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Petrol, Pasties, Stamps...


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Anybody ever seen this on the History Channel? At least our truckers don't drive for a few hundred miles on a frozen river! 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />


Was about to mention this funilly enough, seen the Andes versions where they drive on crumbling roads thousands of feet up!

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re :- the stamps ..does that mean we will get less junk mail ?..hope so...

tanker drivers..£45k a year is it ?..bout 3 times what I get..

they are very well paid, average wage is £30k for a fully qualified driver (but hey, the Sun and the Mail have found some who earn £45k) so these greedy drivers must have created the recession. The point is, they have fought for good wages on the basis that they go through proper training. If a driver is off sick for more than 3 months they have to be updated and retrained because of the ever changing safety laws and procedures from their companies.

The agency drivers don't get this training (obviously, as it costs money). but it works out cheaper for the multi-national conglomerates who distribute and own the oil.

The drivers are being represented as evil greedy union people trying to ruin the country. They are actually doing nothing different than they have for the last 20 years. They merely want to maintain what they've got.

I must be a bit old fashioned as I believe that a group of workers who pay their tax without ever trying to evade/avoid it are more useful than a bunch of gamblers who take their profits offshore.

Well paid lorry drivers are more likely to spend their money in the UK than their bosses who hide in tax havens.

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Was about to mention this funilly enough, seen the Andes versions where they drive on crumbling roads thousands of feet up!

Yep, I've seen them Cumbrian, talk about dicing with death! That's not a job for the faint hearted is it?

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Yep, I've seen them Cumbrian, talk about dicing with death! That's not a job for the faint hearted is it?

Weirdly enough, one of the main reasons I joined the TA as a driver is so that I could get qualified up as bus / hgv / hazmat driver, and, if all turns to ***** hear, I planned to go drive buses across the Andes in Peru. but if drivers are earning £30,000 a year here. I might just stick around for a bit longer.

TA is brilliant for this, by the way, drivers say they deserve to earn so much because they're so highly qualified, but in the TA we get the same qualifications, do the same job, and more, training to do it in Afghan, and we get paid about £42 a day for the privilege. I'm not moaning, I actually think it's brilliant that we get all this training, and get paid for it. And I'm perfectly willing to go off and serve my time to give something back. But my point is that for every civvy job, there is an army job where they do it harder, faster, and in more dangerous conditions, and get paid half as much, and don't get the credit for it.

And you don't find squadies going on strike.

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Weirdly enough, one of the main reasons I joined the TA as a driver is so that I could get qualified up as bus / hgv / hazmat driver, and, if all turns to ***** hear, I planned to go drive buses across the Andes in Peru. but if drivers are earning £30,000 a year here. I might just stick around for a bit longer.

TA is brilliant for this, by the way, drivers say they deserve to earn so much because they're so highly qualified, but in the TA we get the same qualifications, do the same job, and more, training to do it in Afghan, and we get paid about £42 a day for the privilege. I'm not moaning, I actually think it's brilliant that we get all this training, and get paid for it. And I'm perfectly willing to go off and serve my time to give something back. But my point is that for every civvy job, there is an army job where they do it harder, faster, and in more dangerous conditions, and get paid half as much, and don't get the credit for it.

And you don't find squadies going on strike.

Agree with all that TT.

Lorry drivers trying to maintain their current wages and conditions though will benefit squaddies who wish to use their skills in this type of work when they leave the service.

The alternative is temporary, agency work on lower pay. Surely well paid, skilled jobs are worth fighting for?

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has TigerTed got Tiger Feet?

I don't, but my daughter's teddy bear in a tiger suit does. For the purposes of this conversation, my TA unit's nickname is the Tigers (it's in Leicestershire, there is some sort of weird tiger affiliation in Leicester, hence the rugby team, I don't really get it). In reality though, that's a total coincidence, and the real originations of the name is a very long story for another day.

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I don't, but my daughter's teddy bear in a tiger suit does. For the purposes of this conversation, my TA unit's nickname is the Tigers (it's in Leicestershire, there is some sort of weird tiger affiliation in Leicester, hence the rugby team, I don't really get it). In reality though, that's a total coincidence, and the real originations of the name is a very long story for another day.

Maybe the story involves tigers? 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />

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The price of stamps amuses me. I sent my sis a letter on Wednesday (she lives in Oz), I walked in the post office armed with a tenner as I thought it might be a bit pricey. The actual cost to send it airmail was £1.10 - but yet it costs 60p for me to post a letter what's only going a few miles here? Can someone explain that one to me?

The pricing is to do with the Universal Postal Service, whilst it is an EU directive virtually all 1st world countries adhere to it.


re :- the stamps ..does that mean we will get less junk mail ?..hope so...

Not a chance, possibly get more as the business mail is completly different. If you sent 10,000 items 1st Class you would expect to pay £6,000 when the new tariff comes in.

A business that is set up for generating junk mail would have a business account with Royal Mail, and depending on how well they prepare their mailouts their cost could be as low as £2,800, less than half price.

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