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How would you deal with a burglar in your house?


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I'd just like to say in response to this Duracell - I'm not the attacking kind either. I was once flashed by some perv and totally froze with fear. I told my legs to run but they could barely walk. But, if someone wanted to nick something of mine which I hold dear, I would have to stop them, or at least try to. I have some stuff in my house that's worthless to others but to me the sentiment attached to them is priceless. Don't even get me started on protecting our kids.

As to murdering them? If I did, it certainly wouldn't be intentional. Saying that though, who knows what they're capable of when the adrenelin is flowing full pelt?

Kids aren't possessions though, they're actual humans, so of course as a parent it's both instinct and duty to protect them.

It's difficult to know exactly what we'd do. I think most of us woudn't pull out a knife, and most burglars wouldn't turn on you. We only hear about these things in the tabloids because they're rare and it's the sort of thing angry people buy newspapers for.

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I get what you say, I'm not exactly champion of the burglars, because as I say, stealing is pretty much the worst crime, and most crimes are stealing in one form or another. But most burglars only want your stuff and the first sign they'll see of you, they'll skidaddle. My advice would be atleast let them have a chance to cheese it before stabbing them with a kitchen knife 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

I can't expect everyone to be the same as me and I can see why stealing something of yours would make you angry. I just have an "oh well" attitude to life, and whenever I lost a shoe or had a ball nicked at school, I always just presumed someone was putting it to better use than me.

I've had people come into our property. The guy turned out to be a drunk not knowing where he was, but it's a good job we didn't assume he was after my Scalextric set.

Blimey Duracell! I wish I did. Sometimes I don't do tolerant.

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That person who robbed an innocent persons house and died..

Ask yourself one question.. Who is most affected by this? Would the world miss a lowlife scum who (by robbing someones house) doesn't give a **** about innocent people.. All for personal gain

The world is better off without lowlifes like this.. People won't miss him, and by being dead, someone out there now can't be affected by his scummery actions.

I personally don't have it in me to kill someone, it's not my job to put these people away.. That's why we have the police, to protect us. But I certainly wouldn't hesitate to give him a left hook to his side and break his ribs.. Then I'd call the police.

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I don't know how the law works in England but in Finland if someone breaks in to your home and you are able to beat the crap out of the robber he will probably sue you for assault. And then court will say you used too much force and fine you more than the robber. Can't see any justice there.

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I get what you say, I'm not exactly champion of the burglars, because as I say, stealing is pretty much the worst crime, and most crimes are stealing in one form or another. But most burglars only want your stuff and the first sign they'll see of you, they'll skidaddle. My advice would be atleast let them have a chance to cheese it before stabbing them with a kitchen knife 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

I can't expect everyone to be the same as me and I can see why stealing something of yours would make you angry. I just have an "oh well" attitude to life, and whenever I lost a shoe or had a ball nicked at school, I always just presumed someone was putting it to better use than me.

I've had people come into our property. The guy turned out to be a drunk not knowing where he was, but it's a good job we didn't assume he was after my Scalextric set.

If i thought there was a chance of them running then i'd let em go.

But in the middle of the night or whatever, hearing somebody in my living room? What would you honestly do mate?

I'd confront them, but i'd be so scared of them hurting me or my missus that i'd have to take the knife with me. If they ran at the first sight of the dog then i'd let them go. But i'd make sure i hurt them before they hurt me should they not run quick enough.

I've just not got the bottle to go empty handed and try and chase them out. What if they don't run? It's not a risk i could take. It's not very brave, but i dont want to be brave. Just safe and unharmed.

Like i said though, i can see where your coming from. I'm just much more cynical.

What do you do mate, if you walk into your living room, after hearing a noise in the night, and two lads are staring at you. In that brief instance how do you react? I assume you'd be unarmed? Are they?

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That person who robbed an innocent persons house and died..

Ask yourself one question.. Who is most affected by this? Would the world miss a lowlife scum who (by robbing someones house) doesn't give a **** about innocent people.. All for personal gain

The world is better off without lowlifes like this.. People won't miss him, and by being dead, someone out there now can't be affected by his scummery actions.

I personally don't have it in me to kill someone, it's not my job to put these people away.. That's why we have the police, to protect us. But I certainly wouldn't hesitate to give him a left hook to his side and break his ribs.. Then I'd call the police.

Bit of a stupid comment. His family (parents, children) will be torn apart.

I've got no strong views on this but seems harsh to dismiss all robbers as lowlife scummers who deserve to die. Circumstances can drive some (a minority) to measures like this. If a member of your family was killed in a robbery because they'd been made homeless, jobless etc, I'm sure you wouldn't think it was just that they were dead. I'm not saying that's the case here but it will be with some people.

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What do you do mate, if you walk into your living room, after hearing a noise in the night, and two lads are staring at you. In that brief instance how do you react? I assume you'd be unarmed? Are they?

Put the kettle on and give 'em a cuppa. We'll sit down, we'll get down to it, and after 20 minutes we'll decide that they were wrong to try and nick my stuff.

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Bit of a stupid comment. His family (parents, children) will be torn apart.

I've got no strong views on this but seems harsh to dismiss all robbers as lowlife scummers who deserve to die. Circumstances can drive some (a minority) to measures like this. If a member of your family was killed in a robbery because they'd been made homeless, jobless etc, I'm sure you wouldn't think it was just that they were dead. I'm not saying that's the case here but it will be with some people.

So why would their family not be giving them a hand if they had hit hard times ?.

If they are the so called bread winner, then the Welfare State will provide, no one HAS to go on the rob in the UK

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Solved, in all seriousness though I think it would be more reaction, some people would scare them away, hide and just stay out the way or attack the person who is robbing your stuff, the majority of people will say, I'd just fight him off but I guess you wouldn't know until you are in that situation, I'd try my best to fight them off.. in that case, you would at least make them want to leave quicker, but in some cases obviously it could end fatal.

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Solved, in all seriousness though I think it would be more reaction, some people would scare them away, hide and just stay out the way or attack the person who is robbing your stuff, the majority of people will say, I'd just fight him off but I guess you wouldn't know until you are in that situation, I'd try my best to fight them off.. in that case, you would at least make them want to leave quicker, but in some cases obviously it could end fatal.

I'd agree with that Ambitious - I always thought - and said - that if ever I was confronted by a perv he's get a swift kick straight in his gonads, but actually when it happened, I simply couldn't do it because I was so frightened. All I wanted to do was put as much distance between him and me as soon as but my legs turned to mush and didn't move as I wanted them to. Luckily he just went the opposite way. So much for bravado eh? I really hope that never happens again.

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So why would their family not be giving them a hand if they had hit hard times ?.

If they are the so called bread winner, then the Welfare State will provide, no one HAS to go on the rob in the UK

No one has to drink drive, no one has to murder, no one has to break the law, do they? I'm not excusing him, and if I had a gun in my hand I'd probably shoot a robber instinctively, I just think it's a daft remark to say no one would miss them. They still have a family, even if they're a criminal.

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I would probably hide and see what they were attempting to take in honesty, if they even thought of taking my bookcase i think i would get a knife and a) threaten them and if they went leave them unharmed and if they didn't then i would try and knife them. That is reasonable force to stop them and as i am no good with my fists i would need a weapon, or hit them on the head with my philosophy dictionary, that is a very big hardback book.

However if in the real situation who knows how i would cope, the only way to know for sure is to be in that situation, never been robbed here, all i can hope is that streak continues.

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No one has to drink drive, no one has to murder, no one has to break the law, do they? I'm not excusing him, and if I had a gun in my hand I'd probably shoot a robber instinctively, I just think it's a daft remark to say no one would miss them. They still have a family, even if they're a criminal.

Off coarse someone would miss them, they would have to buy their own electrical goods, or find another way to get their drugs, most habitual criminals come from families that know about and condone their activities, so they are just as bad, so no bowlocks to them as well, ( and before you say it, I do not mean kill them as well ).
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Off coarse someone would miss them, they would have to buy their own electrical goods, or find another way to get their drugs, most habitual criminals come from families that know about and condone their activities, so they are just as bad, so no bowlocks to them as well, ( and before you say it, I do not mean kill them as well ).

I've got nothing to add to that.

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I'd just like to say in response to this Duracell - I'm not the attacking kind either. I was once flashed by some perv and totally froze with fear. I told my legs to run but they could barely walk. But, if someone wanted to nick something of mine which I hold dear, I would have to stop them, or at least try to. I have some stuff in my house that's worthless to others but to me the sentiment attached to them is priceless. Don't even get me started on protecting our kids.

As to murdering them? If I did, it certainly wouldn't be intentional. Saying that though, who knows what they're capable of when the adrenelin is flowing full pelt?

A flasher eh? wow, do we still have them nowdays?

I knew a lad who used to go to the newsagents and browse the shop with his Hampton out.

Why? god knows.

Ladyram, did he have a mac on with false trouser legs tied aroud his knees?

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I got a 5 iron in the living room, incase they come through the back door, and a driver in the bedroom if they come up the stairs.

No pucking about, if you're in my house, and i didn't invite you, then you are having a baskerd.

No if's or but's.

Not my fault that you're in my house when i'm practising my golf.

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A flasher eh? wow, do we still have them nowdays?

I knew a lad who used to go to the newsagents and browse the shop with his Hampton out.

Why? god knows.

Ladyram, did he have a mac on with false trouser legs tied aroud his knees?

Lol. No Boycie, he was just a normal fella in jeans and t shirt who came past me on a push iron, then shouted to me from behind. There he was, straddling his bike in all his glory. Thing was, I was walking a mates dog at the time, a german shepherd of all things, but he wasn't bothered. Neither was the dog. She just sniffed the air, bored. She din't half have my foot up her arse all the way home. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />

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