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Grumpy Git

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Everything posted by Grumpy Git

  1. Midfield? No sorry, you've got me there.
  2. Was he the utter nosher we had away at Barnsley last season?
  3. He (along with others, especially Bird), had an absolute shocker.
  4. After flattering to deceive in December, reality has finally hit home, we're really not very good (and it's a s**** league).
  5. Can someone please tell me what Bird brings to this team?
  6. It'll be drier in 'Spoons, (on the outside at least).
  7. Who's using AI? _________________________________________ Not since I got mesen a bull at Bakewell market.
  8. Tell them to get stuffed and move on.
  9. Is that a week or a month RA? Asking for a friend. 🤔
  10. She'd definitely be welcome to the best 90 seconds of my life.
  11. Poor Things Frankenstein meets Edward Scissorhands and Only Fans! Enjoyed this black comedy immensely. Emma Stone is hilarious. Paul Jewell (for context only), otherwise 9/10.
  12. 'Trickle down' on anything other than a lemon drizzle cake is the biggest con and load of bollox since Adam was created.
  13. Earnest Saunders (Guinness - insider trading) got released early as his matey doctor saod he had Alzheimer's disease. He made a miraculous recovery once released, the only person ever to do so. Barstards the pair of them, may they rot in hell.
  14. The whole of L1 put together is only €220m. 😂 Blackpool had plenty of chances to win that.
  15. His shooting hasn't improved tho.
  16. I can just imagine pulling into the filling/charging station............ 'Eight ounces of plutonium please' (what could possibly go wrong)?
  17. I can't remember the actual figures, but the privitised railway operators get something like 5x the subsidies in real terms than the old British Rail. But it's perfectly acceptable now, as that money is being trousered by shareholders!!!
  18. A bit like Bernie Ecclestone in his bribery case in Germany. He paid £60,000,000 and basically became 'innocent'. Shameless.
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