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Festive Fixture Changes

Caerphilly Ram

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18 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Pleased for you Mucker.

Personally, I would happily glue my arse to the face of the nonce from Sky who did this.

Winners and losers eh mate.

TBF mate, I was of course on the wum, and fully appreciate this sort of thing messes with peoples plans, and to a degree, with peoples lives.  Me less than many, as I rarely go away, live within a 30 min stroll of the ground for home games... and rarely have anything interesting to do on the other six days of the week!  ?

On this occasion, this change offers the potential for more positives than negatives for me.  There are times when such changes pisses me of too...Although to date, I have never considered gluing my arse to anyone's face... but I guess that may come, one day!  ???

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