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Ebou Adams

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23 hours ago, rammieib said:

But what price is too high?

If they want 500k and we’re not prepared to go that far, it’s awful from us.

If Warne believes he can add to us and he’s a Championship level player, then pay Championship level fees.

If Cardiff are wanting seven figures, I get it but if not, we’re wasting too much time on messing around over 200 or 300k.

I hope you want to buy my house next time I flit.

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Put some clever structuring in there and get it done. I think he is an important signing for us, he was a bit of a talisman and his being in the team next year carries a certain momentum and consistency.

Ultimately even £750k for a first team regular in this division isn't overpriced, but if we can't/won't pay that then we should be able to table something that is both appealing and also delays some payment until we are happy/in a position to do so.

Another £250k in the event of us staying up, or even stick one in for going up within 5 years - we can easily sp*nk £500k of any potential Premier League windfall then on the offchance it happens.

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