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Is socialism a force for good in Britain?

As someone who grew up in Derbyshire, I saw what the 1980's conservative government did to this county so it's natural I'm from a family of lefties. Recently however socialism has been given a dirty name by all those who abandoned it, including Blair's Labour Party.

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Is socialism a force for good in Britain?

As someone who grew up in Derbyshire, I saw what the 1980's conservative government did to this county so it's natural I'm from a family of lefties. Recently however socialism has been given a dirty name by all those who abandoned it, including Blair's Labour Party.

think new labour were basically ''Tory lite" through its term in office.... Other than for a few decent polices....
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There is no longer any meaningful left-wing politics or politicians (apart from Dennis) in Britain. Just varying degrees of right. British politics no longer has a conscience.

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There is no longer any meaningful left-wing politics or politicians (apart from Dennis) in Britain. Just varying degrees of right. British politics no longer has a conscience.

Pretty much. Lib Dems pretended to be left for a bit a few years ago. That's about as close as we've come.

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Pretty soon socialism will have to take a new form in Basic Income as the mass automation of jobs begins to take place. An Oxford research group has estimated that up to 50% of jobs could be automated within 20 years. The idea of basic income is simple. This is something the politicians will be talking about before the end of the decade. Once the debate begins and they start to see jobs disappear, they will all agree that it must be implemented. The difference between each party being the amount. 

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I believe that we need to get the closest we can to socialism. Renationalise all the utilities, the railways and keep the NHS and Education as it should be without private companies. How can anyone with a soul desire to make profit from people being ill and needing to be cared for?


The global financial crisis was a purely pre-meditated act of fraud on a huge scale. It is the biggest transfer of wealth from the working people to the wealthy in history. Since 2008 the amount of billionaires in this country has risen while the average family is

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I just feel completely disillusioned with politics these days. Labour's policies are strong but Ed Milliband would make a very poor Prime Minister imo. Meanwhile, the Tories are so strongly influenced by the extremists and are happy to be... the new foreign secretary Philip Hammond is eurosceptic, when leaving the EU is an awful idea, and at the next Conservative conference Cameron is set to announce that we will no longer be bound by the European Convention on human rights! And the Lib Dems have lost all credibility after they sold their soul in the 2010 General Election.

As a society, we need to make some progress towards socialism to redistribute the wealth - the rich and poor gap is huge at the moment. Plus we need to stand up and say no to the Tories as they continue to be influenced by the extremists and try to take us backwards from the democratic society that we have all strived to create.

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I believe in social justice, freedom of expression, and things like the NHS, Police, Military, Gas, Electricity, Water, Transport and Education being run for the benefit of the country not the stock market.


Is that socialism?

No, not socialism, it's common sense and having a social conscience.

Socialism/communism and capitalism/fascism are two sides of the same coin. Both let ideology and greed for power and/or personal gain over-rule the common good.

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Is socialism a force for good in Britain?

As someone who grew up in Derbyshire, I saw what the 1980's conservative government did to this county so it's natural I'm from a family of lefties. Recently however socialism has been given a dirty name by all those who abandoned it, including Blair's Labour Party.


I'm right of centre but am alarmed that this latest recession seems only to have affected the middle classes, working classes or the unemployed/disabled. 2009-2014 was an opporunity to rebalance society and to make this new super rich class pay their dues - they have got away scot free and its disgusting to see we're effectively headed for the mother of all crashes as f**k all seems to have changed. The 1970's recession stung the rich, the 80's the poor and the 00's has stung everybody but the super rich. It is as simple as that.

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It's interesting that so many want Labour to be more left wing, but they only get elected with centrist leaders.



I just feel completely disillusioned with politics these days. Labour's policies are strong but Ed Milliband would make a very poor Prime Minister imo. Meanwhile, the Tories are so strongly influenced by the extremists and are happy to be... the new foreign secretary Philip Hammond is eurosceptic, when leaving the EU is an awful idea, and at the next Conservative conference Cameron is set to announce that we will no longer be bound by the European Convention on human rights! And the Lib Dems have lost all credibility after they sold their soul in the 2010 General Election.
As a society, we need to make some progress towards socialism to redistribute the wealth - the rich and poor gap is huge at the moment. Plus we need to stand up and say no to the Tories as they continue to be influenced by the extremists and try to take us backwards from the democratic society that we have all strived to create.


Why would he make a poor Prime Minister if he has good policies? Because he's not as good looking as Cameron? 

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It's interesting that so many want Labour to be more left wing, but they only get elected with centrist leaders.




Why would he make a poor Prime Minister if he has good policies? Because he's not as good looking as Cameron?

It's probably because he's a complete freak show. He genuinely reminds me of the Sinpsons episode where Kang and Kodos take on the forms of Dole and Clinton and run against each other. For a party that has to relate to the common man, I think he's a terrible fit.

His policies are also terrible but that's a different debate.

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It's probably because he's a complete freak show. He genuinely reminds me of the Sinpsons episode where Kang and Kodos take on the forms of Dole and Clinton and run against each other. For a party that has to relate to the common man, I think he's a terrible fit.

His policies are also terrible but that's a different debate.


I voted for Kodos.

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Most lefties would be more than happy if Labour took the NHS and the utilities back into public ownership. Obviously those on the right would argue for profit-driven ownership, but what about the floaters...........(leaves room for Boycie's ***** puns)........any on here who have changed their vote over the years?


Would you be more likely to vote Labour if they did adopt a policy of public ownership of the vital services? Not that i think they ever will btw, they have sold their soul to the corporate beast, but hypothetically, if there was a clear divide between the Tories and Labour, would it make any difference to how you'd vote?

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It's interesting that so many want Labour to be more left wing, but they only get elected with centrist leaders.

Why would he make a poor Prime Minister if he has good policies? Because he's not as good looking as Cameron?

No, looks have nothing to do with whether or not he would make a good Prime Minister, although, unfortunately, in this day and age, what he looks like may make him less likely to be elected in the first place.

Personally I believe that he has good policies and am particularly pleased with the fact he has announced that his party is pro-Europe. But from the way he conducts himself, my personal judgement is that he would struggle under pressure of a crisis (not like Cameron would do much better though). Maybe that is an unfair judgement to make but it's my gut instinct. He would also find things difficult because of the largely right-wing media and the potential they have for mocking him and Balls (again, sadly, this is because of the way they look).

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