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George Thorne


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So to talk sense and not a load of rubbish about the lad walking out, breaking his contract etc, and Derby's reputation going down the toilet in the process, I must be a West Brom fan? Grow up. I am concerned that we are not seen to be part of any of that nonsense because I want us to be able to have the opportunity to have the likes of Thorne and Wisdom on loan in the future. We should just make our best offer and stand well back. The other thing is that West Brom have been given a load of stick for taking a tough line when we would want Rush to protect our young players in exactly the same way. Remember the furious response on here when Brayford was sold? We can't have it all ways, wanting Derby to put a barrier around our good young players whilst expecting other clubs to capitulate. I first posted on here about a year ago about another Derby topic, nowt to do with West Brom.

good post.
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So to talk sense and not a load of rubbish about the lad walking out, breaking his contract etc, and Derby's reputation going down the toilet in the process, I must be a West Brom fan? Grow up. I am concerned that we are not seen to be part of any of that nonsense because I want us to be able to have the opportunity to have the likes of Thorne and Wisdom on loan in the future. We should just make our best offer and stand well back. The other thing is that West Brom have been given a load of stick for taking a tough line when we would want Rush to protect our young players in exactly the same way. Remember the furious response on here when Brayford was sold? We can't have it all ways, wanting Derby to put a barrier around our good young players whilst expecting other clubs to capitulate. I first posted on here about a year ago about another Derby topic, nowt to do with West Brom.

My mum used to run a pub in Birmingham called 'The Beaufort' (The lowest point in her life.) Just sayyyyyyin.

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So to talk sense and not a load of rubbish about the lad walking out, breaking his contract etc, and Derby's reputation going down the toilet in the process, I must be a West Brom fan? Grow up. I am concerned that we are not seen to be part of any of that nonsense because I want us to be able to have the opportunity to have the likes of Thorne and Wisdom on loan in the future. We should just make our best offer and stand well back. The other thing is that West Brom have been given a load of stick for taking a tough line when we would want Rush to protect our young players in exactly the same way. Remember the furious response on here when Brayford was sold? We can't have it all ways, wanting Derby to put a barrier around our good young players whilst expecting other clubs to capitulate. I first posted on here about a year ago about another Derby topic, nowt to do with West Brom.


Derby are standing back, their reputation is prefectly intact because what is being discussed, suggested, made up, wound up, twisted etc etc is happening on a forum.


I suggest you stop taking what you read on a forum so seriously, as I am pretty sure that Sam Rush and George Thorne and anyone else involved with WBA or Derby would not follow suggestions written here or anywhere else.


I remember those furious rants when Brayford went, I was not fussed tbh, players move on, clubs move on.  If Hughes, Keogh and Bryson where sold next week, I would not come on here and have a rant, however I can wind Baggie fans up by saying the GT can walk away anytime he wants, and obviously some Derby fans who I and others have called Baggy fans, least I didn't get personnal.

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I just find it totally childish MCram that anyone who takes a contrary view to the herd must be a West Brom fan. I agree that to date Derby have done nothing wrong and long may that continue. However, if Thorne tries to walk away from his contract we will be guilty by association in the eyes of some and our reputation, which is important, will suffer. The lad needs telling to bide his time, stop talking to the press and see what develops - not try to find some bogus reason to walk out. Talk of duress just makes him look foolish.

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Where are all the Baggie fans now?

Still here mate.

Thornes transfer request doesn't really change anything. He's still our player and will most likely still be our player when the transfer window closes. Unless your chairman is going to multiply his opening bid by 5 or 6, he will not be signing for Derby.

Surely you have realised what our chairman is like with our new head coach saga? His number 1 choice was Sherwood. Sherwood accepted Peace's contract offer but said that he wouldn't come unless his two assistants were offered more money then Peace had initially offered. About 24 hours later Irvine is given the job.

Peace will not be held to Ransome by anyone, (even if he screws the fans over in the process) and certainty not by a jumped up 21 year old who after playing half a dozen good games in the championship suddenly thinks that he can dictate when he does/ doesn't play and who he plays for.

I'm pretty sure that when GT returns for pre season he will be told that all that has happened will be water under the bridge as long as he knunckles down and gets on with it. If he refuses then it could be a long 3.5 years for the lad!

All the above is IMO, but I simply cannot see JP giving in to GT after the way he has acted and even if he does decide that he has become a bad apple and is better out of the club, I imagine his attitude would be 'anyone but Derby', unless of course you come up with a stupid about of money.

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I just find it totally childish MCram that anyone who takes a contrary view to the herd must be a West Brom fan. I agree that to date Derby have done nothing wrong and long may that continue. However, if Thorne tries to walk away from his contract we will be guilty by association in the eyes of some and our reputation, which is important, will suffer. The lad needs telling to bide his time, stop talking to the press and see what develops - not try to find some bogus reason to walk out. Talk of duress just makes him look foolish.

No matter what happens Derby's reputation will not change one iota in the football world all they have done is bid for a player and have it rejected.They have also only responded to questions by saying he is a player they would like permanently nothing wrong there happens all over the world.


Has for signing under duress it is not so inprobable has there are recent cases of bullying of young players in football that are uninvestigation and have also resulted in people losing their jobs.


Not saying it happened but it could have how is anyone to know but the parties involved.


With them now employing Irvine things may change for Thorne in either direction which ever it is I wish him well.

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If we take anything from this, it will be that at least we don't have that tit as our chairman.



Bizarrely, they seem to wear this like a badge of honour.


Sooner or later, no one will want to deal with the guy, incoming or outgoing. Derby won't come out of this looking like the villain. George Thorne might, but only to Baggies fans to which I doubt he'll really care. They're a club in decline.

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Thinking on this, if Irvine has anything about him one of his first jobs will be to call GT in for a sit down to discuss his future, with the aim of turning him around. So I wondered what he might consider before making his choice:


Derby - gets his chance once and never loses his spot - WBA - is advised - even now - that he has to fight for his spot to gain it

Derby - great team spirit and atmosphere, great focus on achieving success in the near future - WBA - much drama and disenchantment lately - possible relegation battle next year

Derby - owners who seem happy for Rush to run the show, seem to give great support to the management team - WBA - megalomaniac in charge - turns business decisions into personal vendettas, popularity with fans at all time low


And I think my favourite one is, that for all the proving that he's been told he needs to do at WBA, after a handful of games with us he gets told he's in the starting line up for the most crucial game of our season. I can't imagine how much that must have meant to him when he realised how much we trusted him, with the future of our club no less!


I can't see him backing down now. Irvine cannot guarantee him 20+ games next season ahead of existing players with proven experience, higher value, higher wages. The best he can offer him is another shot at a first team place. No guarantees. 


I think the next instalment on this will be very interesting. Wonder if Derby will put another bid in next week now the head coach is in?

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According to our WBA friends, Irvine will have no control over Thorne anyway. Coaches don't buy or sell players there.

I'm sure Irvine won't play a player that's not mentally focused. But that won't mean he's going to be sold either.

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According to our WBA friends, Irvine will have no control over Thorne anyway. Coaches don't buy or sell players there.

I'm sure Irvine won't play a player that's not mentally focused. But that won't mean he's going to be sold either.


I wonder why they're in such a mess?

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I wonder why they're in such a mess?


On paper it's a great idea.

You need person A to do a job. You could let person A use all his own tools. Or person B can go out and buy all the tools he'd use if he was doing the job. But person B isn't doing the job. Person B has no experience in that job. He's been around to know what the job should look like when it's finished but he didn't do those jobs either.

All makes perfect sense now, yes?

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