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Andre Wisdom Podcast Episode


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As suggested by @WestKentRam in another thread, this is worth a listen. The Derby talk starts at around 40 minutes. The post-match feeling in the camp post-QPR sounds a lot different to what I expected.

Personal highlights include his attempt to explain the enigma that is Jake Buxton and that his first thoughts when he saw Chris Martin were ‘look at this fat boy running around!’


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I found the podcast very interesting, as it's not often a current player gives a candid insight, possibly because the interviewer was AW's cousin, Olympic diver Yona Knight-Wisdom.

Spoiler alert if you want to listen to it first...

The things I took from it also included the players' post QPR play-off final reaction, as I wrote on the Chris Martin thread, where CM seemed to be the only player on the bus back from Wembley who was gutted like a fan.

Wisdom is only 26! I thought he as older, probably as he was with us in 2013/14 then came back.

He bought a car aged 17 and started driving it before he passed his test. Another Derby car related scandal...

He agreed to come to Derby on loan back in 2013 only because he'd heard of us as his older brother supported a team in each division and Derby was his Championship team!

He seems almost a bit too relaxed for my tastes, in that he explains he does his training but then if he isn't picked for the match day team he accepts the manager's decision and isn't banging his door down but thinks well the manager knows best so he'll just press on and continue. I'd want him to be more proactive, asking why he wasn't picked, what can he do to improve etc.

I like the story of when he confronted an idiot 'fan' in a restaurant years ago who posted something abusive on Twitter about him.

All in all, more illuminating than a lot of the bland interviews in match day programmes etc.

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13 minutes ago, WestKentRam said:

The things I took from it also included the players' post QPR play-off final reaction, as I wrote on the Chris Martin thread, where CM seemed to be the only player on the bus back from Wembley who was gutted like a fan.

He seems almost a bit too relaxed for my tastes, in that he explains he does his training but then if he isn't picked for the match day team he accepts the manager's decision and isn't banging his door down but thinks well the manager knows best so he'll just press on and continue. I'd want him to be more proactive, asking why he wasn't picked, what can he do to improve etc.

To be honest, I think Martin’s comment was more of a joke. It lifted the tension and led to them having the best night out of Wisdom’s life, which I certainly didn’t expect!

I agree with you that he’s probably a bit too relaxed. I understand the benefits of not letting negative comments get into his head, but I’d hope that he’d be a bit more receptive to constructive criticism.

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5 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

To be honest, I think Martin’s comment was more of a joke. It lifted the tension and led to them having the best night out of Wisdom’s life, which I certainly didn’t expect!

I agree with you that he’s probably a bit too relaxed. I understand the benefits of not letting negative comments get into his head, but I’d hope that he’d be a bit more receptive to constructive criticism.

I couldn't believe his 'best of times' was the night out after the QPR game!

Yes CM's comment lifted the tension, but it did seem that he was exasperated that the other players seemed satisfied they'd done as well as they could have in the game.

I always like it when the interviewee says they shouldn't really be saying this, but...

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Good interview this, it’s quite informal which I think helps, thanks for @WestKentRam for finding it and @DarkFruitsRam7 for bringing attention.

Re: Wisdoms more casual approach, I took it slightly differently. I think considering he says where he grew up as “rough”, that he’s simply happy to say he’s a professional footballer and he’s probably settled at Derby. On top of that though, I also took it to say ‘I need to improve’ rather than looking to blame others for him not being included.

Love the Martin stuff obvs, it seems with the play off final story that they were a very tight knit squad and the happiest memory was that they finally had a chance to blow off a little steam together. With his experiences at WBA, I think he appreciates having a good group around him.

Interesting to note he moved to Liverpool at 15 and how big of a thing that must have been. Maybe the pressures he felt back then has brought on his more casual approach, I wonder in the long term that has helped or hinder him. All in all I sense that there is the potential of a captain/leader in there but he’s maybe not quite been given the experience or guidance to help him reach that potential. For every Raheem Sterling, how many Wisdoms or a Jordan Ibe who may have made them money but haven’t reached their potential?

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That was quite interesting. He comes across really well.

I wonder what the full extent of his injury is. Or whether there really is an injury involved.

He mentions his time at RB Salzburg and how well he did at centre-half...we sure could use another centre-half at the minute, if you're free Andre!

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