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George Thorne


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Still reading on here with interest.


Something I'm struggling to understand is how you seem to rate Thorne and Hughes ability wise (many seem to prefer Thorne). 


Yet Thorne seems to be worth around £2m and Hughes is anywhere from £8-£15m how's this work?


Basing it on pure technical ability, bar range of passing, Hughes beats Thorne all ends up. Hughes can (and has) played in Thorne's role before and matched his performance in that position on occasion. He can also play in positions that Thorne (probably) can't due to his tight control (something of which Thorne doesn't possess, he infrequently struggles to bring seemingly simple balls under control). He's also younger than Thorne,he's more important to us than Thorne is to you and he hasn't suffered an ACL before either. Hughes is unique, there are very few (if any) English players like him. That's why Hughes is worth more than Thorne.


And as for why Hughes is worth £8-15million; he probably isn't, but that's how much Palace received for Zaha (who I've never rated) so I'd want a similar fee because of that. Why should we sell him for any less than Zaha?

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It would be unfortunate if someone seized upon the opportunity to show that even the modified form doesn't work either. Of course, it would be fancier to explain that the rule is just nonsense in general. We're an odd species though, we need rules, even when they don't work.

I already used: fancies, foreign & either :p
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If your chairman will turn down 2.5 million pounds for George Thorne just so he can be stubborn and teach George a lesson for being naughty and out of place when he is under contract, I think that's bad business. 


Its obvious he doesn't want to play for the football club ever again and after his comments I doubt West Brom will ever give him a chance now.

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The value of Hughes to Derby is completely irrelevant.


The value of Hughes to a 'top side' is unquantifiable at this stage - it will, like everything else, simply come down to supply and demand.


As far as supply is concerned, there's only one Will Hughes - I can't think of anyone else in England who plays in his style.


As far as demand is concerned, the more clubs who want him, the more his apparent value will increase because it will come down to the highest bidder and what they are prepared to pay for that sort of player - and that's how much Derby will get.

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Swap Thorne for Hughes then, job done, everyone happy!


Idiot. Someone like Hughes in a team of cloggies?

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WBA will not let Thorne rot away in the reserves. The new coach / manager may give him certain assurances about him being a big part of the first team squad this season if he wants to grab the opportunity bla bla. Failing that, they will want him to leave the club asap so long as they can agree a valuation with another club. I am not so sure he is mobile enough to cut it in the Premier league anyway, although he does play in a lot of space which helps. Value should be in the region of 2/3M depending on add-ons which is fairly high considering his lack of experience.


It is quite possible that the Mirror journo has shafted him after a conversation over a few beers in Dubai. If that is not the case, I would expect him to be rightly disciplined by WBA, but he is still just a kid so I doubt they will give him a big black mark over it. I think Messrs. Rush, Wilson and Vicars have got a bit over excited by the end of season and should not be broadcasting their interest so openly.

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3 or 4 million pounds is a lot of money which West Brom could use to invest in a new player or help comply with FFP. If you think your chairman is going to reject a bid like that and let Thorne rot in the reserves just to prove a point then you're deluded

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The difference in valuation of Thorne and Hughes is that Hughes has played consistently at a high level for two years while in his late teens. Throne, although unfortunate, has been injured long term which makes him more of a risk signing to other clubs. If Thorne had stayed injury free I'm sure his valuation would be much higher, but that's not the case.

I'm not sure how you can say a figure is too low, but then say he wouldn't get in your first team. Surely the sale of Thorne will free wages to get players in positions you actually need?

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The difference in valuation of Thorne and Hughes is that Hughes has played consistently at a high level for two years while in his late teens. Throne, although unfortunate, has been injured long term which makes him more of a risk signing to other clubs. If Thorne had stayed injury free I'm sure his valuation would be much higher, but that's not the case.

I'm not sure how you can say a figure is too low, but then say he wouldn't get in your first team. Surely the sale of Thorne will free wages to get players in positions you actually need?

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The difference in valuation of Thorne and Hughes is that Hughes has played consistently at a high level for two years while in his late teens. Throne, although unfortunate, has been injured long term which makes him more of a risk signing to other clubs. If Thorne had stayed injury free I'm sure his valuation would be much higher, but that's not the case.

I'm not sure how you can say a figure is too low, but then say he wouldn't get in your first team. Surely the sale of Thorne will free wages to get players in positions you actually need?



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