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Decided it would be a good idea to go out last night, got in at 3am and went to bed. Managed 42 hours awake and feel awful now, had to be in uni for 10 this morning so I've still only slept 5 hours... 

That's not good. Get some sleep mate. 

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​Yea I did, ordered some takeaway and then slept for four hours. Will probably need a weekend of recovery 

That's good idea mate you'll need it, hope it get sorted asap. 

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Sometimes I can literally fall into bed I'm that knackered, but my mind stays active and refuses to switch off. When I finally get to sleep it's for a few hours only cos I tend to wake up every hour from about 2'ish, glare at the alarm clock then try and get back to sleep - then feel completely knackered when the alarm goes off at 20 past 6. 

After several coffee's I regain my ability to speak and am ok.

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​Obviously I don't regret a single moment of the last 2 1/2 years.


I can type that because it isn't 2am and I haven't just been trying to ignore "daddy" every 8 seconds for the last 10 minutes.

That's terrible Wolfie. I can't believe your wife is still letting "daddy" come round at that time in the morning. Some women have no shame.

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Decided it would be a good idea to go out last night, got in at 3am and went to bed. Managed 42 hours awake and feel awful now, had to be in uni for 10 this morning so I've still only slept 5 hours... 

​You sound like my house mate. After an all-night stint finishing and handing in his dissertation, he thought it was a good idea to captain the rugby team in their final season fixture. He lasted 15 minutes, cramping up 4 times before he was stretchered off.

Saw him later that night lying down on one of the sofas on the balcony of Rock City. He literally couldn't bend his legs and I had to carry him to a taxi. 

Moral of the story - don't let a good night's sleep get in the way of having fun, because he'd do it again in a heart beat. You're not an old man yet.

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​You sound like my house mate. After an all-night stint finishing and handing in his dissertation, he thought it was a good idea to captain the rugby team in their final season fixture. He lasted 15 minutes, cramping up 4 times before he was stretchered off.

Saw him later that night lying down on one of the sofas on the balcony of Rock City. He literally couldn't bend his legs and I had to carry him to a taxi. 

Moral of the story - don't let a good night's sleep get in the way of having fun, because he'd do it again in a heart beat. You're not an old man yet.

​Ya see, when you've done an all nighter you basically feel drunk anyway. Top that off with actual drinking and you feel fantastic. Jaeger bombs are the perfect cure, caffeine and alcohol!

I'd do it again in a heart beat, maybe not the 24 hours of uni work but the rest of it was fun

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​Ya see, when you've done an all nighter you basically feel drunk anyway. Top that off with actual drinking and you feel fantastic. Jaeger bombs are the perfect cure, caffeine and alcohol!

I'd do it again in a heart beat, maybe not the 24 hours of uni work but the rest of it was fun​

​We've all done it though, haven't we? Our SU bar is putrid and I only ever go in there for a pint after doing an all-night library stint. There's something about the panda eyes, lack of sense of reality mixed with the delirium of actually having the work done which makes a pint of Carling taste like a chilled glass of Moët.

And why do people like prosecco so much? We went through 4 bottles, rough stuff

​Cos it's cheap and you eventually it tastes like water. It's £5 for a bottle of Cava at Tesco and sometimes the decent Prosecco is slashed to 6 quid. It's a little treat for a man like me who usually pre drinks on a mixture of White Lighting and Vimto squash.

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​We've all done it though, haven't we? Our SU bar is putrid and I only ever go in there for a pint after doing an all-night library stint. There's something about the panda eyes, lack of sense of reality mixed with the delirium of actually having the work done which makes a pint of Carling taste like a chilled glass of Moët.

​Cos it's cheap and you eventually it tastes like water. It's £5 for a bottle of Cava at Tesco and sometimes the decent Prosecco is slashed to 6 quid. It's a little treat for a man like me who usually pre drinks on a mixture of White Lighting and Vimto squash.

​Our SU aint much better, brand new one opening in September though

Nothing like sitting in the sun with a pint of strongbow (The only cider they have on tap)

Prosecco can ******* do one though, pre drinks of rum and cider, I have gone as low as Frosty Jacks before - rancid stuff

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​You sound like my house mate. After an all-night stint finishing and handing in his dissertation, he thought it was a good idea to captain the rugby team in their final season fixture. He lasted 15 minutes, cramping up 4 times before he was stretchered off.

Saw him later that night lying down on one of the sofas on the balcony of Rock City. He literally couldn't bend his legs and I had to carry him to a taxi. 

Moral of the story - don't let a good night's sleep get in the way of having fun, because he'd do it again in a heart beat. You're not an old man yet.

I have met you just the once Duracell, and then very briefly, but I find it highly unlikely that you might be able to lift an umbrella above your head let alone literally carry a burly rugby player to his taxi. Moral of the story - if you have a story, make it plausible to the reader.


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I have met you just the once Duracell, and then very briefly, but I find it highly unlikely that you might be able to lift an umbrella above your head let alone literally carry a burly rugby player to his taxi. Moral of the story - if you have a story, make it plausible to the reader.


Maybe I should have classified that it's Rugby League. We're talking a different kettle of fish to proper Rugby players.

And in all seriousness, I'll challenge you to an arm wrestle if you're in the Brunswick on Saturday...

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Maybe I should have classified that it's Rugby League. We're talking a different kettle of fish to proper Rugby players.

And in all seriousness, I'll challenge you to an arm wrestle if you're in the Brunswick on Saturday...

I am afraid I am otherwise engaged on Saturday, but my good friends Rammie and Frogg will be along, and by proxy I will get Rammie to stand in for me on this challenge. To make it a tad fairer I will insist he has to eat soup with a teaspoon during a best of three bout, and should he spill any of the soup you can be automatically crowned champ. Hopefully though we might catch up if we get into the play offs, especially as I think Boycie wants to lock hands with me too.

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Maybe I should have classified that it's Rugby League. We're talking a different kettle of fish to proper Rugby players.

And in all seriousness, I'll challenge you to an arm wrestle if you're in the Brunswick on Saturday...

​Ever since it was a game for spoilt public schoolboys, I have always had a downer on Rugby Onions. However, with the ending of the 'great divide', the influx of decent, hard, athletic, professional Rugby League players was its salvation.

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