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Team full of captains


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Seems to be that our squad are getting full of the captain material. Should help us especially if things are not going well. Maybe these players and their mindset is one of the reasons we haven't had slump recently?


Grant is the one I'm not sure about. Has he ever been one? At least he is quite commanding.

Barker is of course out but Keogh and Bucko is/has been captains.

Eustace and Bryson has been in their old clubs.

Martin is a captain in making, already leads the line perfectly and very convincing in interviews. Thorne looked similar.

If Warnock joins, there's one more.



My point is, I'm missing days of Paul Connolly.

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I find it strange when fans talk about which players make good captains, what we see on the pitch is only part of the captains job. We have no idea what players are like off the pitch, Chris Martin could be as quiet as they come, keeps himself to himself.

Also when things are not going his way Martin looks...well abit mardy, do you want to see your captain sulking with his head down grumbling?

Nothing against Martin, just used him to make my point, I'd have his babies if he'd let me

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Also when things are not going his way Martin looks...well abit mardy, do you want to see your captain sulking with his head down grumbling?





Nothing against Martin, just used him to make my point, I'd have his babies if he'd let me



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That's why I said captain in the making.


When he has matured enough, he could do what Beckham did after he was given captaincy. Raised his game, worked a lot more to the team and became much better player overall.


Responsibility doesn't always fit to the players, but later in his career, I'm sure Martin could carry it well. Not no tho, and those reasons are obvious.

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I find it strange when fans talk about which players make good captains, what we see on the pitch is only part of the captains job. We have no idea what players are like off the pitch, Chris Martin could be as quiet as they come, keeps himself to himself.

Also when things are not going his way Martin looks...well abit mardy, do you want to see your captain sulking with his head down grumbling?

Nothing against Martin, just used him to make my point, I'd have his babies if he'd let me


I'm sure I'd read that Chris Martin was pretty vocal in the dressing room - think it was Steve Mac himself quoting this? Could be wrong. My mrs always says I am ;)

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