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So, we're looking to employ new staff....


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As some of you may know we have a shop, we're extending and looking to employ more staff. The missus suggested we popped an ad on one of those Facebook job pages first and then the local paper, so we did....

Now I have no problem with poor spelling and grammar, mine is terrible at times even in this post most likely, I do expect however an attempt to spell full words when applying for a job. Last night we had 25 replies to the vacancy, 4 of which didn't contain text language and 2 of those went straight into the no pile for other reasons as you will see.....

Hya hun.... u? cud?...You're fired!

"YsSgxvj" alt="YsSgxvj">

You don't have a CV? Are you not willing to write one, I mean it cud sorry could be useful when applying for jobs.

"wFJMMig" alt="wFJMMig">

Another without a CV but you don't mind gutting a pig if needed, hmmm, we don't get many pigs in ...

"zRVgW6o" alt="zRVgW6o">

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There's loads of advice on the web now for building a cv or job centre staff would be able to advise. I think they run classes for cv building and formal letter writing.

One thing I'd never do is use text speak, or be informal. I mean 'Hi hun..." just no. That would go in the bin file, it's bad enough addressing your missis as such, but she might think she's allowed to do the same with customers. Sorry but that's not on.

They need to work on getting the basics right otherwise they're going to be stuck at first base for ever. It's a shame that because some obviously want work.

You could always interview them anyway, found out what they're like as a person, give them a fair chance but first impressions count for everything don't they?

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Who's getting the job then? Piggyfiddler?

I wanted to interview her for a laugh but been told no, we've got 2 decent CV's emailed in to ring next week so it's worked out alright. I knew we would get a couple of dodgy ones but never expected the amount we did using text language.

It only went up last night so probably be a few more yet throughout the day, it's on a job page as well filled with normal jobs, PA's, receptionists, warehouse workers etc.

You would think they would have a CV ready to go when looking for work, just find it nuts.

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You could always interview them anyway, found out what they're like as a person, give them a fair chance but first impressions count for everything don't they?

Nope, might be harsh but any text language at all Facebook or no, no chance.

All I ask is for no text language when you contact us, have a CV with retail experience, come in for a interview on time dressed smart and chances are I will employ you. Male, female, 18, 58, kids, no kids, A*, F's, really doesn't matter, I'm not in perv mode either just be smart that's all.

Not asking for much and they are no longer unemployed.

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Nope, might be harsh but any text language at all Facebook or no, no chance.

All I ask is for no text language when you contact us, have a CV with retail experience, come in for a interview on time dressed smart and chances are I will employ you. Male, female, 18, 58, kids, no kids, A*, F's, really doesn't matter, I'm not in perv mode either just be smart that's all.

Not asking for much and they are no longer unemployed.

Can't say fairer than that. Can I have the job?
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It's about appearance and meeting the expectations. If they are prepared to do a half-arsed job applying then how much effort will you get if you hire them?

Also bear in mind some applicants don't want the job, but are expected to show they've made some effort in trying. I'd guess Mr/Mrs No CV doesn't want your job but doesn't want to lose their benefits either.

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