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unlucky rams hard nght


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well the lads shoot themselfs in the 1st half in a mad half an hour in which we let in 3 goals in which until tonigh we have not concead in 5 games ow well unbeaten streak is over, but the lads gave everything they could and tried to get themself out of the mess they found them selfs in, but played some great football of which we all know they can do. but the comeback nearly happened derby threw everything but the kicthen sink at barnslay just did not have that last bif of fire power we needed, but one good thing take from tonigh is that gave spirted performance and every rams fan can take a defeat when play like that. it sounded like derby tried to play football like very did i against stoke we out played from start to finnish. anyways if derby can play like they did tonight in the secound half derby should have no probleams in the secound half.

Come ON You rams

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You overrate Derby massively. We have a really good keeper. Our 2 centre backs can defend, but can't pass the ball for the life of them. Our midfield is totally overrated including Jamie Ward. Either hes only got one plan or hes juust given up taking players on like he used too. Up front we don't have a striker that looks as though he can score 20+ goals. This is not a promotion team B4. Its far off. And worst of all? Cloughs been at the club what, 3years now? And hes only just got his back 4 in place. Barker is 30 this year, Roberts 34 in a few days, and Shackell 29 this year. By the time the rest of the team is ready for the prem (3-4yrs?) Nige's back 4 that hes been so excited about will old and in need of replacement. (Roberts sooner that the others).

Without proper investment Derby County are going to be in the Championship for a long time to come. So yeah, COYR an all, but I'm getting bored of going to see Derby scrape results. I go the match to see football being played. Teams like Derby are the reason football is broadcast on the radio.

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Excuse me, I was there, the come back was on, but the ref didn't give us anything in the box. One clear cut, in our eyes, peno, the way they played second half did surgest to me that a come back was on.

Barnsley looked unsteady after the first went in, and then came the nailed on peno, a boot in the face? No foul?

But I bow down to your opinion as you obviously saw the result and made your mind up from that. Fair play, we lost.

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Don't always agree with what Boycie says but how on earth can someone who was not even there (and probably didn't even listen to the match) comment on whether the comeback was on or not?!

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The "lads" didn't "find themselves 3 down" they were the reason they were 3 down!! And the "great comeback" was never on, we got a goal on the last minute to flatter us, and again paper over some of the cracks.

Sunday is going to be harder than people think.

A lot harder now they've got Higginbotham.

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A lot harder now they've got Higginbotham.

The only things that should make this game difficult is the fact that it is a local Derby and, inherently, they are very unpredictable, and the fact that we have some ex players playing against us.

In terms of form, we are playing against a team who have only scored in 1 of the last 13 games and who are second to bottom in the table!

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Well I'm not going to hit the panic button just yet. So we had a dire first half. Not ideal I know but it's hardly the end of the world is it? The team will train and refocus in time for Sunday, don't fret.

I can't comment on the match as we weren't there. I'll leave that to the good folks who were. All I know is, from the radio commentary we were all over them in the 2nd half and by the sounds of it, we should have had a definate penalty, with the chance to level it. Unfortunatly the ref had other ideas but that needn't take away from what sounded like a battling 2nd half.

Onwards to Sunday. UTR.

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Excuse me, I was there, the come back was on, but the ref didn't give us anything in the box. One clear cut, in our eyes, peno, the way they played second half did surgest to me that a come back was on.

Barnsley looked unsteady after the first went in, and then came the nailed on peno, a boot in the face? No foul?

But I bow down to your opinion as you obviously saw the result and made your mind up from that. Fair play, we lost.

I too was there, and by the way it was fooking freezing at the end of the game.

The way I say it the first 30 minutes was the worst football display I have seen Derby play for a long long time. Brayford did give away a penalty - he did not need to put hands on him. Gareth Roberts in that 1st half was absolutely shocking at fault for the other 2 goals. I have to say watching him last night I would look at next season and drop him and play young naylor there to get experience. Barnsley were in total control for the 45 mins. Tom Carroll looked way out of his depth and the midfield were over run in the first 45mins and their blonde haired number 11 controlled things in the centre.

I was dreading the second half after watching that display. However when the players came out it was obvious that things had been said to them.

We were a completely different side. We did to them what they did to us in the first half. Carroll looked a completely different player in the second half and boy can he spot passes and has tricky feet (could be the missing element we need over next couple of weeks). Tyson came on and immediately had an impact with his blistering pace and but for a desperation slide tackle in the box blocking a cut back cross we could have scored quite quickly.

For me their were 3 very good penalty shouts. There was the foul on the right side of the box I think on Brayford. There was the handball in the box from the cross and then there was the foul as it came out of the box in that instance on Barker which was not given. The final penalty shout was on Carroll as he jinked into the box. Ward just over the crossbar, carroll with a couple of shots, Tyson putting dangerous balls in to the box. Bryson was another player totally different in the second half and his work rate allowed Carroll time on the ball to start orchestrating the game.

The game was definattelly for the taking and the comeback was more than on. The decisions were not given, for example another freekick should have been given for a foul on Tyson when the ball was coming to him, the ref was 5yrds away and the ball coming to him Barnsley player has both his arms around Tysons waiste not allowing him to move towards the ball, the ref was watching it but saw nothing wrong. The issue I have with the penalty shouts was after each one only a matter of seconds after he would give a freekick for us for something less.

It is easy for people who did not go to the game to comment on the match negatively as that first 45 mins was terrible and no matter what over the radio when 3-0 you tend not listen as well through frustration. However being their you could see this was definately a tale of two halves. A draw would have been fair as they were equally poor as us in the second half as we were in the first half as we did not give them time on the ball.

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Didn't go Rotherham, but don't think many will disagree with your assessment. Dyer first half, excellent and unfortunate second half. Was feeling very downbeat at half time (thinking here we go again), was expecting a negative drab 2nd half display trying to keep the score down with potentially Buxton on to shore things up. Was really pleased to see some ambition to get something out of the game, I'm not sure the team last year would have been up to it. A draw seemed fair but needless to say if you give away 3 first half goals away from home you can count on one hand in 10 years how many times you'll get something from the game, good go though.

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I was there , And yes , the first half was a shambles , but i can take defeats when we play like that second half. Carroll got into the game a lot more second half, Ward wasnt to brilliant , but we did play very well. We had 3 very good penalty claims i thought , and we didnt get 1! If we didn't play so bad first half we could of got all 3 points last night , or a draw. A game of 2 Halves.

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Didn't think the comeback was ever on really. But maybe that's just me. I thought the only time we should have definately had a penalty was when it flicked up off the defenders boot and he handballed it. The others I didn't think were fouls to be honest.

First half we were gash. Second half Barnsley sat back and let us into the game. Deserved to lose. We didn't really create any clear cut chances - we had a few balls into the box, a few aimless punts and a few failed through balls, but nothing of note, other than the second goal.

Ward had a shocker, Barker had a shocker, Roberts had a shocker, Brayford had a shocker, Carroll was poor first half, looked decent in the second.

A big kick up the arse ahead of Sunday.

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I think the lads played well as i was listening on the radio but if the lads can play with heart and passion they showed in the secound half and first half against stoke we stand every chance on sunday, and i think the lad played some good stuff last night in the 2nd half if show them we have faith in the lads things will come good i just know it, but i do think we could play masion bennet on sunday use him on the wing and have 3 up top with nathen tyson and jamie ward and callum ball. that is what i would and we still have some opapions to play in midfield or out wide on the wings.

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