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Marlon King-would you have him at Derby?


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I'd rather have Marlon Harewood than that scumbag. It winds me up every time I see Lee Hughes doing his stupid goal celebrations for Notts County thinking he should still be banged up and his crime was more to do with making stupid decisions whilst p1ssed. King on the other hand knew what he was doing and served less time...

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Marlon King has scored a fair few goals at Coventry lately and looks like being in good form. Would you be happy if Nigel signed him for Derby? If he scored 20 goals+ in a season for us, would that make you overlook his past?

Thought he was the best player on the pitch in our recent game with Cov, but I just don't think I could bring myself to sing his name or, worse still, I wouldn't want my young lads to start hero worshipping him when he's banging in goals.

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No I wouldn't. He has 14 criminal convictions including sexual assault and beating a woman. I wouldn't want him anywhere near our club, no matter how good he is.

I just wouldn't be comfortable with someone like that putting on the black and white shirt and representing Derby County. How horrible would it be to have a registered sex offender playing for us, paying him thousands of pounds a week?

Besides, he hits more women than the back of the net.

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Wrong player to pick pal I have a mate who really rates him and I never did when at Newcastle said he wouldn't even score 10 this season! Anyway between me and you I think he will lead the line for England in the coming years!

Carroll is young, King should know better at his age shouldn't he???

(No excuse for it by the way)

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Scum who should be unemployed and hung.

Hope Coventry go out of existence.

Who else could have their crimes forgiven for sex crimes? Shame ted bundy never got chance to sign for the sky blues or nottso important county

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Was it really sexual assault though? I bet he pinched her arse or something similar.

This is the link to the report when sentenced.


Reading this def not. Previous for chasing women through SOHO with a belt wrapped aroung his knuckles, common assault on women. Although it reads similar to you quote there is more to it, he has to sign on to the sex offenders register for 7yrs this tends to suggest more than just a pinch. The damage he did and the menace behind it proves he is nothing but a bully and thug and the fact he has been convicted makes him worse than Bowyer.

Bowyer is accused for violence but never read anything about beating up women, sexually assaulting women or being threatening to women.

King has also served an 18 month sentence reduced to 9 months for an offence earlier to this, has Bowyer?

So for me not a chance. If he came I would support anyone in Derby shirt but when he gets stick it would stick in my throat to show support like we do with Sav.

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hate to have him represent our club, people go on about Bowyer is a criminal and yes he once was, still can do the odd rash challenge but he isn't scum who sexually assults women just because he's got money and fame! Bowyer's a p1ssin saint compared :p

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