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Rooney knocked out in boxing match

Chris Mills

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​What relevance is that? We're talking about my opinion of Rooney, not his wife's. Fair play if she wants to keep trying. 

​When asked who Rooney has harmed you replied his wife, how do you know his wife feelings and what goes on behind doors in private? You're calling someone a scumbag based on nothing but media reports with absolutely no knowledge of their relationship.

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​When asked who Rooney has harmed you replied his wife, how do you know his wife feelings and what goes on behind doors in private? You're calling someone a scumbag based on nothing but media reports with absolutely no knowledge of their relationship.

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​He cheated on her, of course she would have been hurt by that. He admitted to the cheating, It's not a media report. I don't need a knowledge of the relationship. I'm not basing it on how he treats her in every day life (I'm sure he treats her very well), I'm basing it on the simple fact that he cheated. 

I'm guessing you have never made a mistake in your life that someone has forgiven you for and never will?

You're calling the bloke a scumbag based on something that has literally nothing to do with you and you have no idea what happened, how it effected the relationship. Reminds me of your views on homosexuals, nothing to do with you what people do behind closed doors but you have this strong opinion on what others should and shouldn't do, sat on that high horse of yours looking down on people and judging.



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I'm guessing you have never made a mistake in your life that someone has forgiven you for and never will?

You're calling the bloke a scumbag based on something that has literally nothing to do with you and you have no idea what happened, how it effected the relationship. Reminds me of your views on homosexuals, nothing to do with you what people do behind closed doors but you have this strong opinion on what others should and shouldn't do, sat on that high horse of yours looking down on people and judging.



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I'm guessing you have never made a mistake in your life that someone has forgiven you for and never will?

You're calling the bloke a scumbag based on something that has literally nothing to do with you and you have no idea what happened, how it effected the relationship. Reminds me of your views on homosexuals, nothing to do with you what people do behind closed doors but you have this strong opinion on what others should and shouldn't do, sat on that high horse of yours looking down on people and judging.



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I've made mistakes but I would never make that mistake.

Why does it have to effect me for me to have an opinion? I know I said she would have been hurt (and she would have been) but even if she wasn't, that wouldn't change my opinion. Why do you care what I think of him? Wayne Rooney certainly won't 

Remind me of my views of homosexuality, because my views tie in pretty nicely with 'it has nothing to do with me what people do behind closed doors'.


​I'm just replying with my opinion on your opinion, if you put your opinions out there on others on a public forum expect to be questioned on it, I don't know what mistake you made but I think you're a scumbag for it ;)

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​Why aren't we supposed to have opinions of anyone?. It's a fact that he cheated. Nobody is disputing that.

I have never and would never cheat on my wife. Surely I'm within my rights to think that anyone that does is a selfish fool/stupid/"scumbag". Cheating isn't making a mistake IMO. It's a deliberate selfish act where you know what the risks are and what the likely outcomes are and go and do it anyway. I am entitled to think that I'm better than those people and if that's being judgemental from my high horse then so be it.

Sorry to jump into someone else's argument. As you were.....

​Just find it odd that a topic based on a celebration ends up labelling someone a scumbag for something they did in their private life away from football. Just the way the world is now I guess, with all these celebrity magazines and newspaper gossip columns people think they have an inside knowledge into what goes on behind closed doors and they can voice their opinion on the internet.

Just think as football fans our interest in Rooney and every other footballer should start and stop when he's on the pitch. What they do off it should remain private and not up for discussion really, think the whole thing is pretty sad tbh (Boxing video), obviously let someone into his house that he trusted, thought was a friend, now he's in the limelight for something that really shouldn't be in the news, same as the cheating story.

To think we live in a world where newspapers will pay big money for stories like these to feed the obsession into "celebrities" private lives is very very sad.

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​Just think as football fans our interest in Rooney and every other footballer should start and stop when he's on the pitch. What they do off it should remain private and not up for discussion really, think the whole thing is pretty sad tbh (Boxing video), obviously let someone into his house that he trusted, thought was a friend, now he's in the limelight for something that really shouldn't be in the news, same as the cheating story.

To think we live in a world where newspapers will pay big money for stories like these to feed the obsession into "celebrities" private lives is very very sad.

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​I don't disagree with you there and I hate all the celebrity worship that goes on. I even haven't watched the boxing video because I have no interest in him or it. I have an opinion about people who cheat and he just happens to be one of them.

To me, the fact that these stories always get out there makes him even more of a selfish idiot for cheating because he should know that there is no way it will ever stay a secret.

Agreed he should have known it would come out, but still, I struggle with the idea that someone can sit here and say they dislike a bloke call him as scumbag.

Probably sat on here talking to members that have cheated on a wife with a family, could work with people that have cheated, sat surrounded by both men and women at the iPro who have cheated, have friends that have cheated and kept it a secret, who knows we could be stood there chanting the name of a player in our team that has cheated.

We're football fans, what happens off the pitch or how much they earn, topic for conversation behind closed doors with who it effects for me.

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​He cheated on her, of course she would have been hurt by that. He admitted to the cheating, It's not a media report. I don't need a knowledge of the relationship. I'm not basing it on how he treats her in every day life (I'm sure he treats her very well), I'm basing it on the simple fact that he cheated. 

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I'm not a massive Rooney fan, mainly due to the incessant money grubbing. I don't understand how Man United fans tolerate it. If a Derby player, no matter how talented, swanned off to Dubai mid season with an unspecified injury every time his contract was being re-negotiated I'd want him gone.

Don't give me the "it's all relative" ******** either. All footballers are paid too much, but 100k/week allows you to live like a king for the rest of your life. It's an absolute joke that some of them refuse to kick a football about for that wage.

I also liked it when he swore at the England fans. Captain material right there.

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Have you labelled everyone you know (friends, family, colleagues etc) as 'scumbags' when they've cheated? And do not even try to say that nobody in your family has cheated! I won't believe you. 

Cheating is not a crime. It's not adultery before marriage. 

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