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NFL thread


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Wait until the superbowl. 1 hour of play takes about 5 hours to complete. (Its been on normal telly for the past few years)

People who say NFL is boring are so wrong, it just takes a f*cking long time because of all the adverts, but the worst thing is, the adverts are so painfully bad. I think the adverts over here are terrific by comparison, even that "forgive him, he's an idiot" car one.

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People who say NFL is boring are so wrong, it just takes a f*cking long time because of all the adverts, but the worst thing is, the adverts are so painfully bad. I think the adverts over here are terrific by comparison, even that "forgive him, he's an idiot" car one.

You are right there my friend.Ever been to Amsterdam? I have and some Dutch commercials are hilarious.

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Full-time - Chargers 31-28 Raiders.

A win's a win although I thought SD might win more comfortably. Oliver with the winning touchdown - he's looking like a good prospect. Followed the whole game by a combination of stream and live text, and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

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Full-time - Chargers 31-28 Raiders.

A win's a win although I thought SD might win more comfortably. Oliver with the winning touchdown - he's looking like a good prospect. Followed the whole game by a combination of stream and live text, and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Great mate.NFL can become addictive. :)

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Well, Redskins lost once again. Bananas. Cousins sealed his fate tonight imo in that he is destined to always be just an NFL backup.  Special teams is still garbage, and secondary was bad again.  This season is a wash already; hopefully we can string together some wins so at least have a respectful record in the end. Bananas.

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I stayed away as I recorded Giants game on C4 to watch on Monday Eve...wish I had just deleted and not watched. Giants looked and played slow, tired and below par. Eagles, although I hate them, played well and got the job done on all phases of their play.

On a brighter note, I love a tie game, now two teams have a hilarious record with a stupid 1 on the end!

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