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Posts posted by LincsRam

  1. Where to start on this game..

    Plenty of possession but poor decisions for crossing etc apart from once, not enough midfielders joining the attack in the box.
    Plange was held back in the penalty box in front of the ref with the defender having a handful of his shirt

    Curtis was definitely fouled in the goal, they both had hold of each other but before he shot the Cardiff player pulled Curtis out of the way.
    The ref too me didnt want to make any decisions so let anything go, which normally ends up punishing us more as we normaly play more football
    Plange had a poor game, no anticipation & times he had the ball in the box tried to dribble through players and lost it, ebo played well in patches but again seems to more often that not run into dead ends.

    Morrison had one of his better games but should have buried that header, anywhere else it goes in. That was our chance, same as CKR blast over against Luton in the 2nd minute, we dont make many chances so we HAVE to take them.

    The passing between Alsopp, Curtis & Cashin drove me nuts, constantly slowed the play down and nearly every time ended up with a big boot by Alsopp to Cardiff, absolutely pointless keeping possession to just do that, many time Curtis or Cashin had 20 yards of free space in front of them and still played it back. Cashin did defend well though, the passing back must be coached into them??

    6 of our youth teams on the pitch IIRC, bodes well for the future COYR

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