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8 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

This weekends narrative is pushing herd immunity back to the forefront. I completely agree with the logic and understand the U -turn the government took.

They didn't have enough time, feared the public/media backlash and were concerned that a smaller scale lockdown wouldn't be adhrered to. 

Almost all, bar a couple of million of people are at very low risk of mortality. Therefore the logical thing to do once the infrastructure was/is set in place, is for everyone else to go back to some semblance of normality. Mass gatherings still banned, etc, to prevent the NHS being overwhelmed. But for the vast majority of people to intentionally become infected whilst the most vunerable stay isolated. 

People have had time to adjust now. Open the country back up on May 7th and keep the most vunerable in isolation, indefinitely.

So you would happily sentence 1.5 million people to life imprisonment just so you can go to the pub?


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Sith Happens
2 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So you would happily sentence 1.5 million people to life imprisonment just so you can go to the pub?


if the country can get moving and safeguard businesses and jobs I'll personally accept that, its how we do it I don't know 

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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So you would happily sentence 1.5 million people to life imprisonment just so you can go to the pub?


So 70 million should be sentanced to 'life imprisonment' instead, because people such as yourself are selfish? 

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10 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So you would happily sentence 1.5 million people to life imprisonment just so you can go to the pub?


Them's the breaks. 

Will have a Belgium ale for you.... ??

Seriously, what is your preferred alternative do you think? Wait for a vaccine?

Any slow lifting of lockdown with lots of testing still wouldn't be enough for me to  be convinced to venture out if I was at risk...

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15 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

it's a tough one but we will have to at some point,  the intention I think was always to delay not stop the spread,  we should be out of flu season anytime now surely. 

the question is how you isolate vulnerable people when their families aren't vulnerable,  I am my wife isn't. I suspect many families will be similar.


Army, TA, volunteers.The government knows who is and isn't high risk. Logistically, managing 1.5-2 million people is far easier than what is already occuring. I think they are waiting for this to pass through the care home system first, now. 

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Sith Happens
4 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Army, TA, volunteers.The government knows who is and isn't high risk. Logistically, managing 1.5-2 million people is far easier than what is already occuring. I think they are waiting for this to pass through the care home system first, now. 

you have confused me sorry,  don't understand the army part of your comment. 

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3 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

Them's the breaks. 

Will have a Belgium ale for you.... ??

Seriously, what is your preferred alternative do you think? Wait for a vaccine?

Any slow lifting of lockdown with lots of testing still wouldn't be enough for me to  be convinced to venture out if I was at risk...

Hopefully the government will be announcing how many people have had the virus already. Multiple studies have already been conducted and concluded in the US. Same demographic methodoligy as political polling. It's yet to have been made public. Me thinks the administration knows and is indirectly telling it's citizens it's far higher than anyone would have thought, hence telling them to go back to normal. 

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1 minute ago, Paul71 said:

you have confused me sorry,  don't understand the army part of your comment. 

To help those who are in isolation. The army has all the tools it needs at it's disposal. Finance, vehicles,  people with trade skills, PPE, camps and barracks where personal themselves isolate from the wider society. 

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Sith Happens
Just now, Uptherams said:

To help those who are in isolation. The army has all the tools it needs at it's disposal. Finance, vehicles,  people with trade skills, PPE, camps and barracks where personal themselves isolate from the wider society. 

can they stop my wife catching it when she is told to go back into the office full time ?

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Just now, Paul71 said:

can they stop my wife catching it when she is told to go back into the office full time ?

And what is your wife's circumstances? If she's high risk she won't be going back to work. If she lives with someone who is, she won't either..

Are you being obtuse intentionally? 

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On 17/04/2020 at 08:48, RamNut said:

Matt Hancock might find himself shuffling papers somewhere when this is over.

100,000 tests a day seems unachievable

arriving passengers not screened seems very negligent


They are setting up a testing station at Chesterfield. The thing is who are they going to test? They have capacity for 38000 tests now but only tested 21000. 

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Sith Happens
4 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

And what is your wife's circumstances? If she's high risk she won't be going back to work. If she lives with someone who is, she won't either..

Are you being obtuse intentionally? 

no I'm not I'm just suggesting it's not just as easy as opening up the country to all but those who are inconvenient for the healthy.

I want the country moving,  already said I'm happy to keep away to enable this. 

If my wife,  and everyone else's family who cant work because they live with someone vulnerable who pays their wages ?

I'm just saying its not as easy as saying let everyone go about their business apart from the vulnerable. 

it's me that's vulnerable not my wife 

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4 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

And what is your wife's circumstances? If she's high risk she won't be going back to work. If she lives with someone who is, she won't either..

Are you being obtuse intentionally? 

As far as I’m aware if someone lives with someone else who is ‘shielding’, they don’t self-isolate unless either or both  have symptoms. So ‘she’ would be going back to work. 

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28 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

So 70 million should be sentanced to 'life imprisonment' instead, because people such as yourself are selfish? 

Covid-19 only emerged at the end of 2019, but already there are signs it may take a long time for some patients to get back to full health.

Recovery time will depend on how sick you become in the first place. Some people will shrug off the illness fast, but for others it could leave lasting problems.

..The more invasive the treatment you receive, and the longer it is performed, the longer recovery is likely to take.

...The WHO estimates one person in 20 will need intensive care treatment, which can include being sedated and put on a ventilator.

It will take time to recover from any spell in an intensive or critical care unit (ICU), no matter what the illness. Patients are moved to a regular ward before going home.

Dr Alison Pittard, Dean of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, says it can take 12 to 18 months to get back to normal after any spell in critical care.



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Sith Happens
2 minutes ago, RamNut said:

As far as I’m aware if someone lives with someone else who is ‘shielding’, they don’t self-isolate unless either or both  have symptoms. So ‘she’ would be going back to work. 

you are correct. family members are not required to shield etc.

a tricky situation when we lift restrictions. 


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2 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

no I'm not I'm just suggesting it's not just as easy as opening up the country to all but those who are inconvenient for the healthy.

I want the country moving,  already said I'm happy to keep away to enable this. 

If my wife,  and everyone else's family who cant work because they live with someone vulnerable who pays their wages ?

I'm just saying its not as easy as saying let everyone go about their business apart from the vulnerable. 

it's me that's vulnerable not my wife 

Sorry but it appears as if you're acting like you're oblivious to the current situation and how much society has changed in recent weeks. Who's paying furloughed wages up to 80% of £2,500 now, the government. 

The procedure would be for your wife to self isolate too. Just like she is with you now. For people who are vunerable and live alone, the responsibility would fall on the state. Mostly the army. A parent or grand parent for example who lives on their own, who is visited once a week would be provided with assistance from army officials who themselves are isolating from everyone except the people they now serve. 

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Sith Happens
1 minute ago, Uptherams said:

Sorry but it appears as if you're acting like you're oblivious to the current situation and how much society has changed in recent weeks. Who's paying furloughed wages up to 80% of £2,500 now, the government. 

The procedure would be for your wife to self isolate too. Just like she is with you now. For people who are vunerable and live alone, the responsibility would fall on the state. Mostly the army. A parent or grand parent for example who lives on their own, who is visited once a week would be provided with assistance from army officials who themselves are isolating from everyone except the people they now serve. 

You do know furlough had nothing to do with self isolating ?

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3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Covid-19 only emerged at the end of 2019, but already there are signs it may take a long time for some patients to get back to full health.

Recovery time will depend on how sick you become in the first place. Some people will shrug off the illness fast, but for others it could leave lasting problems.

..The more invasive the treatment you receive, and the longer it is performed, the longer recovery is likely to take.

...The WHO estimates one person in 20 will need intensive care treatment, which can include being sedated and put on a ventilator.

It will take time to recover from any spell in an intensive or critical care unit (ICU), no matter what the illness. Patients are moved to a regular ward before going home.

Dr Alison Pittard, Dean of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, says it can take 12 to 18 months to get back to normal after any spell in critical care.



Yes and i specifically mention certain protocols which prevent too many people being infected at any one point. Mass gatherings being banned still. The crux being hospitals being able to meet demand. Otherwise it's back to full lockdown again. 

The Who doesn't know how many people have already been infected. The murmurs circulating from the polls already conducted, are that a significant number of people have already had it and that would mean the figures being used currently in regards to mortality, infection rate (R 0), etc, are completely wrong.

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4 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

You do know furlough had nothing to do with self isolating ?

It's two sides of the same coin. Are you seriously trying to suggest that people who have been forced to self isolate have been offered no financial protection by the government? Just left for paychecks to stop coming and money to dry up? 

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Sith Happens
7 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

It's two sides of the same coin. Are you seriously trying to suggest that people who have been forced to self isolate have been offered no financial protection by the government? Just left for paychecks to stop coming and money to dry up? 

Ok, if someone who needs to shield  or self isolate what do they get paid if they can't work from home ? 

My wife isn't isolating and still has to go to work as the business has work to do. if she chooses not to work then she won't get paid and no current government scheme will pay her wages. 

just to add, being in touch with lots who have to shield they cannot get furlough nor anything other than ssp.

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