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New policing Bill effect on fans


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Interesting view from the FSA on how we may be policed in the future



The police already have powers of dispersal in a range of circumstances but it is deeply concerning to imagine that annoying or inconveniencing people could, effectively, become a criminal offence.

It’s also all too clear to envisage football supporters being in line to become early and easy targets of this proposed new offence and very likely these offences becoming ones that could see football banning order applications on conviction. Imagine, a banning order just for being annoying. That is a seriously worrying notion.

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17 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Interesting view from the FSA on how we may be policed in the future



The police already have powers of dispersal in a range of circumstances but it is deeply concerning to imagine that annoying or inconveniencing people could, effectively, become a criminal offence.

It’s also all too clear to envisage football supporters being in line to become early and easy targets of this proposed new offence and very likely these offences becoming ones that could see football banning order applications on conviction. Imagine, a banning order just for being annoying. That is a seriously worrying notion.

I wouldn't worry too much. You got through the rumble years without being banned so should be able to get through this.

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1 hour ago, richinspain said:

I wouldn't worry too much. You got through the rumble years without being banned so should be able to get through this.

Can you imagine laws like that bitd? Half of the forum membership would not be here because their fathers would have been in jail.

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BITD most Saturdays I came into contact with coppers whose only purpose that day, appeared to be antagonizing football fans. So when they got a reaction they could wade in with a bit of physical force before arresting one or two unlucky fans. 

Now our wonderful Police seem to use the same tactics at every opportunity they can. Give them more power that they can abuse and they'll be even bigger D heads.

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I wouldn't be worrying as of yet- the bill has only had its first reading and hasn't been looked at by committee as of yet from the last time I looked. Given the general uproar this is causing I'm imagining it's going to get absolutely savaged as it works its way through and be significantly diluted. 

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On 13/04/2021 at 17:56, 1of4 said:

BITD most Saturdays I came into contact with coppers whose only purpose that day, appeared to be antagonizing football fans. So when they got a reaction they could wade in with a bit of physical force before arresting one or two unlucky fans. 

Now our wonderful Police seem to use the same tactics at every opportunity they can. Give them more power that they can abuse and they'll be even bigger D heads.

When we last played Leeds in the playoff game at home got a bit a naughty in the beer tent with some Leeds fans outside giving it large. The door staff rightly asked for back up. When I saw the police running towards the incident it looked like a scene from police academy when they got there did nothing but film what was happening this did nothing to deter the Leeds fans. The outnumbered door staff nearly got punched by a few Leeds fans trying to stop them getting in the beer tent then Derby fans starting throwing anything at the Leeds fans to help the door staff which made the situation worse. Eventually proper police turned up who could handle the situation and got stuck in and dragged away the Leeds fans incident sorted. When it was safe me my brother his wife and daughter we left the beer tent, the door staff was giving the police a right rollicking saying he was not paid enough to left to deal with the situation on his own felt genuinely sorry for him shook his hand and reassured him Derby fans would have helped him out if he had been attacked. 


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