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Glasgow Rangers for the uneducated


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As they are coming to town again (Ted McMinn game last time) I thought I would explain to the un educated about the difference between Celtic and Rangers as there seems to have been a few posts already.


Rangers = Proud to be British, support our Troops through and through, wave Union Flags during games, sing God Save The Queen and Rule Britannia, a few of the fans have a soft spot for England.


Celtic = Pro Ireland, Pro the IRA, hate our Queen, hate our troops, boo on Poppy Day parades, hate the English, hate the Britsh.


These are the reasons that I am glad its Rangers coming to town NOT the IRA lovers.


ps if any English guy has a soft spot for celtic I think he / she should see a shrink as it means liking someone or something that despises you.


here endeth my lesson. God Save our Queen.

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As they are coming to town again (Ted McMinn game last time) I thought I would explain to the un educated about the difference between Celtic and Rangers as there seems to have been a few posts already.


Rangers = Proud to be British, support our Troops through and through, wave Union Flags during games, sing God Save The Queen and Rule Britannia, a few of the fans have a soft spot for England.


Celtic = Pro Ireland, Pro the IRA, hate our Queen, hate our troops, boo on Poppy Day parades, hate the English, hate the Britsh.


These are the reasons that I am glad its Rangers coming to town NOT the IRA lovers.


ps if any English guy has a soft spot for celtic I think he / she should see a shrink as it means liking someone or something that despises you.


here endeth my lesson. God Save our Queen.


Well I have a soft spot for Celtic, I also know of Scottish Celtic fans that are not pro IRA, hate our queen and one is even a solider.


If you want to talk total crap go for it, maybe stop by and see a shrink whilst you're at it.

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No Derby fan is really interested in rangers v Celtic. We're only really interested in Derby tbh. It's pretty sad that two sets of fans hate each other so much because of religious/political reasons. It's football.

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I couldn't agree more, I was just pointing out the difference.

Think most people are aware of the difference. If you go round 1000 Englishmen who actually care, and ask them who they dislike more, you'll get a 50/50 split.
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Both Rangers and Celtic are ******* parasites to football. 


It's a pantomime, Rangers play up to the uber Britshness with all the god save the queen, and 'loyal' ********, whilst Celtic play up to the old IRA loving stereotype. Both sets of supporters are by and large nauseating, vastly uneducated, mongs. Even worse are the divs in this country who pick one of the Glasgow clubs to blindly follow. (Chelsea  :bye:  :bye:)


For the record, i dislike both British monarchy and Irish based terrorism, i'm just about sensible enough to separate that from a game of football. 

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I know quite a few Celtic fans, none of whom hate me. Of course they could be hiding their true feelings behind the facade of not being idiotically one-eyed and sweeping in their generalisations.

Thanks for the lesson. I'm off to see my shrink without delay.

As an aside, the only rangers supporter I know professes to hate Catholics but used to talk amiably with my wife. I don't assume on this basis that all rangers supporters are mindless bigots with a nice line in violence and hypocrisy.

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[quote name="englishram" post="621569" timestamp="1402672876"

ps if any English guy has a soft spot for celtic I think he / she should see a shrink as it means liking someone or something that despises you.

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Most Rankgers fans are vile, horrible scummy bigoted people.

Visit their forum and you will soon see what they are like.

Right up there with the QPR forum, if not worse.


A lot of threads have death threats in them aimed at people they despise, people they consider that are at fault for them being relegated to division 3. Nothing to do with the fact they cheated honest businesses out of money, never paid them and are at it all over again.

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