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Everything posted by G STAR RAM

  1. That's been known for a while. It was also said that the EFL asked for no amendments to the business plan that DCFC submitted to them.
  2. There's nothing to budge on. Either he made the quote attributed to him, in which case post a link up to it so we can see the context in which it was said. Or the quote was never said, in which case people can see which posters just make up things to try and attack Warne with. Its really that simple.
  3. Not sure if you're watching the same game as me. Hourihane spends most of the match alongside our centre backs.
  4. Its actually quite funny watching you try to convince yourself that you said something completely different to what you actually did say. You do realise your original quote is still on here for everyone to see don't you?
  5. No, you've just steered what was said to fit your narrative. If someone says the manager has said 'blah blah blah' then there should be no need to gather what was meant, you should be able to point people in the direction of where the quote was made and let them decide what was meant. Of course if there is no quote to back it up then its clear that its just a false narrative to unfairly beat the manager with. FWIW I don't like the set up of Hourihane and Bird together, didnt do even before our winning streak, but I'm happy just to say that rather than make some more tripe up to make my point sound more convincing.
  6. There is a huge difference between prioritising a different area of the pic and saying he isn't interested in midfield. Wouldn't the fact that he does not want to sell one of our 2 players that would likely fetch a decent fee, who happens to be a midfielder, say otherwise?
  7. I did and couldn't find anything that even slightly resembled the words you attributed to him, hence me calling you out over unsubstantiated rubbish...
  8. When have I disagreed with you? Just asking you to back up what you've said. If its just something that you've made up, its fine to admit it. I'd think after the last few performances there is plenty to hold Warne to account for without making up unsubstantiated rubbish.
  9. Try Google? Maybe you'll be able to find the article where he said he isn't interested in a midfield 😂
  10. Tried Googling Warne and midfield. 1st article was him saying he doesn't want to lose Max Bird. 2nd article was him urging his midfielders to braver and shoot more. Very strange.
  11. When did he say it? Should make it easier to find.
  12. What's pedantic about it? You've just stated that Warne has said that he isn't interested in midfield, and I'd genuinely like to see what he said?
  13. Post a link up when you get chance, will be worth a read.
  14. Where are you getting everyone's wages details from?
  15. Does your wage bill show the depth of your squad?
  16. Why is it obvious that we have more depth in our squad than everyone else? We've not paid a fee for anyone for 3 seasons. We've been under restrictions for 2 seasons. I don't see how common sense would lead you to the conclusion that we have more depth in our squad than everyone else. I know nothing about anyone else's squad hence asking you if you could back your statement up, you clearly can't so I'll take your comment as hyperbole.
  17. Can't be arsed or just realise that your statement us hyperbole based on nothing?
  18. Care to quantify this without looking at Google?
  19. If I could be bothered I'd pick out loads of examples. Can't be bothered though. It's just arrogance to expect victory in any fixture.
  20. Yes seriously. You've spent more in one season than we've spent in 20 years, and youre fighting relegation and needing replays against Bristol City and Blackpool....
  21. Its exactly the same tactic that we have used in every game where we have kicked off this season? If Hourihane has been clearly told to get the ball forward quickly then he is clearly disobeying orders.
  22. Possibly in the way that they have taken 4 points of the team top of the table? Perhaps if we dropped the arrogance that we should be beating everyone we may look at things differently. That said, our first half performance today was abysmal.
  23. We beat Blackpool, having not spent a penny in 3 years. You drew with them twice having spent £250m, if you think we're the team being laughed at you're sadly mistaken.
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