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The Drunk Thread


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I must be getting old, senile or both - but I've given up drinking now aswell as smoking and I've switched to Becks Blue. Still got the taste but no hangover to look forward to!

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  • 3 weeks later...

You will not believe what happened tonight - in a club in Nottingham, pretty much everyone bar me and my mates were footballers, who were completely ****** saying, doing... just completely outstanding things.

Some of them was in fantastic form, Gillett and Sharp especially.

Luke Chambers basically tore the ipswich side to shreads... Oh, and a certain Jason Shackell was open for a chat too, top bloke - told me what happened, unfortunately for the rumour mongers it's not as complex as you quite imagine... just a personality clash with the gaffer and he didn't want to go, said he loved it at Derby.

Had an interesting chat with Billy Sharp mind, he is a top bloke - was absolutely blind so was very honest.

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Chambers I could understand being there, but Shackel? why was he there? I thought Burnley were home?

Exactly what we thought - he was there with a couple other Burnley players, one of which actually gave his 5k watch to my mate (well said it was 5k) must pay well at Burnley, he was with simon gillett (i think lansbury) and few others, chambers seemed to sit with Lewis Mcgugan and current forest tripe.

Billy Sharp and Jamie Ward are good mates as well which I found odd.

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