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How would you deal with a burglar in your house?


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Seriously, I can't believe what a Judge said today in court - to a burglar.

"It takes a serious amount of courage to burgle somebody's house".

Can somebody please explain this one to me, because sorry Mr Judge, I'm just not getting it!! 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

What a total arse!


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Seriously, I can't believe what a Judge said today in court - to a burglar.

"It takes a serious amount of courage to burgle somebody's house".

Can somebody please explain this one to me, because sorry Mr Judge, I'm just not getting it!! 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

What a total arse!


I hope his house gets burgled. Then again, I think he was robbed of decency a long time ago.

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I've been burgled whilst I've slept upstairs - I always wondered what would have happened if I'd have nipped down for a drink or something. Thing is, they're in your house and they know you're likely upstairs, so they're ready...you come downstairs, half asleep, you're on the back foot straight away.

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You need to wipe the blood after using it. You can't know what kind of diseases burglars have these days. No wonder it is rusty.

Ahhh, my dad never did tell me why it was so rusty....

I've been burgled whilst I've slept upstairs - I always wondered what would have happened if I'd have nipped down for a drink or something. Thing is, they're in your house and they know you're likely upstairs, so they're ready...you come downstairs, half asleep, you're on the back foot straight away.

I was staying at a girlfriends house. There had been a party there but everyone had left. There were some noises downstairs so she sent me down. I was terrified, I think I took a plate down with me as a weapon... Anyway, it turned out to be one of her friends who somehow had sneaked back in. Ruined my night that did! But still... Probably far safer just to stay upstairs. A good guard dog should do the job!

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I'd just bought a new kitten, he was fast asleep in the kitchen (his name was Gabby, after Gabbiadini) and they stepped over him, got the car keys, pressed the unlock button and the car lit up like a fekin christmas tree on the road 'It's me,, coo eee', the car was recovered two days later during a robbery by the city Hospital - full of tools n stuff - they'd actually pimpd it up a bit, new wheels, alarm......pmsl.

Took my handbag though (a leather one I bought on my honeymoon) and threw the contents of it over some playing fields in Mickleover or somewhere, we were in Duffield at the time.

******** only got done for handling stolen goods because they couldn't prove they'd actually been in and nicked it. Thing was, they would have been done for aggravated burglary, being as they knew we were in the premises at the time.

I'd like to think my dogs would be good guard dogs. I don't think they would though.

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We used to have two bullmastiffs and I didn't worry about burglars, sadly we lost both of them to different strains of cancer within 5 months of each other and I must admit I feel slightly vulnerable without them.

I think I'd try to make a racket and hope they think I'm getting a baseball bat out of the wardrobe or something and scarper.

I have been told if you phone the police and either say you think they are armed or you have a shotgun they'll be round before you hang up...wouldn't like to try that one mind.

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I know Cameron is on about changing the law to 'toughen up the rules on self defense towards burglers'. That's as it should be - good - but if a judge is going to set free a serial burglar and say something like this, how can we have any faith in the justice system?

That man is not courageous, he's nowt but a snivelling coward.

Soldiers are courageous. Somebody quick, tell that judge what the difference is!

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Am I right in thinking some celebrity, got in trouble for police for waving a knife at burglars that broke into her garden when she was home alone with her kids!,

If somebody broke into my house, they deserve whatever they got, coming into my house, Im quite a protective person and if they slipped down the stairs then so be it,

I would do something that they would have to live with forever, ie break their back., Would teach them not to do it again!

Far too soft in this country,

I can remember as a kid my mum and dads house backed onto school fields and we had loads of stuff nicked ie mowers kids toys garden toys etc, my dad was told if he put anything up to prevent a burglar he would be charged and the law is against doing this!!

Absolute joke!

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Happened to my grand parents a fair few years ago when they lived on elm tree avenue every one in the house was in bed my grandad heard a noise it was a burglar breaking in through an open upstairs bathroom window he went in didn't think just clocked the burglar who fell hit his head & was knocked out.

When the police arrived my grandad told them what he had done to which the officer replied "so the burglar came in through the window & slipped on a bar of soap hitting his head in the fall then" 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

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