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Genuine question about fraud


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Genuine question, I work with a chap who claims 12k in benefits per year...no issue there, , however regularly turns down overtime and wont work a second of his 'contracted'hours as it will stitch him up with his claims. Is this fraud? Also his wife works cash in hand undeclared which im pretty sure is however cannot prove. Is annoying when the bloke in question brags about how rich he is on benefits...grrr


If you hadnt noticed the blokes a bit of a dick also...!

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I know where you're coming from Bimmerman, I work with a bloke who swans around in a nice Vauxhall Insigia, he's bragging it's 3 years old and needs changing.

He get's it from the mobility people for getting his mother in law around. She is bed ridden and when she needs to go to hospital she needs to be moved by a team of 4 to get her down the stairs so the car can't actually be used for her benefit.

Funny how these people feel the need to brag about abusing the system. 

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I know where you're coming from Bimmerman, I work with a bloke who swans around in a nice Vauxhall Insigia, he's bragging it's 3 years old and needs changing.

He get's it from the mobility people for getting his mother in law around. She is bed ridden and when she needs to go to hospital she needs to be moved by a team of 4 to get her down the stairs so the car can't actually be used for her benefit.

Funny how these people feel the need to brag about abusing the system. 

​I know of someone who did that and got found out, had to pay it all back.  Just report him to the DWP and that he uses the car more for his own personal use than his mother in law.

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Tried to give you a like for that McRam but it came up saying I wasn't allowed to give you a like, it's showing on my computer I like your post so I don't know what's going on.

Suffice to say, I like how matey had to pay back what he fiddled.

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Tried to give you a like for that McRam but it came up saying I wasn't allowed to give you a like, it's showing on my computer I like your post so I don't know what's going on.

Suffice to say, I like how matey had to pay back what he fiddled.

​It is showing a like, thank you.  Seriously grass his azz up

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I know where you're coming from Bimmerman, I work with a bloke who swans around in a nice Vauxhall Insigia, he's bragging it's 3 years old and needs changing.

He get's it from the mobility people for getting his mother in law around. She is bed ridden and when she needs to go to hospital she needs to be moved by a team of 4 to get her down the stairs so the car can't actually be used for her benefit.

Funny how these people feel the need to brag about abusing the system. 

technically for her benefit can mean - going shopping for her. If the vehicle is not being used for her benefit then its fraud.

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Contracted 30 a week I believe. Bit annoying as the bloke brags about what he claims then grasses people up to hr when they question it (I questioned it hence the post!) Am no grass but is f.ing frustrating when some of us just scratch a living with women on maternity! 

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Can't blame him for not working over time due to buggering up his benefits. It's weird if I get a 2 grand pay rise my working tax etc will go down by 1 grand so will only be 1 grand better off that's with out higher taxes etc.


Bit silly if u ask me but yes if his partner works cash in hand that's defo abusing the system hense there lifestyle.


I prefer being legit in everything I've seen some friends crumble after being found out and issued to pay it all back I don't want to be looking over my shoulder all the time!

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Genuine question, I work with a chap who claims 12k in benefits per year...no issue there, , however regularly turns down overtime and wont work a second of his 'contracted'hours as it will stitch him up with his claims. Is this fraud? Also his wife works cash in hand undeclared which im pretty sure is however cannot prove. Is annoying when the bloke in question brags about how rich he is on benefits...grrr


If you hadnt noticed the blokes a bit of a dick also...!

​I'd be inclined to say concentrate on your own happiness and your own life. What you see as bragging may be just this person being happy to have the help. There are people who 'play the system' very well without actually breaking any laws, and if you start dwelling on it, you'll spiral into all sorts of anarchy, especially considering the biggest benefit scroungers in this country are the royal family!

Genuinely, unless you think this person is seriously committing a crime, I wouldn't pay any more attention to them. If the highlight of their lives, is as you say, scrounging benefits, then they haven't got much going on, and take that as something to rise above and inspire you to lead your own personal improvements.

People worry too much about others and not enough about themselves, and before they know it, they're miserable and have missed countless opportunities to better themselves.

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Shop the vvanker ,there's kids and old people missing out on all sorts of things because of tossers like this .Although I do agree to an extent with what Mostyn6 said .

So shop him and move on.

You are not being a grass, you are helping everybody else from having their tax contributions not being stolen,  He is robbing you, me and every other tax payer.

​er.. just a thought, but this guy is doing the country a favour. If he and others (assuming he is guilty of) committing benefit fraud are keeping a lot of people in jobs. If they didn't do it, then there would be a load of benefit fraud investigators being made redundant, so the taxpayer will pay the same in benefits anyway. 

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​er.. just a thought, but this guy is doing the country a favour. If he and others (assuming he is guilty of) committing benefit fraud are keeping a lot of people in jobs. If they didn't do it, then there would be a load of benefit fraud investigators being made redundant, so the taxpayer will pay the same in benefits anyway. 

​Yet more tax payers money wasted paying for investigators, that money could be investigated in to education and health instead.  He is not doing anyone a favour, he is claiming benefits when he has the opportunity to work full time, he is a negative influence on the people that work along side him and that will impact the business, and who knows what that impact that could have?  The business could lose really good employees who feel that their contribution isn't appreciated.

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​Yet more tax payers money wasted paying for investigators, that money could be investigated in to education and health instead.  He is not doing anyone a favour, he is claiming benefits when he has the opportunity to work full time, he is a negative influence on the people that work along side him and that will impact the business, and who knows what that impact that could have?  The business could lose really good employees who feel that their contribution isn't appreciated.


​yeah but those investigators are paying taxes themselves, and having more disposable income which in turn is being spent. It's a massive catch 22 when you weigh up the impact. I was being tongue in cheek when I said it, but it things like littering or vandalism, as bad as they are, they keep people in jobs. Criminals keep the police in jobs. In a perverse and ridiculous way they are contributing. Whether the morality is wrong is not really debatable, but if everything worked the way it should, half of us would be out of a job.

My job is basically making sure other people do their job properly, if they did, I would have no job!

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Its not a catch 22, its simple, report him.

We have the police / fraud investigators because the scum of humanity thinks it can have something for nothing, and yes you need people to make sure things/people are working correctly.

However if you see someone doing wrong I personally believe you should report it to whoever needs to know.  His actions have a massive negative impact and the damage he does is more that the additional benefits he is potentially defrauding.

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