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Norwich ,Fulham,Cardiff and Wolves will make it a tougher Championship campaign


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Don't get hung up about the loans.

Whitbread rarely featured.

Bamford had a good start and although his finishing was good at times, it was also wayward at times and not a good exchange for his lack of contribution to the team. If he thinks he is going to feature in Chelsea's first team he has got to be delusional.

Thorne I would like back, but he is 21, we can probably do as well with someone of experience it that position. Getting Thorne back will not make or break our season.

Wisdom is a decent right back but will not feature in Liverpool's first team unless they have a disastrous set of injuries. I know he wants to fight for his place at Liverpool which is commendable but he isn't good enough for that,

The long winded point I am making is that the four loans will either return or be replaced. Trust the Head Coach and his team, I am sure they know exactly what they are doing.

I do trust the head coach but I'm not happy with our defense .

I'm afraid the head coach is slightly afraid of changing the defense because of fans reaction.

I can understand McClarens position .

How could he drop Buxton .

Although he had a great season I don't think him and Keogh are good enough week in week out as a CB partnership to get us promoted.

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Do you seriously think that McClaren is so soft that he wouldn't drop a player because he would be afraid of the fans reaction? I guess you are being serious and I thought you were a big fan of Steve McClaren. 

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Do you seriously think that McClaren is so soft that he wouldn't drop a player because he would be afraid of the fans reaction? I guess you are being serious and I thought you were a big fan of Steve McClaren.

Do you seriously think that McClaren is so soft that he wouldn't drop a player because he would be afraid of the fans reaction? I guess you are being serious and I thought you were a big fan of Steve McClaren.

Im serious because he has already said he changed things too quick at Forest. I couldn't care less how some fans see the Buxton , Keogh partnership . Fact is they are not going to get us promoted . We concede too many soft goals.
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Im serious because he has already said he changed things too quick at Forest. I couldn't care less how some fans see the Buxton , Keogh partnership . Fact is they are not going to get us promoted . We concede too many soft goals.


We won't replace either of them, guarantee it. So, looks like we won't be promoted next season  :( 

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We won't replace either of them, guarantee it. So, looks like we won't be promoted next season :(

You have got it in 1 and we have problems in the full back area as well. Are you a journalist because it seems that you have tunnel vision.
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Im serious because he has already said he changed things too quick at Forest. I couldn't care less how some fans see the Buxton , Keogh partnership . Fact is they are not going to get us promoted . We concede too many soft goals.

Oh dear!! I thought that our goals against was not at all bad during the McClaren tenure. I tell you what. Why don't you wait until the end of the transfer window before worrying about the team too much. Worrying is bad for you - have a nice glass of milk, put some nice music on and chill out :-)

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It is going to be tough next season for the Rams.

We will need some new signings .

Complacency could be a problem !


The championship is  a tough league to get out of (the right way).

Agreed we need new signings., and to extend contracts for existing players.

No-one is complacent are they?


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Oh dear!! I thought that our goals against was not at all bad during the McClaren tenure. I tell you what. Why don't you wait until the end of the transfer window before worrying about the team too much. Worrying is bad for you - have a nice glass of milk, put some nice music on and chill out :-)

Im not giving away were I am but it's a lot hotter than old blighty reaching 38 degrees

I'm a realist who went to the IPRO at the end of the season and talk about over confidence.

I don't share that view.

Your views were always to back Nigel and I can't knock you for that.

McClaren has started well but he doesn't need to think we are the finished article as we have so many deficiencies .

Oh well who cares anyway I'm off for a beer.

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The championship is  a tough league to get out of (the right way).

Agreed we need new signings., and to extend contracts for existing players.

No-one is complacent are they?

Yes I think the owners are a bit complacent .

I really do think the owners think it's a tweak here and there and Im of the opinion that's not the case .

I think we overachieved when McClaren came in with the players we have hence that's why I say it will be tougher.

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You have got it in 1 and we have problems in the full back area as well. Are you a journalist because it seems that you have tunnel vision.


Defensive problems are because we play attacking football which leaves defence exposed.

Cant have it all ways we  were the divisions top scorers, and if we can add another striker to replace Sammon and keep the players we had we will be in a good place. Hope for more from Hughes and hendrick , young players who can develop more.

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The momentum created last season will only serve well this coming season. Wisdom, Bamford and Thorne all played excellent parts, but the truth is that the spirit runs through the players and the club. The coming season will prove as hard as the last, and the one before, but spirit isn't created from three loaned players. We'll be strong, we'll be hard to beat and I'm sure we'll be up there. All these young players, Hughes, Hendrick and all the young guns have a massive season under their belts now with a Wembley experience. They will pick up where they left off with the belief we can beat teams. Cardiff, Norwich, Fulham will be well armed, but to be honest I'd be more worried about Bolton, Blackburn and alike. Not everybody will perform to their ability and Derby need to take advantage of teams that have been relegated. Premiership players dropping down take time to adjust. This is where Derby will pick up with their fine passing game. 

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The Championship is bang average, let's make no bones about it - last season we hammered a fair number of sides.


It's full of big-named sides, but with little going for them.


Plus, it's all well and good having big-named players but if you can't manage them properly and find a solution or playing style then it's literally just throwing 11 players on the field together.


Good teams such as Derby are better than 11 good individual players.playing for another club.


I don't see anyone with as good a team as us - Whether this will be enough to go up, I don't know. 

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Can't be harder than...

Wigan who came down with a quality team well rehearsed in dominating football. But Owen Coyle was the wrong choice

QPR, could have had about a dozen injuries without getting weaker. Not a team but they had depth. A dozen injuries would decimate most sides

Leicester, a powerful Championship club. Like Cardiff were and Swansea for a while.

Reading and Brighton and Forest under Billy were also threats.


This year I think Cardiff are back after never looking good enough to stay up. They're poorly ran with a manager who has a lot to learn imo

Norwich have been treading water for ages. Clinging on for dear life. They should be a threat but again I don't know if they have the right manager. Or maybe he's the right manager at the wrong time?

No Leicester or QPR

Forest seem to be getting rather unstable. Wigan, thanks to Coyle were broken down a bit. They're strong but not as strong as last summer.

Reading could perhaps struggle to keep it all together. Don't know much about them.

Brighton... who knows? It's important that they don't do what Wigan did and bring in a manager who has very different philosophy from what's already at the club.

People say the league is always the same but I can't see how.

I can't see anyone to compare to Leicester. And Norwich and Cardiff don't look like Newcastle or WBA, West Ham, Sunderland or even QPR. They look panicked.

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I do agree that we lost some good players due to end of loans, however I also feel Mac saw the squad when he took over, and made some very good loans and signings. I dont feel this time round will be much different. I think he has the eye for good players, and he might be able to spot and get some gems for us, much like he did with Thorne and Wisdom. I highly doubt we are going to start the season lacking an experienced right back and DM, I am sure Mac will get us some quality to fill those positions, whether it be in the form of Thorne or Wisdom. He is no mug, he knows the game, and this is why the majority of loans he made (bar one or two) were vital in our 3rd place finish, which leads me to believe he will get us some quality despite loan endings.

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I think Norwich could be a decent side next season, their chairman has come out and said they don't need to sell anyone and Hooper, Redmond, Snodgrass, Fer etc will be very very good championship players. Fulham have a very old squad that needs completely reassembling, I think they'll finish mid-tableish and have a complete rebuild on their hands similar to us a few years ago. Cardiff just seem to be in melt-down and their chairman is too busy hiring and firing managers. Wolves I feel will do well, but to challenge in the top 6, not too sure? They could well to a Bournemouth.

The 3 teams that have gone up in my opinion are better then the teams that have come down, as I feel Norwich are the only ones who can challenge. Wigan will be up there as well next season.

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I still don't see how people can say we concede too many soft goals, our defence under Mac has been pretty good compared to other championship sides. And our style of play is about attack, taking risks, that will always give away the odd soft chance. A joy to watch.

Some teams will have improved, some got worse and some stayed the same. We improve or stay the same and we are in for a fantastic season.

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Norwich have a decent squad, but a manager with little experience and feel they will end up abit like Wigan were under Coyle.

Cardiff are hit/miss, too many players coming in and sod all going out. No idea why they need about ten strikers on the books, can't see them keeping hold of Caulker and Medal.

The rest are meh, be looking to win every single game going into it.

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