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What is causing the problems

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After the Wolves game Mac said I cannot believe we lost the game, but hopefully after the international break we have the players to come back, its all still to play for.

Watching the game last night, things have not improved, we go into a game needing to score two or three goals simply because we cannot defend and are giving away 2 goals a game.

The consistant thing with this is the poor defending is down to school boy errors and it has been going on far too long game after game.

On the positive side we are still creating chances [i would be worried if we weren't], unfortunately we are not taking them, JR for me is still a liability in front of goal, nothing new last night then!

We do have CM back and we are still good enough to win the playoffs, non doubt about that as long as we stop these school boy errors that are costing us the game.


I did hear on Talk Sport breakfast show [Weds or Thurs with Alan Brazil], one football reporter came on the radio and they were talking about the injury problems we'd had and the lack of no wins and the reporter said to Brazil'' I have heard there are complaints in the dressing room with the players regarding some that have come in on big money and its causing an issue in the camp'', Brazil said '' you better be sure your right about this, cos I know a few on the board at Derby and haven't heard this?''

So maybe there is something else causing us problems on the pitch.........

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To be honest, having a wage cap was only going to work for a short while.

as soon as they had confidence in a manager to spend big on wages or loans then the unrest was bound to start.

its only natural that employees get fed up if others are on higher wages for doing the same job, or even just sitting on the bench.

i bet it's the same in every prem club.

this is what is driving the wages higher and higher, look at Sterling, what's he had? One and a half good season's? And now he's billy big bolox

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Defenders aren't technically able to sustain a promotion push. It wasn't great last season and again ultimately cost us. McClaren stuck with his back 4 but didn't replace the rock that was Andre Wisdom well enough (did it on the cheap with Christie, 100k). He then drafted in Shotton, who although I do rate, doesn't have championship experience. Albentosa is a completely unknown quantity. He could come good, who knows, but he's not the automatic game changer that some made him out to be.


Regardless of manager this summer, it needs sorting out, because it simply isn't good enough. 4/5 of our goals over this run have been awful defensive errors. It's becomming embarrassing. 

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Our problem is our entire defense. Keeper included. Just mistake after mistake. Their downfall is their own causing. Without these consistent mistakes, they would be regarded as a very good defense. I mean let's have it right. We cause far more trouble for other defenses than they do us. Without these mistakes we would be at the top of the championship. In our last 5 games, the defenders and keeper have cost us at least 6 points. Just factoring in goals that occurred because of mistakes they should not be making. Never mind being cheated out of all three points against Wolves. Which would take that up to 8. 

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We cannot play at a high tempo for more than 10 minutes at a time.

We play exactly the same way every week and teams have found us out.

Martin is key to how we play and is only just back.

Confidence is low.

Pressure is high.

Fans are restless.

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It's a perfect storm.

injuries came at a crucial time of the season and we, more to the point McClaren, failed to deal with it.

A few bad results, which included some defensive errors, set the fans hunting for blood. The atmosphere around the club is hugely tense now and the players are under the microscope more than ever. 

We've got a fairly big club mentality and that certainly didn't help. As soon as it got a little bit rough, we needed to blame someone and something - Bournemouth fans in the same situation got behind their team. I think that's certainly played its part. 

Ultimately, I just think we've fell under the standard we set last season. Both in attack and defence, each area has been poorer than last season.

We've got a side that doesn't deal well under pressure, too. Some teams can play without fear, but ours are shouldering the weight of the world at the minute - not helped by the constant speculation about the head coach. 

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To people who are blaming Grant and his lack of form - everyone is experiencing the same but as a keeper you are the last line of defence and any mistake is far more likely to get punished (like the Wolves game). However even the best keepers in the world start to struggle when they lose faith in their defence - look at Casillas at the WC last summer; one of the best keepers this generation was awful and is it any surprise when Spain were so shockingly bad?  

My point is - I dont think it's a lack of ability that has caused this slump - more so a lack of confidence and unfortunately when it rains it pours in this case. Remember - this is effectively the team that took us to Wembley and this season top of the league so its not like theyre incapable is it? 

For all those pessimists out there - we are still 6th and in the playoffs and have a much easier run in than over the last month or so. If we go on a good run and finish well within the play-offs then hopefully the momentum and confidence will see us through to Wembley and likely further. Now is not the time to lose faith in the lads, but get behind them and make sure we leave nothing behind.

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To people who are blaming Grant and his lack of form - everyone is experiencing the same but as a keeper you are the last line of defence and any mistake is far more likely to get punished (like the Wolves game). However even the best keepers in the world start to struggle when they lose faith in their defence - look at Casillas at the WC last summer; one of the best keepers this generation was awful and is it any surprise when Spain were so shockingly bad?  

My point is - I dont think it's a lack of ability that has caused this slump - more so a lack of confidence and unfortunately when it rains it pours in this case. Remember - this is effectively the team that took us to Wembley and this season top of the league so its not like theyre incapable is it? 

For all those pessimists out there - we are still 6th and in the playoffs and have a much easier run in than over the last month or so. If we go on a good run and finish well within the play-offs then hopefully the momentum and confidence will see us through to Wembley and likely further. Now is not the time to lose faith in the lads, but get behind them and make sure we leave nothing behind.

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