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Everything posted by Tamworthram

  1. I get the joke of course but there is a serious side. Every time Sibley plays, the chap sitting next to me makes some comment about how long it will be before he is booked. I have to keep reminding him that Sibley has matured a lot since his bad old days and is no more likely to get booked than any other player.
  2. In particular their CH. He may be good at heading and lumping the ball forward but not so good in open play. That’s why Derby were content to let him have the ball. Sibley had a good game yesterday (and not just for scoring “two” goals) but let’s not pretend he is the new messiah
  3. That load of drivel will give any sports journalists comfort to know AI is unlikely to put them out of a job any time soon.😀
  4. So still Warne out even if we were to get promoted, and sign players and start to play a style of football that you approve of? I know the latter is unlikely but how can you say “always will be”? Did he run over your cat or something?
  5. I watched the TV series with the real David Fishwick (I think. I'm going to look silly now when I find out it wasn't him 😀) rather than the film. A heart warming story indeed although I did find his incredibly positive and can do attitude a tad annoying at times. He'd struggle with this forum at times. 😄
  6. I watched Ferrari on Now TV last night. Perhaps I wasn’t concentrating enough as I found it a little boring and disappointing. 4/10
  7. Quite possibly/probably but as others have said, even Pep shows respect and recognises the potential threat of a much lower opposition in his press conferences.
  8. So if it matters not what Paul Warne says, why are some people criticising him (or liking the criticism) for what he said in a press conference? As for your assumption that I don’t seem to understand, I think it’s wrong to say that it doesn’t matter what he says. I agree that it doesn’t really matter what he says in the press conference (that’s kind of my point) but it absolutely matters what he says to the players. Anyone that has managed people will know that. Maybe he is showing the other team too much respect but not in what he says in a press conference which is what we’re talking about.
  9. This particular debate is about what PW said in his pre match press conference. I’m saying anyone who is criticising Warne for showing the opposition some respect in a press conference but doesn’t accept the concept that what he says to the players behind closed could be a tad different is probably either a little naive or just looking for another chance to have a pop at Warne.
  10. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised really. Just the usual suspects trying to find any opportunity to have a pop at PW.
  11. Do you really not think there may be chance that PW may say to the players something along the lines of "I know I said how good the opposition are in my press conference but that was just for the public. We shouldn't have anything to fear - this is a game we should be winning. However, let's not be complacent. There still may be ways they can hurt us if we're not on our game"?
  12. Haven't we had this conversation before? Do you not realise that what he says in press conferences is for public consumption and it's only right that he shows respect to the opposition (regardless of how rubbish they may be). Who, in their right minds, wants to hear him say in a press conference "we will will win this one"? Do you think that if Man City had played Maidstone in the FA Cup Pep would have said "we will win this"? As for worrying, who says he is worrying? I just see it as him as either a) just saying something to sound polite and/or b) recognising that regardless of what position the opposition are in they may pose some kind of threat. It feels a bit like groundhog day but I'll repeat what I said last time you raised this further excuse to have a moan at PW: I'm convinced that what he says publicly and what he says to the players is very unlikely to be the same thing. I'm sure (and hope) than when he speaks to the players he will be telling them that this is definitely a game we should be winning. However, even in that more private conversation, I'm sure, whilst wanting to instilling confidence he will be wary being complacent. I really don't understand why you, and those that liked your post, can't see this and seem to take such comments way too seriously.
  13. I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone that is a consistently enjoying the football at the moment. But I for one am enjoying the occasional passages of play (sadly though, far too occasional), the number of games we are winning (sadly though, the sense of satisfaction is often overshadowed by a sense of relief) and the fact that we currently sit second in the league (sadly though, I now think it’s very unlikely we’ll end the season there). I am a little apprehensive about next season, regardless of what division we’re in but, I’ll worry about that once we know who we’re up against and who we sign/retain in the summer.
  14. Have you actually read @Caerphilly Ram’s post?
  15. Very kind of you to think of me. I’m a trustee on two charity boards, one of which is Citizens Advice, and this does quite interest me. I do wonder though if it should be someone more local? Tamworth isn’t that far but a Derby based supporter might be more appropriate 🤷🏻
  16. No I agree and get your point.
  17. I don’t to take too much notice of pre and post match interviews other than for injury updates. This is especially the case for interviews straight after the game when the manager hasn’t had a great deal of time to watch replays or fully prepare. Having said that, whilst not always being as specific as you are seeking, I have noticed him saying things like “I got it wrong in the first half” and, on occasions, saying “that includes me”. I’ve heard him saying he got the original formation wrong (or similar) but never heard him say he got the substitutions wrong. Regarding the Charlton game, I don’t think he had a great deal of choice about taking off Adams and Smith so really the only questions for me would be: did he bring the right players on (he’d probably say “maybe, maybe not”) and why did he leave it so late to bring CBT on. In any event, well done for starting another thread to criticise PW when one already exists. Mods, can we not combine this one with the existing one?
  18. I sort of get why some people are hesitating (especially those travelling long distances) but for me it’s a kind of addiction. I support Derby County and want to see them play (and hopefully win with style every now and then - there’s nowt wrong with dreaming). For me, whilst I’d like them to be competing at the top end of the Premier League, it doesn’t matter what division we’re playing in. I’m not overly enamoured with PW, or the style of football he prefers to play, but I can’t think of any manager being appointed that would cause me not to renew. The way I see it is there are four scenarios I can think of, none of which would cause me to hesitate: 1) We get promoted this year and are comfortable in the Championship next season (I’ll worry about the style of football we play if and when we get there) 2) We get promoted this year but struggle/get relegated next season (PW will probably be gone) 3) We don’t get promoted this year but do really well next season (with no justification or rationale I have a feeling this is the most likely) 4) We don’t get promoted this year and don’t do anything special next year (PW will probably be gone at some point during the season) In any event, I’ll probably renew next month. There’s no hurry but also no point in waiting until the last minute and risk forgetting. COYR
  19. I don’t really think you can judge Rooney’s ability based on his time at Derby. Bizarrely, he had the advantage of us competing in the face of adversity. It was backs against the wall, us versus the rest of the world (well, the EFL) that helped galvanise and unite the club, both on and off the pitch. Whilst he may have set teams up to be more attacking and entertaining it’s impossible to know if he’d had been able to get the performances out of the players that he did had we been competing under normal circumstances. His time in the US and at Birmingham suggest not.
  20. What exactly are the "principles of his real estate business"?
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