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Burnley and QPR attempts to sign Craig Bryson


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Doesn't necessarily follow that he is willing to go. His agent may have just said "look Craig, your on your way back down the M6 from visiting your Mum anyway, so just have a quick meet at the "Tickled Trout Hotel" to listen to what they say".

Or conversely, his agent is pushing for a move (why wouldnt he?) Bryso doesn't really want to go but to save face and not fall out with him agrees to go to listen to what they have to say. Look agent friend he would say after, i've had a look as youve suggested but its not the move for me or my family.

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Is that the same valleyram you called a troll and abuse constantly every time he posts Edward?


Even though he was right.


Nasty place to be this forum at times.


He said that £750k would force Derby to sell because of 'the clause'. I disputed that fact and he basically sniped at me over it in about a dozen posts, so it's not exactly one way traffic.


I'm actually being super-nice at the moment to everyone. 


Also, Nigel's not coming back. Get over it.

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He said that £750k would force Derby to sell because of 'the clause'. I disputed that fact and he basically sniped at me over it in about a dozen posts, so it's not exactly one way traffic.


I'm actually being super-nice at the moment to everyone. 


Also, Nigel's not coming back. Get over it.

I thought you were over harsh to him for a while, no need. he never came on looking for a row, he just wanted to talk about his mate (or brother or son or whatever he might be)


I'm also fine with Nigel not coming back Edward,


It looks like he's doing alright down the road.


I don't care where he goes as long he gets the respect he deserves and he enjoys his job, He seems to be doing that a lot more there than he ever did here. He seems to be getting more respect from their fans than he ever got here as well.


I'll take no pleasure when another Clough proves the Derby board were idiots for forcing him out.  Especially not against you by the way, and I mean that sincerely cos I see how much Derby means to you. 


Just wish you weren't such a nasty "attacking" bugger at times cos I don't where that came from with you. You weren't always that way.

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If bryson wants to go get rid no loyalty at all this is the year for us to go get promoted and he wants out typical

but he's been a very good player for us and I wish him all the best if he does go

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Lets not start slagging Bryso on the strength of paper talk and bullshit rumours ffs.


POTY twice? Hat tricks? Come on lads.

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