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Posts posted by LincsRam

  1. 2 minutes ago, DanS1992 said:

    Perspective for what? Our suicidal start to the first half? They were always going to be better that the crap they showed first half. We should have been composed enough to withstand the inevitable first 15 min in which Mowbray was evidently going to get them fired up for. Instead we pisch about at the back and show absolutely appalling game management.

    Perspective as in, we havent played bad for 75 minutes

  2. 1 minute ago, Indy said:

    Are we ever going to ditch the suicidal passing it around in our box unnecessarily?

    Nope we won't.

    We were lucky a couple of times in the first half with fannying as well.

    Alsopp scares the crap out of me, he takes an age to kick the ball, hence getting charged down early in the 2nd half.

    We ALWAYS make mistakes in defence with this bloody passing about, we are not Barcelona, we are Derby with championship players.

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