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Duelling Lorries

Sith Happens

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Why do lorries insist on overtaking other lorries on a dual carriageway? I am not a lorry driver, never have been so I am hoping someone can enlighten me why this happens?

One is travelling at maybe 54, the other 55 and they go for it, the one in the outside lane gets a nose ahead, but then they hit a hill and the one in the inside nudges ahead...this goes on for a few miles until either the one in the outside eventually gets past, or he drops back and doesnt bother overtaking afterall.


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I haven't got an issue with a lorry trying to overtake another but like you say Paul, if it starts becoming a protracted duel for miles on end then the driver of the lorry in the outside lane should use his brain (if he's got one) and pull back inside to let traffic pass.

Otherwise he's holding up traffic and annoying the hell out of people too.

I can add tractor drivers to this list too. They often ignore multiple places in which to pull over just so they can trundle along holding up traffic. Worse than this, some don't even make the effort to drive towards the verge so at least cars have a chance of overtaking.

Then I come to cyclists riding two, three ir more abreast. If you comment then you're always in the wrong for some reason.

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25 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

I haven't got an issue with a lorry trying to overtake another but like you say Paul, if it starts becoming a protracted duel for miles on end then the driver of the lorry in the outside lane should use his brain (if he's got one) and pull back inside to let traffic pass.

Otherwise he's holding up traffic and annoying the hell out of people too.

I can add tractor drivers to this list too. They often ignore multiple places in which to pull over just so they can trundle along holding up traffic. Worse than this, some don't even make the effort to drive towards the verge so at least cars have a chance of overtaking.

Then I come to cyclists riding two, three ir more abreast. If you comment then you're always in the wrong for some reason.

Tractors yes....i am sure they go out in rush hour just for the hell of it :)

Cyclists you are right....you sit behind them they seem to get wound up by the fact you havent overtaken them, its not always that easy to overtake even if single file never mind if they are 2 or 3 abreast, fine ride like that but move to single file if cars are trying to get by.

Horses same riding 2 abreast....just go single file and we wont sit behind you trying to get past.


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1 hour ago, EastHertsRam said:

Deadlines and technology in short Paul. 

I've got out of HGV driving last year after over 30 years, if you have trouble sleeping one night I'll post a more detailed reply to your question. 

I am sure there is some explanation, but to the average motorist it seems pointless, could understand when one is travelling at say 45 and the other 55 but when its clear there is minimal difference in speed then its hard to understand the benefit.

I dont like to be ignorant so a more detailed explanation (try and make it the short version) would be helpful.

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34 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:


I can add tractor drivers to this list too. They often ignore multiple places in which to pull over just so they can trundle along holding up traffic. Worse than this, some don't even make the effort to drive towards the verge so at least cars have a chance of overtaking.

I'm a tractor driver, I won't pull into every possible place when there's a car behind me when there's 3 or 4 I will especially when most of the miserable ******** wont even thank you for pulling over. I get you're going somewhere and its slowing you down, but so am I and pulling over slows me down.

There is a legitimate excuse for the verge though if you've got a load on its not worth the risk going on/close to it incase there's a ditch or hole and the trailer slides in you haven't any hope of getting it back out.

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14 minutes ago, Joe. said:

I'm a tractor driver, I won't pull into every possible place when there's a car behind me when there's 3 or 4 I will especially when most of the miserable ******** wont even thank you for pulling over. I get you're going somewhere and its slowing you down, but so am I and pulling over slows me down.

There is a legitimate excuse for the verge though if you've got a load on its not worth the risk going on/close to it incase there's a ditch or hole and the trailer slides in you haven't any hope of getting it back out.

Cheers Joe. From my perspective I am happy to sit behind a tractor whilst he makes his way down the road. I have some degree of patience but it's when they drive for 3 or 4 miles ignoring all stopping places and all other motorists. If there are a couple  of cars behind then fair enough but it's when there is a large tailback and they still carry on for miles.

I think it's just using common sense from motorist and from the tractor drivers. Which doesn't seem to happen by either.


I can't argue with your point about not getting any thanks for pulling over but we're not all like that.

You're not an avid cyclist too are you? :ph34r::lol:

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Lorries, cyclists and tractors can be very annoying but bad tempered motorists are probably the most dangerous people on the road.

They kill and maim thousands of people every year, and sometimes themselves....if everyone stayed calm and put their few minutes delay into perspective the world would be a better place.

How many times has some complete and utter cvnt raced past you on a dodgy stretch of road only for you to trundle up behind him a couple of miles later at a roundabout.

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17 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Lorries, cyclists and tractors can be very annoying but bad tempered motorists are probably the most dangerous people on the road.

They kill and maim thousands of people every year, and sometimes themselves....if everyone stayed calm and put their few minutes delay into perspective the world would be a better place.

How many times has some complete and utter cvnt raced past you on a dodgy stretch of road only for you to trundle up behind him a couple of miles later at a roundabout.

Yeah you are right...too many people drive dangerously, undertaking seems to be getting more popular these days, as does tailgating....those that tailgate slow vehicles on single carriagways are truly stupid people...its obvious to anyone with a brain that sitting back and keeping a steady distance means you can see the road ahead much more clearly and accelerate gradualy to overtake when appropriate or the slower moving vehicle pulls over.

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Agree with Uttoxram although there are some truly stupid motorists on the road that drive slowly and badly as well as fast and badly. Equally annoying.

The ones that need sectioning are those who tailgate as close as they can but fail to understand that i myself am stuck behind the car in front of me in a large convoy of cars in a similar position on a single carriageway.

I couldn't actually go any faster if I wanted to yet they seem to want to push me to go faster. If some of these ****** had a brain they'd be even more devastatingly dangerous than they are already.

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4 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Agree with Uttoxram although there are some truly stupid motorists on the road that drive slowly and badly as well as fast and badly. Equally annoying.

The ones that need sectioning are those who tailgate as close as they can but fail to understand that i myself am stuck behind the car in front of me in a large convoy of cars in a similar position on a single carriageway.

I couldn't actually go any faster if I wanted to yet they seem to want to push me to go faster. If some of these ****** had a brain they'd be even more devastatingly dangerous than they are already.

And to add to that, the reason they think you can go faster is because you are leaving a reasonable gap between you and the vehicle in front....so when they do overtake you they cut in to your gap meaning you have to slow down to leave another gap.

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1 hour ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:


Cheers Joe. From my perspective I am happy to sit behind a tractor whilst he makes his way down the road. I have some degree of patience but it's when they drive for 3 or 4 miles ignoring all stopping places and all other motorists. If there are a couple  of cars behind then fair enough but it's when there is a large tailback and they still carry on for miles.

I think it's just using common sense from motorist and from the tractor drivers. Which doesn't seem to happen by either.


I can't argue with your point about not getting any thanks for pulling over but we're not all like that.

You're not an avid cyclist too are you? :ph34r::lol:

Oh yeah there will be ********* in tractors that are happy to have 100+ cars behind them I'm sure! Don't worry I can't remember the last time I cycled, no interest in getting lycra'd up :lol:

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Used to be called knights of the road ,now amongst the worst , they pull over in to outside lanes of dual carriage ways at the last minute  to let there mates out with a speed difference of maybe 30mph .It's give way to the right in this country although they are not alone unfortunately .

Duelling lorries just pass them ,slow them right down let them go through all their gears and hopefully they will learn to be considerate, tossers.

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4 hours ago, Joe. said:

I'm a tractor driver, I won't pull into every possible place when there's a car behind me when there's 3 or 4 I will especially when most of the miserable ******** wont even thank you for pulling over. I get you're going somewhere and its slowing you down, but so am I and pulling over slows me down.

There is a legitimate excuse for the verge though if you've got a load on its not worth the risk going on/close to it incase there's a ditch or hole and the trailer slides in you haven't any hope of getting it back out.

Isn't it in the highway code that tractors have to pull over when there's a trail of cars behind?


7 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Why do lorries insist on overtaking other lorries on a dual carriageway? I am not a lorry driver, never have been so I am hoping someone can enlighten me why this happens?

One is travelling at maybe 54, the other 55 and they go for it, the one in the outside lane gets a nose ahead, but then they hit a hill and the one in the inside nudges ahead...this goes on for a few miles until either the one in the outside eventually gets past, or he drops back and doesnt bother overtaking afterall.


The problem here is that lorry drivers have a set number of hours each day (and strict breaks every 4 hours) to compete their deliveries. A simple solution here would be to have some sort of "turbo button" which will temporarily increase the MPH on the restrictor. All lorries have a tachograph which records speed etc so lorries wouldn't be able to leave this on all the time.

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6 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Then I come to cyclists riding two, three ir more abreast. If you comment then you're always in the wrong for some reason.

Rule 66

You should

keep both hands on the handlebars except when signalling or changing gear

keep both feet on the pedals

never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends

not ride close behind another vehicle

not carry anything which will affect your balance or may get tangled up with your wheels or chain

be considerate of other road users, particularly blind and partially sighted pedestrians. Let them know you are there when necessary, for example, by ringing your bell if you have one. It is recommended that a bell be fitted.


Rule 53 for horses.

As for slow ones,


Do not hold up a long queue of traffic, especially if you are driving a large or slow-

moving vehicle. Check your mirrors frequently, and if necessary, pull in where it is safe

and let traffic pass.

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25 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

Rule 66

You should

keep both hands on the handlebars except when signalling or changing gear

keep both feet on the pedals

never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends

not ride close behind another vehicle

not carry anything which will affect your balance or may get tangled up with your wheels or chain

be considerate of other road users, particularly blind and partially sighted pedestrians. Let them know you are there when necessary, for example, by ringing your bell if you have one. It is recommended that a bell be fitted.


Rule 53 for horses.

As for slow ones,


Do not hold up a long queue of traffic, especially if you are driving a large or slow-

moving vehicle. Check your mirrors frequently, and if necessary, pull in where it is safe

and let traffic pass.

too bloody right....never seen a horse rider check their mirrors once

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