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Player Suggestion Thread - Summer 2014


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Here's my Suggestions 


Gks- Fine 

RB- I think we need 2 rightbacks one as cover for the other. I'm not a fan of Freeman, but I honestly believe Brayford suits our attacking play so I like the idea of getting him. Get a young Right Back on loan to maybe, Sell Freeman. 

CB- I'm happy with our CB's but I think we do need cover, i'd go for a exprience Free agent. 

LB- We need a back up Left back but not Lee Naylor, I'm happy with Forsyth just need better midfield. 

Midfield- Our midfield is fine I think, just need to bring Thorne back, apart from that don't expect any more in's or outs,

Strikers- Sell Sammon I feel we need to buy one more Striker for cover or to play alongside Martin, our wingers our good at getting forward anyway so probs for cover. But i'd love to try and get becchio. 


Thanks for reading sorry if theres any horrible typos lol

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RB- I think we need 2 rightbacks one as cover for the other. I'm not a fan of Freeman, but I honestly believe Brayford suits our attacking play so I like the idea of getting him. Get a young Right Back on loan to maybe, Sell Freeman.


i dont wanna see brayford back, not because he isnt good, but we cant have 2 full backs bombing on, as that would leave keogh and buxton alone, especially if we sign thorne, who wouldn't lie deep enough to be able provide sufficient cover, our system works since we have one full back bombing on (forsyth) and one holding back defensivly (wisdom) to make sure were not left too open when were being hit on the counter

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i dont wanna see brayford back, not because he isnt good, but we cant have 2 full backs bombing on, as that would leave keogh and Buxton alone, especially if we sign thorne, who wouldn't lie deep enough to be able provide sufficient cover, our system works since we have one full back bombing on (forsyth) and one holding back defensivly (wisdom) to make sure were not left too open when were being hit on the counter

you make a very good point there tbh I agree didn't think of that but your right 100%  :)

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you make a very good point there tbh I agree didn't think of that but your right 100% :)

or maybe they have the intelligence or coaching to not both ho at once. Then we could launch attacks from either side.

I'd have Brayford back in a heartbeat and anyone who disagrees is a silly sausage.

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silly pork I think you'll find

yeh brayfords the answer. Cloughys lovechild. Lets get gazzy roberts back too.
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