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16 minutes ago, BatRam said:

Christ , im no longer intrigued now ive seen the pricetag ahaaahah

Yes, it's expensive but very good. I got it following a nasty accident it gives me loads a data about what each leg is doing ( my right leg is f*****). The drivers insurance paid for it. There are much more affordable options. If you already have an outdoors bike something like this might work  https://www.evanscycles.com/brand/pinnacle/hc-turbo-home-trainer-712633 you take your back wheel off and put this in its place. If not there are cheap options like this https://jllfitness.co.uk/products/jf100-exercise-bike-2 which should be good for a workout but will lack some of the functions. In general the more you pay the cleverer they get. Pay more you get, training routines, virual climbs and can do virtual races with other people.


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3 hours ago, Shipley Ram said:

Yes, it's expensive but very good. I got it following a nasty accident it gives me loads a data about what each leg is doing ( my right leg is f*****). The drivers insurance paid for it. There are much more affordable options. If you already have an outdoors bike something like this might work  https://www.evanscycles.com/brand/pinnacle/hc-turbo-home-trainer-712633 you take your back wheel off and put this in its place. If not there are cheap options like this https://jllfitness.co.uk/products/jf100-exercise-bike-2 which should be good for a workout but will lack some of the functions. In general the more you pay the cleverer they get. Pay more you get, training routines, virual climbs and can do virtual races with other people.


You’d think PlayStation or Xbox would make a simulator or attachment , they’d really dominate the market 

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  • 3 weeks later...
14 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Managed a small jog this evening. It ain't much but it's something.

Although Mr Garmin said I had a fitness age of 51 which is quite depressing.

how old are you? iv purchased some bluetooth scales that give a rough idea of muscle mass, body fat etc. and thats depressing.

Movement is movement , just keep going! 

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33 minutes ago, BatRam said:

how old are you? iv purchased some bluetooth scales that give a rough idea of muscle mass, body fat etc. and thats depressing.

Movement is movement , just keep going! 

Well I had my Garmin ages down to 29 at my fittest but previously the highest was 47. I'm in between those two in physical existence.

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Posted (edited)

My spring weight loss efforts were scuppered by picking up a stinker of a cold/flu/covid that floored me for a couple of weeks, which has meant I've missed my target by about 3lbs before going on holiday this coming Saturday. Annoying in that it didn't kill my appetite but did stop the gym sessions.

I'm going to have to try not to go mental with the all-inclusive but I suspect we all know what's going to happen there.

Edited by Wolfie
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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

My spring weight loss efforts were scuppered by picking up a stinker of a cold/flu/covid that floored me for a couple of weeks, which has meant I've missed my target by about 3lbs before going on holiday this coming Saturday. Annoying in that it didn't kill my appetite but did stop the gym sessions.

I'm going to have to try not to go mental with the all-inclusive but I suspect we all know what's going to happen there.

Ive been doing an aggressive cut. 1000-1500 calories. Its so much easier for me to do that for 2-3 week instead of months and months of being on a diet. Ye illness sucks mate hope you can suffer through your all inclusive 🤣

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I'm just all for incremental changes towards the better.

I was genuinely shocked the other week when my better half pulled up photos of me from before I stopped running with my knee injury.

For me, I got to where I was slowly but surely, just learning to eat a bit less, eat a bit of fruit instead of the sweeties, and doing the running that I wanted to do (the trick is making yourself want these things).

Everyone is different and and what works for different people in different ways is all good as there's a will to just get yourself a little healthier than before.

It took me a while of not running to realise how important it had become to me. I was never fast, I got under 30 minutes at parkrun once, but I enjoyed a few half marathons and I like long slow runs when I am fit enough to do them, to a lot of people that's probably the most boring and rubbish fitness thing you could be doing.

Some movement and some better food choices. It all helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I've been away with work for the last few weeks and going running a few times a week has helped keep me balanced and I managed to without stopping and walking the other evening, wasn't fast but felt like a step on the way to getting myself back.

No resurgence of the knee pain, but I keep reminding myself not to do too much to soon and actually do the knee strengthening exercises I'm supposed to do.

The other thing is forcing myself out of the mindset that "I need to get my money's worth out of the hotel breakfast" - no, I'm really not someone who should be trying to eat twelve quids worth of fry up every morning.

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1 hour ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

I've been away with work for the last few weeks and going running a few times a week has helped keep me balanced and I managed to without stopping and walking the other evening, wasn't fast but felt like a step on the way to getting myself back.

No resurgence of the knee pain, but I keep reminding myself not to do too much to soon and actually do the knee strengthening exercises I'm supposed to do.

The other thing is forcing myself out of the mindset that "I need to get my money's worth out of the hotel breakfast" - no, I'm really not someone who should be trying to eat twelve quids worth of fry up every morning.

Do you train any Dorsiflexion? as a lot of runners suffer injuries due to imbalances  


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4 minutes ago, BatRam said:

Do you train any Dorsiflexion? as a lot of runners suffer injuries due to imbalances  


I've not been doing that one. My main suspicion it actually stems from a groin injury I had and kept trying to run through just changing how everything was interacting with eventually got the knee joint not functioning quite right leading to the pain. I've been focusing on exercises to strengthen the support for the knee and also trying to keep up the groin injury exercises, but it could be any number of things, I'm somewhat stubborn about the medical profession (I'll be alright, it's nothing....I'm not broken....)

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Just starting the long fightback (again). Have had constant knee issues since COVID as a result of lots of road running and a stumble in a pothole. I'm a bit of a chunky unit these days and an ongoing knee issue from an uneven castle stair a few years back seems to rear its head from time to time. Short version is that I had meniscal tear in left medial and right lateral and associated ligament damage and a bit of arthritis.

I finally got fed up and decided to stump up for a private physio recently and she has helped me rebuild some strength and structure and I am now just starting to do some walks and have just dusted off my bike with view to some lower impact stuff and also because it changes the scenery rather than gym stuff which bores me after a while.

It's all a bit daunting and nothing on the scale of some of the impressive fitness efforts mentioned on here, but hey, it's my particular journey, however limited, and as a guy in his 50s I'm not quite ready to just go quietly into an armchair and crutches yet.

I have had various setbacks as I have tried to battle back but I just have to try rise above it and do what I can. I don't expect anything dramatic but from a guy who was laid up for weeks on more than one occasion and could barely walk down a flight of stairs without a handrail a year ago, I did 2 hour walk along the south west coastal path a few months back. Had a setback again but came back stronger. This time I got back on the horse more quickly and as a result the knee structures seem a bit more resilient so fingers crossed.

Mobility is a precious thing. Fight for it.

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Posted (edited)

Only just stumbled across this thread! Apologise as i havent read it all yet so if this has been said already then sorry! 

Im really into my fitness, have been all my life! Eating clean really works for me, i know everybodys, bodies work slightly different but ive seen it work for others! 

Basically eat as much as you want but what you eat has to only have one ingredient and youll gradually lose weight! So fresh meat, eggs, fruit, veg, potatoes, rice, pasta! I have a dash of milk in my tea but thats it! Poridge oats with water! None of the ones with added crap in! 

Means you have to learn to cook but id highly recommend it! If you want soup, chilli etc, make it fresh with herbs and spices and fresh ingredients rather than the packet mixes with additives etc in!

I have one cheat evening where i can eat what i want usually saturday where ill have some chocolate with a cuppa but tend to find the meals i used to think i loved like takeaways etc i dont like anymore because there too greasy etc!

Just thought id chuck that in lol!

Ps - also lots of water! A lot of times people think there hungry when there actually thirsty! Should be getting at least 2 litres a day, 3-4 litres if training!

Edited by De22Ram
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5 hours ago, Alty_Ram said:

Just starting the long fightback (again). Have had constant knee issues since COVID as a result of lots of road running and a stumble in a pothole. I'm a bit of a chunky unit these days and an ongoing knee issue from an uneven castle stair a few years back seems to rear its head from time to time. Short version is that I had meniscal tear in left medial and right lateral and associated ligament damage and a bit of arthritis.

I finally got fed up and decided to stump up for a private physio recently and she has helped me rebuild some strength and structure and I am now just starting to do some walks and have just dusted off my bike with view to some lower impact stuff and also because it changes the scenery rather than gym stuff which bores me after a while.

It's all a bit daunting and nothing on the scale of some of the impressive fitness efforts mentioned on here, but hey, it's my particular journey, however limited, and as a guy in his 50s I'm not quite ready to just go quietly into an armchair and crutches yet.

I have had various setbacks as I have tried to battle back but I just have to try rise above it and do what I can. I don't expect anything dramatic but from a guy who was laid up for weeks on more than one occasion and could barely walk down a flight of stairs without a handrail a year ago, I did 2 hour walk along the south west coastal path a few months back. Had a setback again but came back stronger. This time I got back on the horse more quickly and as a result the knee structures seem a bit more resilient so fingers crossed.

Mobility is a precious thing. Fight for it.

I think the key is to cherish every effort. If you planned a five mile walk/ run and you only did three, praise yourself for the three, don’t rue the lost two. 

At nearly sixty, I find there are some days when everything hurts and my breath feels short. On those days, I reduce my expectations. I slow down. Some bits I walk. Walking is good exercise!

As long as you can do enough to challenge your breathing, you’ll have done some good.

All the best everyone. Keep moving 😊

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19 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

I think the key is to cherish every effort. If you planned a five mile walk/ run and you only did three, praise yourself for the three, don’t rue the lost two. 

At nearly sixty, I find there are some days when everything hurts and my breath feels short. On those days, I reduce my expectations. I slow down. Some bits I walk. Walking is good exercise!

As long as you can do enough to challenge your breathing, you’ll have done some good.

All the best everyone. Keep moving 😊

I think that's spot on. My physio was always saying that it won't necessarily be a linear progression and some days will likely be better than others so don't don't get too disheartened with a less-than-great day - focus on your overall progression. My mood was up and down with the highs and lows of my physical condition and I'm having to learn to smooth that particular graph out a bit.

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Yeah you have to listen to your body! Ive found as ive got older that rest days are so important! Also stretching and a bit of yoga are great to keep the momenentum of feeling like your still training but your helping your body recover on the rest days!

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iv been doing short aggressive weight cuts by eating 1500 calories and fasting till 12pm everyday. meals have been fake chicken ( im vegan) and salad and peanuts. Basically 2 meals a day.

Training wise , instead of volume training iv started doing HIT bodybuilding (dorian yates inspired) , basically full body , around 8 exercises , 4 second count on the lowering phase of the movement , weighted stretch at the bottom. 3 sets per exercise ( 1 light warm up , 2nd set is my range finder to see whats the heaviest i can go to get 8-10 reps, then the last set is starting at the heaviest weight and going to failure then halving the weight then going to failure then doing a drop set from there, maybe sticking negatives on the end exercise depending).

Training twice a week to prevent fatigue and wanting to eat more to aid recovery. Monday and friday.

Volume training was making me want to eat too much.


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