  3. 1 minute ago, Anag Ram said:

    Worst punishment would be a transfer embargo. 

    If we have to take the existing squad less loanees and out of contract players into next season they might as well deduct twenty points. 

    Yeah this could be very very bad, less academy graduates and well, I’m pretty sure we can’t put an 11 out

  4. 14 hours ago, Tombo said:

    I think he came in to be Waghorn's experienced backup and since sinking down the table it sounds like he's up for the challenge.

    Not to say that he wasn't motivated before, but he strikes me as someone that thrives on having something to prove and a bit of a challenge. The bit in the Rams TV interview where he said he looked at the table and said to himself "we can defo do this" just made me think he absolutely thrives on this. He's not happy being where we are but he's pumped up to help change things. At this stage of his career he always has to find new challenges.

    His interview was brilliant. I’m so sick of the cliches, it makes watching any player interview (or, frankly, pundit interview but that’s another issue) pointless because they show zero charisma and just spout bullocks. Kazim showed them the way 

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