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I'm now on my third dying kindle. They just stop working for me, usually when just out of guarantee. I need something to surf the web and do word docs with. Nothing special.  Needs to be under £250. Any suggestions?

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Loads of laptops around with more than enough juice to suit........here's one off the first page of searching,


Don't get on with tablets mesen. Phone when out and about, laptop at home for me as I use Outlook and Office with my work account. Plus, I just like using a keyboard rather than prodding a screen!


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7 hours ago, dog said:

I'm now on my third dying kindle. They just stop working for me, usually when just out of guarantee. I need something to surf the web and do word docs with. Nothing special.  Needs to be under £250. Any suggestions?

If you need to use Word, then I'm definitely with @uttoxram75 here. Laptod is no brainer. So much better to type.

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You can get Microsoft word on Android tablets or iPads and pick up a cheap Bluetooth keyboard like Dav said.

I'm guessing you bought a Kindle for books as well? If so both Android and Apple also have Kindle apps so you won't lose your books.

That would be my route personally and the new consumer law protects you better now, I know anything purchased after October 2015 with Apple they will repair for 6 years if it's not down to accidental damage.

Each company will have their own policy which is worth looking into, Samsung might be longer.

One thing I would say with a tablet is don't keep updating it to the latest software, if say you purchased a iPad and it's on say iOS 9.0.1 always stay on 9 and don't be tempted to go to iOS 10.

You're usually ok with one or two major updates but it's best just to avoid it and the tablet will always run super quick as the day you bought it.

Android tablets guessing the same would apply but they usually only support the latest devices anyway.

I'd personally go for either a iPad or Galaxy Tablet, these are the two main ones and see what you can get for your money. 

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9 hours ago, Dimmu said:

If you need to use Word, then I'm definitely with @uttoxram75 here. Laptod is no brainer. So much better to type.

I'd totally agree unless you were willing to spend more on a decent hybrid (I have the Spectre 2 and would probably never buy a straight tablet ever again). But it costs a bit more than the equivalent of £250 in Australia although all technology is more expensive here than in the UK. 

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