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Everything posted by Archied

  1. Yep you have ( so pretty much since he walked through the door ), win lose draw , top 2 scorers in division, about the same defensively , scored some cracking goals in terms of passing , there are some who state warne faults in they’re eyes who in listen to and see some points , your not one of those ,,, not a single positive thing to say and you disappear when we are winning then turn up full of glee filling threads if we so much as drop a point 😂😂😂😂
  2. Hence the word all and Russia first invaded though I’m sure if you go back through recent history it’s all pretty murky re other countries foreign policy and meddling to suit money and power interests in regions, yes a bit utopian but the truth is until the world comes together and stays together on the concept that war is a crime nothing changes , any leader waging war on another state is a criminal, not the ordinary people of that country , as for what’s going on in the streets of this country now regards the mess in the Middle East , it’s extremely worrying, sides are being picked and strong stances taken by people who often do not have the first clue of what a mess it is or the slightest inclination to try to look at anything other than they’re own stance , we have now reached a generational point where we are so far removed from the two world wars that people have forgotten/ never experienced what the end result of intransigent aggressive side taking leads to ,it’s pretty intimidating and scary times
  3. 😂😂😂😂😂, does that apply to warnes time at Rotherham or liams time at hull ,,, or anybody you may approve of bringing in , it a bit like saying your posting numbers when derby are winning has nothing to do with when derby are losing
  4. We will go round in circles until we all accept the war is a crime and those at the top who wage it are criminals,,, never mind war crimes
  5. You are spot on , 1, is it better or worse for old users before he took over ? Don’t know , it would appear not at this point 2, is he the free speech champion/ hero ? In my view ,,,,, meet the new boss , same as the old boss ,,, same wonky ,different slant 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. To be fair it’s a very small sample , though in all honesty I believe a fit mcg would have helped rosenior too , my point is in football the one constant is ,,, you never know , liam could have been fantastic but he could have had a stinker , he could do well at hull come back here and have a stinker same for warne , im only really interested in the here and now at this point , warne was brought in to get us up which is vital to the finances of the club , we are in the shake up and personally I’m not enjoying the style any less than Roseniors , if warne fails to get promotion in the time scale clowes expects the he is gone ,,, it’s that simple for me 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. Was it after a loss by any chance😂
  8. Yes ,,, seemed to work well at Birmingham too
  9. Brenda from Bristol,,,,,,, ANOTHER ONE
  10. MIGHT being the operative word , in your view and most anti warne posters liam and warne set up and play in a totally different way , now the way warne did things brought out a fantastic season from mc g , there is no garuantee that liams way would have done the same , it’s all ifs and buts and again personal opinion/ choice , I really didn’t enjoy what liam was serving up apart from the promising charlton away 🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. Personally I think we have to play two up top if we have players available for the rest of the season
  12. But they wernt selling entertainment, they were selling a competitive football match between two teams of eleven human beings who with the best will in the world are not and never going to be at the top level of they’re chosen field of employment, maybe the club should knock football on the head and do 90 mins of the rammettes cheer leading and perhaps a short play or some jugglers at half time 🤷🏻‍♂️
  13. Renewed our two season tickets this morning 🐏😀
  14. Well that was a poo end to a nice holiday, taxi got us back from Gatwick with 10 mins to spare before kick off ( on rtv ), wasn’t sure on the team but we seemed to start ok with real tempo and intent , got a goal and then it just fell apart ,, ffs what is wildsmith doing 🤷🏻‍♂️, from then on the result / ending seemed pretty clear to a long time derby fan , our players and perhaps the management team just don’t seem to have the balls when we get into good position to kick on in games and cementing top two , last night was probably the most disappointing this season , there’s only one chance and that s that the players and management put last night behind them with the attitude that the season starts here , over to you warne and the boys 🤷🏻‍♂️
  15. Strangers OUT , they don’t give the youngsters a chance booooo
  16. Yep seems strange to me too ,, many games this season have shown as almost sell outs in the buying ticket section along with feeling pretty full yet attendance announced 26 to 27 k , assumed that was st holders not at game no longer counted as has been stated 🤷🏻‍♂️
  17. That’s why the post started with the word personaly and was in answer to the opposite opinion being expressed ,, showing not everyone agrees with them 🤷🏻‍♂️
  18. How on earth do some keep talking about the manger without mentioning the match or there not even being one for that matter , it’s the same old tripe over and over again and there’s a thread for it which used to be multiple threads for it , read my posts in match days lately and you will find I almost always keep it to the match and snippets of the day , they are kept pretty short and not 27 paragraphs of why I love warne and why I think he is the right fit for derby , or why I think he’s the right man to lead us to the prem and beyond and why I think he is great for our young players and why I love his interviews and why I love his dress sense ect ect ect ect , getting my drift ? I bet not,,,, yawn 🤷🏻‍♂️
  19. Well watched it on rtv as away on holiday , narrow loss away from home against an in form promotion rival with both sides guilty of giving the ball away cheaply and poor decision making or final ball in attack , the game was edged by one bit of quality in theyre goal , very often in these games it’s us with a bit of quality, disappointed but not disheartened, angie is right though , these match threads are just warne out posting areas and perhaps mods need to look at that , im certainly finding that rather than devouring every post in the match day thread as I used to im getting a couple of lines into most and just scrolling on to the next , it’s the same old over and over again and all to often very little to do with the game the topic is supposed to be about but just a list of past and future reasons the manager in posters minds is not acceptable for derby county , I know one thing for sure , if I was warne and read this forum I would be thinking duck this club ,im off 🤷🏻‍♂️
  20. Personally don’t get that , the championship is not some massive upgrade in my eyes in terms of being bored at home games , watching my team compete is what it all about for me but each to they’re own
  21. Thought we had shelved the warne out thread🤷‍♂️
  22. The key is extremist/ radical, the word in front matters not whether it be trans , Muslim ,left wing, right wing or whatever , we have nothing to fear from trans people or Muslims ect , it’s extremists and the totaly selfish that are causing all these problems and division , it must be a bloody scary time for the majority of trans people who as far as I can see are being pushed out into the firing line when in most cases all they want to do and have often done for many years is quietly go about they’re lives , be as happy as they can and not harm any bugger else, im just starting a book by a trans woman that I’ve seen being interviewed a few times ( holiday reading perhaps not for everyone) and am trying to get a better understanding of an issue that has for some reason become a massive divide ( divide and rule ?) in our society today , problem is not too many take or have the time / inclination to seek out info and views to get a balance but rather get buffeted by headlines and snippets that are often misleading or total lies🤷🏻‍♂️
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