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I thought that I woud start a thread where anyone can tell their problem(s) and tell how they have solved those problems or at least tried to solve them. I also encourage fellow posters to offer solutions to solve other posters problems. One for and all for one right ?

Ok, here is my problem. I'm a violant dude currently unemployed with my favourite football and ice hockey team sucking really bad. My fav American football team sucked last season and my fav baseball team will suck in a couple of months.

And I still haven't found what I'm looking for. That is the Indian princess.

My solution to make things better...

To watch more Frasier.

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4 hours ago, Cisse said:

I thought that I woud start a thread where anyone can tell their problem(s) and tell how they have solved those problems or at least tried to solve them. I also encourage fellow posters to offer solutions to solve other posters problems. One for and all for one right ?

Ok, here is my problem. I'm a violant dude currently unemployed with my favourite football and ice hockey team sucking really bad. My fav American football team sucked last season and my fav baseball team will suck in a couple of months.

And I still haven't found what I'm looking for. That is the Indian princess.

My solution to make things better...

To watch more Frasier.

Firstly, get some class and give up the sh@t sports: Baseball, american football and ice hockey... you're drowning in ******** ******* ***** **************** ***** *** *****!

Next, get 'poking Pocahontas' in hd.

Life sorted.

and drop the sh@t tv. Frasier? Go for Benefits Street.


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Baseball is of course a bit iffy but ice hockey and American football are the best sports there are and so much ahead of soccer it doesn't even raise a question about it.

Anyway, anybody have any solutions to other kinds of problems ?

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2 hours ago, Cisse said:

Baseball is of course a bit iffy but ice hockey and American football are the best sports there are and so much ahead of soccer it doesn't even raise a question about it.

Anyway, anybody have any solutions to other kinds of problems ?

Good to see you have a sense of humour. If you take all those who play American Football and add all those who play ice hockey, you'd probably get one Emile Heskey... and it's ahem football, not soccer.

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I have no sense of humour. If you don't believe me ask Boycie, he knows me. Your soc... erm football players have ruined the game by bitching and rolling on the grass every time someone comes near.

On the other hand in hockey you have good hits and fighting too. In Super Bowl this year there was a player with fractured arm a day after the surgery on it and he made some nasty hits too. Now there's the right attitude.

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12 minutes ago, Cisse said:

I have no sense of humour. If you don't believe me ask Boycie, he knows me. Your soc... erm football players have ruined the game by bitching and rolling on the grass every time someone comes near.

On the other hand in hockey you have good hits and fighting too. In Super Bowl this year there was a player with fractured arm a day after the surgery on it and he made some nasty hits too. Now there's the right attitude.

Ooh, they sound like tough guys. Let's see them MMA and we'll soon see their pants change colour. Must be a real test of character being a hard man with all that padding and a helmet on.

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2 hours ago, Cisse said:

I have no sense of humour. If you don't believe me ask Boycie, he knows me. Your soc... erm football players have ruined the game by bitching and rolling on the grass every time someone comes near.

On the other hand in hockey you have good hits and fighting too. In Super Bowl this year there was a player with fractured arm a day after the surgery on it and he made some nasty hits too. Now there's the right attitude.

12,441 posts and you don't even like football by the sounds of it! Mind you, 12,000 of those posts are probably on the Watch Thread. 

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5 hours ago, Chris Mills said:

12,441 posts and you don't even like football by the sounds of it! Mind you, 12,000 of those posts are probably on the Watch Thread. 

Football as a sport is a bit boring but I like all sports. Even the synchronised swimming.

But I LOVE the RAMS.

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20 hours ago, Cisse said:

I thought that I woud start a thread where anyone can tell their problem(s) and tell how they have solved those problems or at least tried to solve them. I also encourage fellow posters to offer solutions to solve other posters problems. One for and all for one right ?

Ok, here is my problem. I'm a violant dude currently unemployed with my favourite football and ice hockey team sucking really bad. My fav American football team sucked last season and my fav baseball team will suck in a couple of months.

And I still haven't found what I'm looking for. That is the Indian princess.

My solution to make things better...

 Find an Indian princess that sucks. 

Fixed that for you Cisse. :lol:

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Give up on the Princess idea, if you met one it would mean selling all your watches to keep her happy with expensive jewellery and other female demands.

Take up anger management classes, you don't solve anything with fists.

The job thing should be easy enough if you are willing to take on any job no matter how shitty.

Easiest one of all is to stop watching American Sports, 'Kin ell they are all awful. 

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I didn't wear boots in work. I didn't use my fists either except once. I used judo/wrestling throws. Ice hockey is Canadian sport. Wanting an Indian princess isn't really a problem since all the white women have taken my money too in the previous years.

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Cisse said:

Anybody got any solutions for money problems while you are unemployed ? Legal solutions prefered.

Unemployment here in North Carolina has begun to get slightly better in regards to people finding steady work, but still a lot are unemployed,some friends and some family of mine are unemployed currently.

Some stuff they have told me they do while looking for work is:

-Identifying expenses that can be reduced or got rid of if feasible(One couple I know had a 2014 Ford Explorer and downgraded to a 2010 one reducing amount of their car payment).One guy I know got rid of his cable and just uses the Internet.

-Selling stuff they no longer needed on Ebay or other places.

-To save on fuel expenses,not do as much traveling as they used too.

-Becoming self-employed(i.e. mowing lawns,general maintenance,etc.).



Hopefully you find a new job soon mate.






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