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Sheffield Wednesday

Bris Vegas

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I've just had a peek on their forum given they've just been taken over by a Thai consortium.


Not sure what plans the new owners have promised, but they're getting excited over the possibility of a number of new transfers.


While quite not Manchester City standards, a few names popped up which would require big money.


A few on there think Jordan Rhodes is Stuart Gray's number one target, while other names such as Lewis Grabban, Matty Philipps, Tom Ince, Lewis McGugan, Connor Wickham and James ;McClean were all mentioned.


What do you think?


Does the Championship have a new Forest to look forward to?

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I think all these rich geezers expect it to be cheaper and easier than it actually is. They soon have their spirits dampened when it doesn't happen as quickly as it did on their Football Manager game.

Total disrespect to football that they think it's a case of having the best players.

Like those names being mentioned. Do they really think that even if they bought all of those that it would massively improve them? Ha! It wouldn't. Not massively.

The money needed to do it is unreal. You can't just chuck together a bunch of successful Championship players and expect success. At the very least you need a half decent manager. If he's only just competent then you'll need to tempt players down that are too good for the Championship. Even then it's not nailed on.

If the manager is good then it's about getting the players in to suit him. Obviously they may not be the best ones.

You mentioned it the other day Bris. Mata at Utd. They bought the best player they could at that time. They had no place for him. No plan for him. What he did on the wing they probably could have got for

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Apparently the new chairman has promised his son he will get Sheffield Wednesday promoted to the Premier League, seems his sights are a bit more realistic than other un-named chairman who have promised their clubs the following:-


- They will become a global name


- Challenge for the Premier League title


- More stars on their shirt than there are in the milky way


- A new ground



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Apparently the new chairman has promised his son he will get Sheffield Wednesday promoted to the Premier League, seems his sights are a bit more realistic than other un-named chairman who have promised their clubs the following:-


- They will become a global name


- Challenge for the Premier League title


- More stars on their shirt than there are in the milky way


- A new ground



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They only really need a striker to be pushing up the table, scored the same amount as Blackpool but only conceded 23 all season


I don't think their excellent defensive record is down to the quality of players, more for the fact they sit deep as a team and generally defend really well from all areas.


A new striker won't help much, as it's not like they create loads of chances and miss them.


IMO it's just their defensive mentality which has gotten them in this position. They need a lot of work to make the next step of challenging for a top six spot.


Hopefully Sheffield United get promoted this season so they can have thier derby back. It's always a fiesty match when they play against eachother.

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As high up in the league as they are, they've got to be one of the most painful teams to watch/play against.


They've added a great talent in Lewis Baker and they've got Will Keane in, who has been in good form. I think they over compensate defensively because they know they have to. 


They've scored less than half the amount of goals we have and only conceded two fewer than us. If they change it, though, who is to say it won't make results worse. Out of our home games, I'm dreading Wednesday the most. We're going to be playing up against a brick wall for 90 minutes. 

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