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We are now accepting mediocrity


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What's 'accepting', just out of interest?

I'm p*ssed off that we got beat on Saturday, I'm p*ssed off whenever we get beat.

Does 'not accepting' mean not going to the games? Or protesting? Or booing?

Things would have to get a whole lot worse for me to consider not going to matches. Personally I don't think things are that bad - frustrating, yes, but I don't think we're a club in crisis.

I've made my feelings clear on Clough - I think he's doing an OK job, if we could afford a better manager we should do it, but realistically we can't, so I feel like I should give him, and the team, my complete support. What pleases me is the youth players that are starting to come through, and I think that's a promising sign for the future. I've had comments like 'don't be a fool, they're only doing that because the board won't/can't spend any money' - isn't that the point of organic growth at a football club?

I don't like mediocrity, but with a mediocre team, working on a less than mediocre budget, I guess I should probably expect it.

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Part of the problem with a lack of protests etc is that fans can't agree on what to protest about. A section believe its a lack of investment that is causing our current situation whereby we seem to just produce boring footy and end up safe but lower table. Others say its Nigel and others are happy that everything will come good given time. How do you protest or make the fans feelings known as a collective? You can't as the fans as a collective don't agree.

In regards to where the blame is (if you think there even is blame). I can't agree that a reduced wage bill is mitigation for Nigel. I've had this argument with Shilts on here but my main point is it does not matter what the previous manager was paying people. If you argue that our wage structure is too low, fine. If you argue we don't spend enough on transfers, fine. But to say someone is doing well just because someone did equally as bad whilst spending more money just doesn't make sense.

As for the points mentioned above. If people do feel our wage structure is too low or we spend too little on transfers then I'd like to see the proof. As in where's your basis for this. If you can show me other clubs wage structure for players or their transfer spending and we can see we are low down in those tables then that would be compelling evidence and I think a lot of people would agree. At the moment there's a lot of theories and rumours being spouted as fact (no money for loans, Spurs paying Carroll's wages as long as he plays every game, etc). As of yet I've nothing or read nothing which shows we are misers in this league. For those who state as a fact that we are then I simply ask for proof, not theory or opinion being stated as fact.

Also considering the 'conditions' and 'forced sales of players' can anyone tell me any players that we've HAD to lose due to finances that would get in our first team now?

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What is the obsession with NET spend? Look at the team top of the table and tell me what there NET spend has been over the last 10 years when they have sold Walcott, Bale and Oxlade Chamberlain for massive fees.

You brought the spend up, I was pointing out I didn't know where we stood and didn't see what you point was.

As regards to Southampton, as you said in another post, do your research, how many we're sold pre administration ???

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Cloughie's a mediocre manager so what we will get with him is mediocrity.

Over three years, he's:

Bought some good players, some bad ones.

Made some good tactical decisions, some bad ones.

Got the team playing well, had them playing poorly.

Been on some good runs, been on some bad ones.

So the average of all that is somewhere between good and bad, which I guess is mediocre.

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but he has spent over 2 million this year, he bought in 10 players almost an entire team. All nigel has achieved is getting rid of expensive crap for cheap crap. I put it to any thinking man woman or child out there that in reality that isn't all that difficult to do. Our best player at the moment wasn't someone nigel bought in but Steve Davies who Jewell bought in.


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I very rarely post now, but do read threads. I am amazed at how Derby fans are now just accepting mediocrity from Derby County. On and off the pitch we are in just a sorry state of affairs.

After yesterdays game, Watford are now above us in the table. FFS - Watford.

Glick has shamefully exploited Derby Fans. "We're building a top 6 team" and all.

Match days are not entertaining - they cannot even be bothered to remove the poster advertising some Sky Sports Wrestling event from November last year!!!

And Clough now has a winning percentage of 31.48%. A poor right mid playing on the left, a loan signing who I am convinced has a 'must-play' clause, no back up at right or left back and this is the position Clough/GSE have got us in 162 games since Clough first arrived.

I'm amazed that there is no protests against Clough or GSE on match days by and large. This is why I think Glick has pulled the wool over your eyes.

I see us going absolutely nowhere with both at the club.

Now this is the bit where I will get shot down - I absolutely do not care how we do on Tuesday. I hope its not a draw. I still support my team, I have renewed paying my slight 10% increase (More Wool over your eyes), but if we win, great, if we lose (Helps Forest stay safe which i want because I want to go to these games!) and it will help push you people further away from supporting the current regime.


I have no time for the board and was part of the protests last season. I will support the manager as I would with most managers (except Warnock), I supported Jewell whilst he was here although could not see the long term plan apart from spend money we didn't have and pray for success. Davies was a hard one as near the end of the season saw the lack of bottle which seaps through to the team and the inability to deliver on a what should be - before anyone jumps on this two failed playoffs with Preston, Automatic Promotion squandered with us and scraped through playoffs and provided the base for the season of hell and then fluffed it twice with Forest he is a short term manager not long term.

For me GSE needs to be ousted but can't see this happening though.

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but he has spent over 2 million this year, he bought in 10 players almost an entire team. All nigel has achieved is getting rid of expensive crap for cheap crap. I put it to any thinking man woman or child out there that in reality that isn't all that difficult to do. Our best player at the moment wasn't someone nigel bought in but Steve Davies who Jewell bought in.

Late night how on earth can you say that our best player is Steve Davies. The only reason this is the case is because people only remember goals scored which admittedly he has done. Barker and Shackell in the whole have been playing consistantly well since December. At the moment I would say our best players have been Shackell Barker don't forget Fielding with some top quality saves, Bryson seeing as he has been playing out of position but yet has not been raped like some other players. Hendrick having to cover two people in midfield as Carroll is usesless. Steve Davies has come back into the side and scores and immediately think he is the best player. He struggled in the last 30mins Saturday but battled on.

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After clearing out the squad from the Scot and the Scouse, the permitted major player investment has been restricted to centre-halves and a competent goalkeeper.

That confirms that Championship survival and water-treading is the happy-clappy order of the day from GSE.

Big stadium, large loyal fanbase, European networking knowledge gained, management fees rolling in year-on-year.

Safe and steady, keep it simple, is the maxim; investing in exciting players like schemers and strikers costs significantly more and crucially, success would set the investment group the task of funding a promoted side capable of consolidation.

Being stingy and presiding over another another 'Prem season horribilis' would put the final nail in their credibility and it would surely be 'all change' again.

So the question remains - if it is not self-answering - is there *real* ambition or impetus to 'establish DCFC in the Premier League and make the club a global brand?

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Why is it GSE who made us buy defenders? Surely that's the managers remit and to be honest building from the back isn't something I disagree with. Are you saying that we can't find a striker for a million pound?

You're right we've spent about 2 and a half million at the back and it's all GSE's fault and shows their lack of ambition. Poor Nigel he desperately wanted that money for attacking players but the board said no and forced him to sign defenders.

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Why is it GSE who made us buy defenders? Surely that's the managers remit and to be honest building from the back isn't something I disagree with. Are you saying that we can't find a striker for a million pound?

You're right we've spent about 2 and a half million at the back and it's all GSE's fault and shows their lack of ambition. Poor Nigel he desperately wanted that money for attacking players but the board said no and forced him to sign defenders.

Or maybe the budget changed, let's not forget its glick who is in charge of bringing the players in, hence the need according to him To bring in a DOF, did clough give him a list that only a couple of the players on it got signed and then the money got cut?

I think the real answer is they are both as bad as each other, I wouldn't be surprised to see performance bonuses being replaced by financial ones, and remember its our owners who say NC is for the job and NC saying the owners are giving him all he wants.

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The manager will hand over his shopping list, fair enough, and common sense says build a defence first....but wouldn't we wager that a Sharp or a Lambert-type signing (or a more fiesty midfield player than [say] Bueno or Tyson) wasn't on the list at the same time - but not authorised due to budget permitted?

Kuqi got a good short term offer from the Geordies, many couldn't understand why he was junked; Luke Moore was set to sign, but went to Swansea...lucky miss for him, as he's progressing, and nicked the winner against Man City on Sunday....

There's a list of strikers we've seen touted but missed (or avoided) - many for less than a £million - by Derby because other clubs put their money where their mouth is 'up front' in the team as well as for the basics in defence.

Yes, yes, high wages would have been the shout for some, you'll say - but we are not matching the recruitment/wage investment of teams well below us on half the gates.

We can't progress to take a leap if we only add a piece of the jigsaw per season....

The best players want more success, better players will not be attracted to plodding Derby.

The low-budget philosophy communicates inside the game too, so that coveted players (via their agents) will be steered well away from PPS, despite our wonderful heritage, fabulous fans, great facilities, blahh

Expect little but hot air this summer again!

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You my friend are spot on, now I'm gonna get shot down coz I've been saying this for ages, for me Clough hasn't had a chance yet, he's had some success with barker, Shackell, Brayford and bailey so to judge him with no investment makes me feel uneasy. Odd decisions, yes, Addison v Buxton , odd oh yes, Carroll over bailey , now I'm convincing myself he's to blame ! Derby fans are fickle, always have been, always will be, GSE are laughing at us. Listened to talk in tonight and some guy said he won't renew his 6 tickets as £3,000 can be spent elsewhere and until GSE say they want promotion he won't buy. Those prawn sandwich eating, corporate love ins that Bloomfield and Gibson have with Derby has blinded them. GSE said that we would challenge this season, very half hearted attempt in my opinion but Bloomfield and Gibson should be picking up on this and act like journalists not loves truck teenagers and get these facts out there.

They could put pressure on GSE, Glick and keep the pressure on them, tomorrow is immaterial , will we win ? For me it doesn't look good but I will always support my team, never ever boo them but that's what makes GSE isn't it, there are 20 thousand plus just like me and they know it.

Want them yanks out once and for all and have a board with some honesty and integrity even if we are skint, we have watched division 3 football before and I don't care if we watch it agin with honest owners not telling lies every time they open their mouths.

Yanks out yanks out !!!!!!!

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You my friend are spot on, now I'm gonna get shot down coz I've been saying this for ages, for me Clough hasn't had a chance yet, he's had some success with barker, Shackell, Brayford and bailey so to judge him with no investment makes me feel uneasy. Odd decisions, yes, Addison v Buxton , odd oh yes, Carroll over bailey , now I'm convincing myself he's to blame ! Derby fans are fickle, always have been, always will be, GSE are laughing at us. Listened to talk in tonight and some guy said he won't renew his 6 tickets as £3,000 can be spent elsewhere and until GSE say they want promotion he won't buy. Those prawn sandwich eating, corporate love ins that Bloomfield and Gibson have with Derby has blinded them. GSE said that we would challenge this season, very half hearted attempt in my opinion but Bloomfield and Gibson should be picking up on this and act like journalists not loves truck teenagers and get these facts out there.

They could put pressure on GSE, Glick and keep the pressure on them, tomorrow is immaterial , will we win ? For me it doesn't look good but I will always support my team, never ever boo them but that's what makes GSE isn't it, there are 20 thousand plus just like me and they know it.

Want them yanks out once and for all and have a board with some honesty and integrity even if we are skint, we have watched division 3 football before and I don't care if we watch it agin with honest owners not telling lies every time they open their mouths.

Yanks out yanks out !!!!!!!

I remember Graham Richards launching his crusade to protest against Maxwell, giving out his phone number and telling everyone to call it to cause him issues.

He wouldn't have licked anyones arse for a prawn sandwich!

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After clearing out the squad from the Scot and the Scouse, the permitted major player investment has been restricted to centre-halves and a competent goalkeeper.

That confirms that Championship survival and water-treading is the happy-clappy order of the day from GSE.

Big stadium, large loyal fanbase, European networking knowledge gained, management fees rolling in year-on-year.

Safe and steady, keep it simple, is the maxim; investing in exciting players like schemers and strikers costs significantly more and crucially, success would set the investment group the task of funding a promoted side capable of consolidation.

Being stingy and presiding over another another 'Prem season horribilis' would put the final nail in their credibility and it would surely be 'all change' again.

So the question remains - if it is not self-answering - is there *real* ambition or impetus to 'establish DCFC in the Premier League and make the club a global brand?

I spoke to someone recently who sees Glick socially and Glick told him that they did not want to be promoted to the PL. The reason given was that it cost them £20 million last time in crap players and paying off contracts. If this is true then it leaves me scratching my head as to the purpose of them being here.

Possibly make money from their Mall ?

Develop players from the academy and sell on for a profit ?

It would explain the lack of passion from the players in games such as saturday. If there is no drive to be promoted then from here on in then the remaining games this season are just dead rubbers ( with the exception of tomorrow obviously). They should be honest with fans and sell season tickets that provide a refund for all the remaining games each season once we achieve 50 points.

One final thing, those happy fans who keep reminding us that its a long job and that we are building a team can explain to me why we were prepared to sell Bailey to the first team who made a bid for him. Isn't he just the sort of player you claim we are building a team with ?

COYR's for tomorrow, Goodbye Glick forever

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