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Forum Attacked - Let's Try Again


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You are a fatal error JW, your mum told me. I tried to 'like' one of your posts earlier, but it wouldn't allow me. Pity as I don't usually find much much you post interesting or amusing.

A big thanks to Daveo. I have to say I feel a bit violated, like someone has shat in my bed, so I cannot know how he is feeling. When this all settles down I think the whole forum should have a whip round so he can have a night out to cover the one he lost last night. I would think for as little as

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Your passwords will be safe, email addresses he may have seen but I don't think he was interested in gaining any details like that.


So we know the hacker was male. That narrow it down a bit.

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Your passwords will be safe, email addresses he may have seen but I don't think he was interested in gaining any details like that.

what was he after? just crashing the site? i cant imagine there is much useful information for the likes of a hacker. is it easy for them to do? it said on the derby mad forum that the forest fans forum was down anorl. good work gerin it back up though. ta

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Around these parts I have the rather dubious reputation of being ya stereotypical "grumpy old git" "I don't believe it" "the worlds gone bonkers" "moisturiser for men, what's that all about" type of chap, but hey ho, there are times when my faith in decent human beings inhabiting this planet is momentarily restored!................top bloke Daveo!

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Thanks for all your comments boys and girls, does mean a lot and shows where we are now as a forum. So much love shown on here, Facebook, Twitter has been emotional!....suddenly realise how many people enjoy using the forum and how big we've become.

Yes I put the work in but without you guys this would be nothing, so you should all take a bit of credit and pat yourselfs on the back, because when others say this is the best forum it's not the code but the content that you all provide. I'm just the guy trying to keep this place online.

Donations have been mentioned several times and already we have received a couple which really are appreciated. I will never ask or expect any member to donate, still amazed when people donate to this day.

We are looking to move to a new server soon that will give me more control (and work to do), all donations received are kept and will be used to fund this move. Again, without you guys none of this would be possible.

A couple have asked about the new forum, IPS are now in Beta 5 with it, there is no time frame but I'm positive it will be realised in plenty of time to celebrate promotion on. If we are not attacked again all this content will be transferred over :)

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I won't be upgrading on day one of release, I'll see how it goes first for others, beta test all they like but until it's fully released and hundreds upgrade you never quite know.

Look at the recent iOS upgrades for example

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Whilst this place is my second home, I'm pee'd off that for some reason, when I type a post - and since the forum came back online - it's predictive text on me phone?

Doesn't happen on owt else, not Twitter or farcebook, just here.

Very odd.

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Whilst this place is my second home, I'm pee'd off that for some reason, when I type a post - and since the forum came back online - it's predictive text on me phone?

Doesn't happen on owt else, not Twitter or farcebook, just here.

Very odd.

i knew you were gunna say that.
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