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Posts posted by admira

  1. On 03/12/2022 at 20:28, Tamworthram said:

    My brother used to live in Montreal, just west of Carcasonne but now lives in Rouffiac D’Aude about 16km south of the city. A very nice part of the world.

    We looked at a property in Montreal last Saturday, amongst others with a view to buy.

    The wife has now found an apartment overlooking the town square in Carcassonne so this Sunday we are flying to Toulouse, getting a train to Carcassonne, doing the viewing, taxi back to airport and home in time for Happy Valley, all on the same day.

    We are mad and must be on Greta Thunberg's hitlist.

  2. We are watching Motorhoming with Merton and Webster on C5, just because we have a VW camper.

    Paul Merton (who comes over as a bit of a dawk) and his patient wife Suki Webster.  Worth a watch if you like travel programmes.

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