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calorie free drink of the day


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Least of your worries. Aspartame will eventually make you dead. Seriously folks, keep away from it as much as possible.


An awful lot of bullshit circulated around the linking of aspartame with any number of conditions a few years ago.

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An awful lot of bullshit circulated around the linking of aspartame with any number of conditions a few years ago.

its not bullshit Eddie, I've seen what it does to my daughter, it's not a coincidence.

Well, behaviour wise anyway. I don't know what else it's supposed to be linked to, so you could be right regarding that.

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An awful lot of bullshit circulated around the linking of aspartame with any number of conditions a few years ago.

Aspartame is made up of 3 chemicals:


 Aspartic acid:( 40 % of Aspartame)                     

Dr. Russel Blaylock, professor of neurosurgery at University of Mississippi, says aspartic acid and glutamic acid (MSG) are major causes of serious chronic neurological disorders.


 Phenylalanine (50% of Aspartame)                    

  Long term ingestion shown to cause schizophrenia, mood swings and seizures (fits).


Methanol 10% of Aspartame (AKA wood alcohol)

Broken down in the body to form formaldehyde (the same stuff embalmers use) Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin that the body can only excrete very slowly. It is a known cause of blindness, a known carcinogen and a known cause of birth defects.


Now, as a lowly factory worker, I can't prove to you that all the above isn't bullshit, but given that a great many respected doctors and neuro-specialists have expressed grave misgivings about Aspartame's use as a food additive, do you really want to risk the health of those you love by calling these concerns bullshit? 

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