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All we are saying, is give Roos a chance.


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We have a Butland on loan. Doesn't look as good as grant in a derby shirt. Butland will get played until Grant is back. Roos is a good keeper but I don't think and McClaren has made it clear he won't be playing regularly in first team games. If McClaren wanted Roos to play he wouldn't have signed Butland.

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Think it's unfortunate for Butland that the teams performances since his arrival have been below par.

Saved us at Blackpool with some very good saves, then the penalty at home to Wigan. He's not done too bad at all, more the players infront of him underperforming than himself.

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I meant Butland, just realised that wasn't initially clear       :lol:


Butland had practically nothing to do - apart from pick the ball out of the back of the net from two well-struck first-time efforts.

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Think Brentford had 2 shots on target and scored 2 goals according to what I read, though don't think he could have saved them either (not seen them yet myself).


Its more that his distribution is so bad its having a massive downturn effect on the teams performances, just giving away possession practically every time he has it in his hands. Nowadays its not enough just to be a shot stopper, you need to be good with your feet too in the modern game.


Plus not sure he is entirely failsafe, Leeds fans were clamouring for him to be sent back I noticed last season looking at some of their forums, plus he made a rather soft error leading up to Wigan's winner last week (after admittedly pulling off some good saves before that).


But from what I have seen of Roos his kicking is far better and have never failed to be impressed with him all round so far.


That said I think Butland will play just because he is a "name" no matter how he does, which is a bit disappointing for me.

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I wouldn't mind so much as had expected there to be a week of intensive training so he could get it right after the Wigan game but it just sounded like more of the same from folk who have reported back. So something seems to be going wrong, either he just wont ever be able to kick it, he's not able to kick within the small corridor that the management require him to (some were going 10 yards over Forsyths head in the Wigan game) or they just haven't bothered trying to put it right at all in the interim.

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See my above post! Do you not think terrible kicking has any relevance?


The aiming of kicks to (mainly) Forsyth seems to have crept in over the last couple of weeks because sides are now pushing up on Derby's central defenders as soon as the goalkeeper collects the ball. A 70 yard kick up the centre to Martin doesn't have to be accurate - but one to the flanks does (no margin for error - otherwise it's in the stand).


The object of the exercise seems to be that Forsyth flicks the ball on to a midfield player and we take it on from there. The kick up the middle to Martin never worked once yesterday because he was being clobbered by the central defenders every time with the referee seemingly looking in the opposite direction.

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