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Derby fans get 3 year banning orders for singing at Brighton


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I'll be honest, sometimes the sexism stuff does get a bit much and I'm not convinced it's all a joke, all of the time. People may disagree with that, but I can only comment on how it comes across.

If I complain about it, as I have done before, it can get worse but it's very much a male dominated place, you men are a lot different to us in how you think and what you post. But, being a mod I read quite a lot of posts, cringe a bit, then move on.

I forgive you lot though, you're never going to be able to see how us women work and that's not your fault, nobodys perfect :-D

Shurrup moaning and get the ironing finished :lol:

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Hello again folks.


Just to add a bit of info to this, the local plod who is our club's Police Liaison Officer, posts on our forum.


This is what he says (that the Derby lads were absolutely NOT nicked for joining in with a cheeky song).


just to clarify some points here

There is nothing new in way of legislation. The Crown Prosecution Service are merely putting hate crime alongside other offences at football which MAY be considered for a banning order if a magistrate or jury find a person guilty of an offence.

No one at a Brighton match at the Amex has been arrested / charged for chants such as "does your boyfriend know your here." No court, in my opinion would convict for that kind of situation. However it could be construed as a breach of ground regulations and I can only speak about Brighton, no one would be ejected for saying / singing that once. The away stewards always warn first regarding persistent behaviour. Anyone saying they dont is not to be believed.

The arrests so far at Brighton games this season, including the two Derby ones were for words / signs that would be also dealt with down any local high street on any day. The argument to suggest at a football match it is more acceptable is not one that holds any weight.

A balance has to be drawn, contrary to popular belief and following on from a recent Guardian article, I am not on any monetary bonus to get more bans for this type of offence and we do not get any extra money for bans achieved. My bosses do not put pressure on me to get bans and we will apply for ones when we think they are appropriate. I have been to court with many supporters who we have not applied for bans and looked at other ways to deal with the issue. Self policing by the supporters is always the best way in my view.


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So am I alright to say 'shut up, you gay' or not..


This is bloody worse than the offside rule  :ph34r:  :huh:


"http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m332weD2oy1qch3czo1_500" alt="tumblr_m332weD2oy1qch3czo1_500">


3 year ban..  :ph34r:


at least it was for something that sounds semi-serious, and not a case of being just out-right ridiculous and over sensitive! 

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Hello again folks.

Just to add a bit of info to this, the local plod who is our club's Police Liaison Officer, posts on our forum.

This is what he says (that the Derby lads were absolutely NOT nicked for joining in with a cheeky song).

It doesn't say that at all, he even says that it was dealt with in the same way that shouting it in the street would be, so quite the opposite really.

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It doesn't say that at all, he even says that it was dealt with in the same way that shouting it in the street would be, so quite the opposite really.

Do you struggle with reading, a bit?

No one at a Brighton match No one at a Brighton match at the Amex has been arrested / charged for chants such as "does your boyfriend know your here." No court, in my opinion would convict for that kind of situation.

The arrests so far at Brighton games this season, including the two Derby ones were for words / signs that would be also dealt with down any local high street on any day.

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How many public order offences are committed every week in every ground?

What did they do or say? Why can't we be told?

Imo they've pulled two lads out and made an example of them. I'm not saying that's what happened but that's what I think.


What signs? vvanker signs? 'V' sign? Better arrest a few hundred thousand more

Words? What words? 'Cnut'? 'Basta£ds'? 'Inbred *****'? 'bender'?

Yeah, I tend to see a problem with these being shouted in ASDA. At football? Well I expect to see a few hundred thousand more arrests this weekend.

'Things that would be dealt with on any public high street'... well the police down your end are going to be busy. Especially when you play Palace next.


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Do you struggle with reading, a bit?



No I don't, just didn't word it properly.


No one at a Brighton match at the Amex has been arrested / charged for chants such as "does your boyfriend know your here." No court, in my opinion would convict for that kind of situation.



The arrests so far at Brighton games this season, including the two Derby ones were for words / signs that would be also dealt with down any local high street on any day. The argument to suggest at a football match it is more acceptable is not one that holds any weight.


So he says that the FBO's were not for chanting a song similar to "does your boyfriend know you're here?" but says they were arrested for words and signs that would normally see you arrested if you said them on the street (strange way of putting it)


Then he says that to say these words or to display these signs at a football match is no different than on the High street... I'm pretty sure that if two lads started singing/shouting "town full of benders" followed by "f*cking benders" on Brighton High Street and somebody rang it in saying that they felt alarmed, harassed or distressed by what they had heard, the lads would be arrested. Exactly the same would have happened outside the Amex when the two brothers piped up, somebody would have made a complaint and the lads would have been nicked for a public order offence.


So as Brighton's liaison officer, he hasn't really got much of a clue has he? Similar to ours...


Strange how the two brothers and a few PC's up here say that they were arrested whilst exiting the ground for shouting - "town full of benders"

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No I don't, just didn't word it properly.


No one at a Brighton match at the Amex has been arrested / charged for chants such as "does your boyfriend know your here." No court, in my opinion would convict for that kind of situation.



The arrests so far at Brighton games this season, including the two Derby ones were for words / signs that would be also dealt with down any local high street on any day. The argument to suggest at a football match it is more acceptable is not one that holds any weight.


So he says that the FBO's were not for chanting a song similar to "does your boyfriend know you're here?" but says they were arrested for words and signs that would normally see you arrested if you said them on the street (strange way of putting it)


Then he says that to say these words or to display these signs at a football match is no different than on the High street... I'm pretty sure that if two lads started singing/shouting "town full of benders" followed by "f*cking benders" on Brighton High Street and somebody rang it in saying that they felt alarmed, harassed or distressed by what they had heard, the lads would be arrested. Exactly the same would have happened outside the Amex when the two brothers piped up, somebody would have made a complaint and the lads would have been nicked for a public order offence.


So as Brighton's liaison officer, he hasn't really got much of a clue has he? Similar to ours...


Strange how the two brothers and a few PC's up here say that they were arrested whilst exiting the ground for shouting - "town full of benders"

Our pet plod seems a very decent and straight (oo-er, etc) guy. On this, I believe him.

To be honest, I don't really understand why it's not a public fact at this stage (after their court appearance), exactly what the offence was. The whole 'the punishment is out of order, if they only did this', or 'they deserve what they got, if they said that' isn't helpful to anyone.

Cases like this seem mostly to be brought, as a deterrent to others committing the same offence. If we're not told what that offence actually was, then that doesn't work, does it?

If the Sussex plod are saying on a public forum, that nobody at the Amex will be nicked for singing a song, then it would be harsh if somebody subsequently was.

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You know the first question I got asked on my first day as a labourer?

If you woke up after a night out next to another man completely naked and you had a used condom in your bum would you tell anyone?

First day. Just thought I'd share


C'mon, don't leave us hanging... what was your answer?

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