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Serial killers


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Like that moron George Bush number 2 said " there are evildoers". But then there are people that have something physically wrong in their brains. And when they act on it the result is horrific. But if your brain tells you to do something won't you do it ? I know when my brain says to hit someone I will do it. If my brain says run away I will run away. It's basic instinct. I can't help it.

Yesterday I watched a documentary of Volker Eckert who killed a lot of women. After the guy killed himself they found a same kind of physical trauma in his brains that they have found before from same kind of people. So perhaps he didn't actually have a choice of not doing what he did.

I have always wanted all the murderers dead but now that I'm aging and have learned about these things it raises questions. They have made a lot of studies with convicts in USA and found that it is a really big number of them that have something wrong with their brain. And these people haven't chosen to be this way.

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My daughter  won best psychology student at college and went to the prize giving the other week,(brag brag)  she was given a Waterstones voucher (but I've got a kindle, can't it be a New Look one?  :rolleyes: ) and her tutor gave her a book 'The Lucifer Effect, how good people turn evil' signed by the author Philip Zimbardo - I'm dying to read it but she hasnt read it yet and I've got to wait for her. :ph34r:


He did an experiment The Stanford Prison Experiment - a group of students were placed in a mock prison and in less than a week, it had to be stopped, the 'guards ' became increasingly sadistic and the 'prisoners' pathological.


I think we've all got it in us - it's just how we keep it at bay, so as to speak. 

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I think we've all got it in us - it's just how we keep it at bay, so as to speak. 


I agree with that, I think that's why some agree to be forum mods. We'd have no members left if it wasn't for me saving them from the mods trying to kill them off.

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they're my favourties too.

It's odd isn't it? To think of them as favourites - not sure that's the right word - I guess for me it started when I was only a kid, Sutcliffe was on the prowl round Leeds, some sightings coming through Sheffield where we lived at the time and it making my mum edgy to go to work at night in a pub.

Suppose because it was actually happening, in an area near us, with a lot of things on the news and then pictures of him being stuffed into a police van, it made it all real and not something happening miles away. It was right there and very wierd.

Then later you had the Wests, then Harold Shipman all over the news and it made me want to try and understand what made them tick.

I still don't get how any serial killers minds work, probably never will.

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Oh my goodness, his name might aswell be Hannible Lecter. What he did goes beyond even the most horrificly gross.

What is it that makes their mind work in such a way?


I haven't even started to read any of the three books, one is by the police chief who hunted him down, one is by someone who interviewed the red ripper, and one is by an investigator more recently. I got the books off ebay months ago! I'm actually quite scared of reading them!!

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Some of them just don't have any empathy - they just don't feel 'sorry' for anyone or anything. 


Narcissists are people who see others as objects -  they can come over as very nice people, but they have to work at it - they are aware of their 'problem' and have to accomodate the way they behave to get what they want, I bet we've all met a narcissist in our lives.  Paedophiles are the same, they have to act in a certain way to be able to carry out their impulses. as has been said - it can't be switched on and off or changed. 


The argument about nature versus nurture, I can't understand really, I would have thought the two together would be the better way to look at it.


Lol Mostyn you wuss.

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I haven't even started to read any of the three books, one is by the police chief who hunted him down, one is by someone who interviewed the red ripper, and one is by an investigator more recently. I got the books off ebay months ago! I'm actually quite scared of reading them!!

It'll be no bedtime story put it that way. Sometimes, particulaly in Bundy's case, even after he'd killed them he wasn't satisfied. Necrophelia being another assault on them, stopped only by the body becoming too rotten or got at by animals - or even oral sex performed with a severed head.

Depraved, sick, twisted, call it what you will - there's something massively wrong somewhere for somebody to do these things and feel no sense of wrong - no feeling, the only emotion being power, to be in absolute control, to posess. A prime example of a sociopath and like mrs said, a narcissist.

Is it something in their brain? Something to do with how different areas control different action or thought?

It must have something to do with it, nobody can do anything without a brain. In some cases, remorse does come but too late for the victims. What is it that makes the remorse happen but also the need to do it again?

Then maybe it's all down to choice and simply not being bothered by what they do. Don't think Bundy was ever bothered. He was quite happy to say just how unfeeling he was, didn't give a rats arse. Eventually he fessed up after playing more mind games with the police, only he knew the answers to qt's so he'd toy with them, even his phyciatrist said he'd even managed to manipulate him.

Only a really clever person can do that, which makes them even more dangerous.

If you can get past the gore Mostyn - and I don't want to sound crass or wierd here- but it's fascinating to actually hear their thought process. There's interviews on youtube too where killers - incredibly - talk about what goes on in their heads.

I don't really want to know the details but I guess morbid curiosity is human nature?

Who knows.

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In the case of the serial killer (Red Ripper) I've got books about, the whole thing was ground-breaking in the Soviet Union. Until that time, they never truly carried out investigations, they just found people and tortured them into confession. Until this case, they'd never used proper forensics and never used pyschological profiling, basically their whole human rights indifference held back their ability to conduct a proper investigation. The police were really naive and quick 'thick' in terms of what to do. That side of it interests me.

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It'll be no bedtime story put it that way. Sometimes, particulaly in Bundy's case, even after he'd killed them he wasn't satisfied. Necrophelia being another assault on them, stopped only by the body becoming too rotten or got at by animals - or even oral sex performed with a severed head.



Ladyram, could you maybe be a bit less descriptive in what you say? In particular about severed heads? I struggled to read that. Thanks in advance.

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Ladyram, could you maybe be a bit less descriptive in what you say? In particular about severed heads? I struggled to read that. Thanks in advance.


Hahaha, someone so obsessed with Mafia culture and organised crime, whilst being so suggestively sensitive! lolz

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I watched a programme on a weird Chanel on Sky about a trained surgeon who built a hotel for the Worlds fair in Chicago It had the sole purpose of being a maze inside with hidden passages and rooms for cutting up and murdering guests.

Interesting thing though the guy who built it went missing and believed to have travelled to England at the time of Jack the ripper. His handwriting was compared to JTR letters and found to be 97.5% identical.

H.H. Holmes was is name.

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