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Giant Flag Blackpool Pier // Blackpool Stewards refusing fans.


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Hi all,

Great trip up to Blackpool.

I surfed the flag from the pier at 5pm, photo below. Sure there will be better quality photos released soon and I will publish once I get my hands on them!


There was also no flag surf in the ground due to me being refused entry due to alleg being intoxicated!

Now I HAVE NEVER EVER BEEN refused entry into a football stadium due to being drunk. I had the flag bag with me and had my ticket checked my a member of the team and then I approached another steward to ask how I could enter the ground etc with the flag as I normally do every away game, nothing unusual.

This steward asked me how much I had to drink, I told him about 4 or 5, bear in mind I had been in Blackpool from 2pm so not really alot and something I can handle, also seeing as I have the responsibility of surfing the flag so cant be falling all over the shop for obvious reasons.

I was told I was being refused entry and he took my ticket away telling me I was intoxicated, point blank case closed job!

Wasnt happy about it of course so decided to stay around and this same steward was refusing about say 1 in 8 fans and just point blank saying the same as above and refusing them. He refused about 15 supporters for no apparant reason, they were not drunk either. This steward had a plan and succeeded.

Did any other fans have problems as I will be making a formal complaint tomorrow and also speaking to the football supporters federation so would be good if the other fans who were also refused are made aware of this thread.

Thanks and great win, was very humbled for the fans to sing my name on terrace whilst I was outside, maybe missing the match just for that was worthwhile!


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oooh, the power of being a steward-

Many people in "authority" are w*nkers- just because they have a badge (bouncers and coppers) or a hi-viz vest they think they can push people about and behave like t*ssers. Maybe his wife bullies him at home.

Unfortunately he was probably a Derby steward as they do take a number of them away.:mad:

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oooh, the power of being a steward-

Many people in "authority" are w*nkers- just because they have a badge (bouncers and coppers) or a hi-viz vest they think they can push people about and behave like t*ssers. Maybe his wife bullies him at home.

Unfortunately he was probably a Derby steward as they do take a number of them away.:mad:

No deffo not a Derby steward!

I heard around the ground they have a reputation and also apparantly from Preston!

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Preston? Ok , weird. My mate was refused entry to a game at Newcastle because he was p*ssed- he really was but they actually placed him in the cells throughout the game and got a letter from Derby saying that if they had any further complaints about him they would ban him from games away and home for life! He wasn't abusive or violent or anything just a little unsteady on his feet- I have seen much worse entering Pride park game in game out. Expensive day trip to Newcastle for a snooze in a cell!

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that really is ****, make sure you follow up with complaints both to Blackpool and let our own club officals knoiw about it too. obviously the more folk you get to support the complaint the better

every now again there is alway a c##t of a guy which a football club have made the mistake of giving him (or her) a yellow steward's coat.

QPR are'nt great either, they sub-contract to a private security firm whose employees are positvely menacing dodgy car clamper types.

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A mate of mine was banned for 3 years for trying to enter a game at Crewe whilst drunk. Not abusive or violent, just a little unsteady in his feet. I wonder if you'd get banned from watching Rugby Union for turning up drunk to watch.

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TBF to them it must be a fairly bad situation as every team's fans will go for a piss up in Kackpool before the game, especially in summer.

I wont knock stewards for doing their jobs and refusing drunk fans but I wasnt drunk and this chap was clearly picking on fans. After I got refused I watched him and saw how he did it, the same words i.e Ive been watching you in the queue, he hadnt as hed been concentrating on taking tickets so he was lying!

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The stewards were a joke inside as well, the whole debacle regarding smoking for the smokers (obviosuly...). Some stewards said it was allowed to smoke in a the far open area where the food & drinks bit was. Saw people trying to smoke there with the stewards presence and permission, next minute other stewards and police with camcorders come running to them. Apparently you can't smoke there, so why the different rules?!?!?! This lead to everyone smoking in the toilets that led to them becoming a smoke house, one which the stewards couldn't do anything about.

And I can confirm that 3 of the stewards I spoke to after the game were from Preston or were at least Preston supporters as I saw them mutually celebrating our goal!

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Having been on the p*ss with Nick I can safely say he should have been able to handle four beers!

On a more serious note, you should put in a complaint to Blackpool mate. A lot of stewards I've seen, particularly at away games, tend to get overexcited and develop a very patronising attitude.

Best of luck pal

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Hello Nick 1st time on this forum so bear with me please, i was also refused entry for no reason but told i was drunk like your self have been into the pride park today to identify a course of action but all i was given was blackpools address although they were very sympathetic. Anyway here goes some relevant information for you approx 2hrs before the match i was talking to Roger Davies and am fairly certain he will vouch for my sobriety! Have contacted him today and he has told me to contact tonights moan in and make my point he has contacted Colin so i hope i will get through. Secondly the chairman of Burton rams was also refused entry and i saw a steward refuse a young lad who was with his dad so both missed the match. Finally there was two arrests in the ground directly due to the stewards behaviour and two young lads were arrested (Assault on a steward) one was releaed this morning and the other was still being held at 11 am. Anyway Nick i dont know if i should post my mobile details on this forum but if you want to contact me we can work something out as i am as gutted as you!

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The stewards were a joke inside as well, the whole debacle regarding smoking for the smokers (obviosuly...). Some stewards said it was allowed to smoke in a the far open area where the food & drinks bit was. Saw people trying to smoke there with the stewards presence and permission, next minute other stewards and police with camcorders come running to them. Apparently you can't smoke there, so why the different rules?!?!?! This lead to everyone smoking in the toilets that led to them becoming a smoke house, one which the stewards couldn't do anything about.

And I can confirm that 3 of the stewards I spoke to after the game were from Preston or were at least Preston supporters as I saw them mutually celebrating our goal!

You can't smoke in the toilets at Swansea.

Was there once at half time, when someone lit up in the toilets, when a alarm went off, which resulted in all the food and drink outlets in the ground shutting down.

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Hello Nick 1st time on this forum so bear with me please, i was also refused entry for no reason but told i was drunk like your self have been into the pride park today to identify a course of action but all i was given was blackpools address although they were very sympathetic. Anyway here goes some relevant information for you approx 2hrs before the match i was talking to Roger Davies and am fairly certain he will vouch for my sobriety! Have contacted him today and he has told me to contact tonights moan in and make my point he has contacted Colin so i hope i will get through. Secondly the chairman of Burton rams was also refused entry and i saw a steward refuse a young lad who was with his dad so both missed the match. Finally there was two arrests in the ground directly due to the stewards behaviour and two young lads were arrested (Assault on a steward) one was releaed this morning and the other was still being held at 11 am. Anyway Nick i dont know if i should post my mobile details on this forum but if you want to contact me we can work something out as i am as gutted as you!

Glad you posted mate!

Send me an email with all the details, two of the lads in the ground I know.

Email is webster23@hotmail.co.uk

Thanks mate,


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Sounds a stupid question... but was it an actual steward?

There was a mix of Blackpool stewards (in orange jackets), and private security bouncer types (hi-vi's - usually the biggest c**ts out there). Sadly it seemed both parties were as bad as eachother.

Nick - i've given my view on COYR's.

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I have spoken to Amanda from the football supporters federation and she is keen to pursue any claims/issues from Derby fans surrounding the refusal of fans outside and also issues that occured inside the ground.

If you had an issue or saw anything that could be of use to the investigation please email me her on the below:-

You are more than happy to use my name when emailing her.


The stewards at Blackpool over reacted and there has also been rumours of Blackpool overselling the away allocation which is why they were refusing fans so could that be a reason for the refusal of many supporters?

Please email her if you saw any untoward behaviour and over reaction of stewards towards Derby fans even if you were not involved yourself.


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sounds like a nightmare Nick....when I think of the state me and my mates were in back in the eighties it beggars belief...hope you get it sorted, a refund of your ticket and traveling expenses is the least you should expect;)

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