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I have never smoked cigarettes but I have tasted some real cigars that my dad smokes and they are very nice. Any fans of cigars here ?

Now that I have been living a bit healthier I think I need a new vice.

Not if you're out of work, you don't.

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A woman's only a woman but a good cigars a smoke. So my maths teacher use to tell me.

Thats what my maths teacher used to say.

During detentions, when it was just the 2 of us, whilst I was blindfolded.

I've never smoked one since, the cheesy smell is disgusting, and the fluid they use to put them out safely tastes rank.

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Why get healthy then ruin it all by smoking cigars? 

I doubt that my cigar smoking would do a lot harm. I can only smoke them outside which means that it has to happen between late April and early September at best. And I also need enough time to really enjoy those treats. Which mean perhaps ten cigars a year at best.

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My questioning has finished, amazes me how people get into smoking cigars, fags are easy, after a few drinks, get the urge to try one off a mate.

Cigars tho? Must be like trying lager for the first time as a teenager, tasted awful but you carried on because it was cool, before you know it you've got pubes and it tastes great.

They smell awful, look daft, if you're looking for a new vice try biting your toe nails

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