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How different it feels.


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I've gone through the grief curve with this one.


I was really upset when it happened. Wrong time, wrong decision (IMO). But more importantly, morally bankrupt - no integrity shown to Clough when he's shown alot of it in difficult circumstances at Derby.


I'm far from convinced about McClaren, the new structure and what the future brings. But the early signs are good, and he'll get my support, the same as anyone that comes through the door.


I want the team to succeed, desperately, but to be honest, the club can f*ck off. Rush has shown up to be complete liar and just another spin doctor that seems to be compulsory at football clubs these days.

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I understand the sentiment from you guys but to be honest I think you are being far too harsh on the club. Put yourself in their position and what would you have done? I don't like the hire & fire mentality but the reality is that footballers and football managers are contract workers who live and die by their contract. Sentiment doesn't come into it, that's why the rewards are so high. We like to think it's more than money and it probably was to Nigel to some degree but lets not forget he knew the score, all players and managers do. That's why just as it was wrong for some to get upset of players who ere "frozen out" or "discarded" its equally wrong to get too moralistic about the way the club handled Nigel.

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I've gone through the grief curve with this one.


I was really upset when it happened. Wrong time, wrong decision (IMO). But more importantly, morally bankrupt - no integrity shown to Clough when he's shown alot of it in difficult circumstances at Derby.


I'm far from convinced about McClaren, the new structure and what the future brings. But the early signs are good, and he'll get my support, the same as anyone that comes through the door.


I want the team to succeed, desperately, but to be honest, the club can f*ck off. Rush has shown up to be complete liar and just another spin doctor that seems to be compulsory at football clubs these days.



I'm not arguing this, but what Lies has he told?

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Exactly one month ago I was at the 90 minutes fan forum and Rush was specifically asked whether the board were committed to Nigel as manager and he said "Absolutely"


Is that a lie as such? He was hardly likely to have told the truth in these circumstances, in fact he did actually qualify that by saying "clearly we can't have too many more games like the Burnley loss".


We had one more (Reading)

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It is possible to be telling the truth and the circumstances change.


A couple of years ago, I was a manager at Bombardier, and my 50+ staff were understandably paranoid that their jobs were under threat. I asked my director who told me they were fine and there would be nothing to worry about for at least 3 months. I went and relayed this message.


Two weeks later, I was dragged into the office and told to reduce my headcount by 15. (lay 15 ppl off).


I didn't regard myself as a liar.


I think although Rush has power to make the decision, I reckon the twitter abuse, and email abuse aimed at the owners, who I could understand them resenting the amount of abuse aimed at them, would tell Rush to pull the trigger.

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I'm not arguing this, but what Lies has he told?


His alleged 'lies" are difficult to pin down. I won't say he's lied otherwise I could get myself and the forum in a spot of bother.


He's been at best misleading.


But I'm a big believer in karma, what goes around comes around.


The roadshows, the webinars, the radio interviews. All of it pure bullshit.


For example he went on record and said he "probably" knew other teams budgets from his previous position.


Probably Sam? Did you know them or not, there is no probably.


"Our budget is bang in the middle of the league, I'm fortunate because I probably got to know other teams budgets"


I'd love to see that published in figures because I believe there he's misleading. I can't prove it but I strongly suspect it.


I can't believe he's got away with that not even being questioned.


If it is "bang in the middle of the division" how long has it been like that, was it the same last season and the season before?


I'd love to be an investigative journalist. There's no way I'd let a comment like that pass without questioning it.


Money was available to the former manager and he chose not to spend it?


How much Sam? you're so good and honest and brave but when it comes to the crunch you're as vague as any politician.


I believe club directors or owners read this forum. I strongly believe that and the email communication I've had since the sacking only reinforces that theory.


I believe at least one of the owners is on here and probably can guess that it was me who sent that email criticising Rush massively.


If you're interested Andy, that's why I'm so angry. I believe you all have lied to us and I don't think you needed to do it. I can't and won't believe a word Sam Rush utters. I'm even thinking of coming across for one of those events he has. I'd love to see how red he goes when someone drills down into what he's saying.


Sam if you're reading this and you're open to talk, I'd call you in an instant, either I can ring you or can give you my mobile number and you can call at your convenience. PM is a fantastic tool on here.


That's me not speaking as a Clough supporter, it's speaking as a fan who spent a grand on an executive box and gave it to the rainbow trust so a sick family could have a day out, as a fan who bought two season tickets for two people who couldn't afford to do it themselves, (as a fan who hasn't been able to to go to a game this season due to finances but who has STILL bought two season tickets.). I don't put much into the club, but I'm STILL a paying customer.


I can't and won't forget the clubs behaviour here, no matter what the other forum regulars think of my stance. I didn't come here to be liked, I came to talk football. I don't think I'll drop this until either Sam answers me or he's fired.


We've hired McClaren to push on and to do it quicker than NC could or was. If McC doesn't push us on THIS SEASON, then Rush simply has to go.


Not McClaren, just Rush. 

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And there you have, in a nutshell, why mankind is doomed, why culture is a thing of the past and why soon co-operation will amount to picking the parasites out of each other's hair.

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What did people expect rush to say? No we are thinking of getting rid off clough if we don't think he is taking the club forward as we want. There would have been uproar.

He wasn't treated badly, he was treated like every other manager. Rush did nothing different to what clough did to players who didn't perform up to what he expected.

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To be fair Ronnie, I once asked Tom Glick in an open forum, when he suggested the budget was higher than certain other teams, how did he know, he said that the Chief Execs (of the championship) meet on a monthly basis, and as part of their rules and regs, they all communicate their budgets with each other.


Glick was constantly revealing figures Nigel Doughty was spending, and everyone in the room questioned it.


I wonder if this is where Rush is getting his information. I think the 'probably' bit is just his limited vocabulary and you may be reading too much into it... replace it with "errrrrrrrrrrr" and it'll make sense.

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His alleged 'lies" are difficult to pin down. I won't say he's lied otherwise I could get myself and the forum in a spot of bother.


He's been at best misleading.


But I'm a big believer in karma, what goes around comes around.


The roadshows, the webinars, the radio interviews. All of it pure bullshit.


For example he went on record and said he "probably" knew other teams budgets from his previous position.


Probably Sam? Did you know them or not, there is no probably.


"Our budget is bang in the middle of the league, I'm fortunate because I probably got to know other teams budgets"


I'd love to see that published in figures because I believe there he's misleading. I can't prove it but I strongly suspect it.


I can't believe he's got away with that not even being questioned.


If it is "bang in the middle of the division" how long has it been like that, was it the same last season and the season before?


I'd love to be an investigative journalist. There's no way I'd let a comment like that pass without questioning it.


Money was available to the former manager and he chose not to spend it?


How much Sam? you're so good and honest and brave but when it comes to the crunch you're as vague as any politician.


I believe club directors or owners read this forum. I strongly believe that and the email communication I've had since the sacking only reinforces that theory.


I believe at least one of the owners is on here and probably can guess that it was me who sent that email criticising Rush massively.


If you're interested Andy, that's why I'm so angry. I believe you all have lied to us and I don't think you needed to do it. I can't and won't believe a word Sam Rush utters. I'm even thinking of coming across for one of those events he has. I'd love to see how red he goes when someone drills down into what he's saying.


Sam if you're reading this and you're open to talk, I'd call you in an instant, either I can ring you or can give you my mobile number and you can call at your convenience. PM is a fantastic tool on here.


That's me not speaking as a Clough supporter, it's speaking as a fan who spent a grand on an executive box and gave it to the rainbow trust so a sick family could have a day out, as a fan who bought two season tickets for two people who couldn't afford to do it themselves, (as a fan who hasn't been able to to go to a game this season due to finances but who has STILL bought two season tickets.). I don't put much into the club, but I'm STILL a paying customer.


I can't and won't forget the clubs behaviour here, no matter what the other forum regulars think of my stance. I didn't come here to be liked, I came to talk football. I don't think I'll drop this until either Sam answers me or he's fired.


We've hired McClaren to push on and to do it quicker than NC could or was. If McC doesn't push us on THIS SEASON, then Rush simply has to go.


Not McClaren, just Rush. 


Ronnie, did you raise the same questions when our old management team quoted that we had a bottom 6 budget?


As for Rush not revealing how much there is to spend...are you serious?


You have all of these questions for Rush and accuse him of bullsh*tting...get yourselves down to one of these pub events and say it to his face at least give him chance to put across his side of the story.


You say you come on here to talk about football but for the last 2/3 weeks you've talked about very little other than the boardroom and management positions.


As you say you are a paying customer and are entitled to your opinion at the end of the day but nothing should stop you from supporting the football club, owners, managers or players in my opinion.


PS - you sound a very nice chap...fancy paying for my season ticket next year?! ;)

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Ronnie, did you raise the same questions when our old management team quoted that we had a bottom 6 budget?


As for Rush not revealing how much there is to spend...are you serious?


You have all of these questions for Rush and accuse him of bullsh*tting...get yourselves down to one of these pub events and say it to his face at least give him chance to put across his side of the story.


You say you come on here to talk about football but for the last 2/3 weeks you've talked about very little other than the boardroom and management positions.


As you say you are a paying customer and are entitled to your opinion at the end of the day but nothing should stop you from supporting the football club, owners, managers or players in my opinion.


PS - you sound a very nice chap...fancy paying for my season ticket next year?! ;)


We haven't played for a few days but I think I've contributed more to the football chat than to the management chat but those posts aren't so full of rage and it's these anti board rants that will get more noticed. I am really angry at them GStar.


Honestly go back and read my last few posts, they're not all on this thread.


You come across as someone who is very bright GStar, I'd hope and think that someone with your level of intelligence is doing alright for themselves. ;-)


I don't know you at all but if I got to know you and you fell on hard times and couldn't take your lad to the game, if i had the spare cash, then yes I would. There's nothing worse than not being able to go to a game.


Having said all of that, my balls are currently hanging out on a start up I'm running, it's not taking off as it should, so  just don't ask me now ;-)

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You say you come on here to talk about football but for the last 2/3 weeks you've talked about very little other than the boardroom and management positions.





I just thought I'd say, you're spot on with that by the way GStar. I got it wrong, sorry.


I've just gone back and looked at my last few posts, I even annoyed myself.


It'll calm down eventually. Even I'll get bored of whining.


Nothing changes in football, 3 points shuts everybody up. Even me!

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Said something along the lines of they hadn't spoken to McClaren until Monday - Simpson's interview in DT said that McClaren called him on Sunday to say the deal was already done.


Citation needed

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Citation needed


He said in interview on RD that Schteve rang him 8pm Sunday with an offer and that he was going to finalise details on Monday and would confirm then. Sounds like it was pretty much agreed bar a few details etc on Sunday afternoon.

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He said in interview on RD that Schteve rang him 8pm Sunday with an offer and that he was going to finalise details on Monday and would confirm then. Sounds like it was pretty much agreed bar a few details etc on Sunday afternoon.


Yes, I thought that I had heard Rush say that the pair had spoken on Sunday evening, which is why I questioned Asanovic's assertion that Rush had said that he didn't speak to McClaren until Monday. After all, his appointment was confirmed on Monday evening and the first miracle was achieved on Tuesday. 

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