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Do you know what bugs me...


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Builders. One quoted 7k and another 16k for the same work.

Is one cheap because he's ****, is the other one just trying to rip us off? How the hell can one builder charge twice as much as the other, craziness.

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For every 5 minutes late I'm gonna give him one Chinese burn, he's got one coming now, better hurry up I need a shower



Why the hell is it that as soon as you have to stay in and wait for something, you need a dump? And you know the second you sit down...the swine will be knocking at your door. Yes, this really does annoy me.

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Yup, that's why I pay for early delivery if I can. DPD are good as they offer GPS tracking and you can look on a map where the van currently is and what delivery number you are. Yodel I hate, been here like 8am sometimes yet others gone 5pm

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This stupid cow at work keeps claiming she's so busy she hasn't got time to eat. She's pretty hefty so I'm calling bullsh*t.


She also sends emails at 10.30pm saying meaningless stuff like 'thanks for that'. Just send it in the morning you creep!

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If you're that bothered, go and pick it up.


Do you know what bugs me? People who rely on slaves to do something for them and moan if it isn't done properly.

When you pay for a burger do you go round the counter and cook it? Fool.

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Builders. One quoted 7k and another 16k for the same work.

Is one cheap because he's ****, is the other one just trying to rip us off? How the hell can one builder charge twice as much as the other, craziness.

Maybe the cheap lad is ***** or really fast. Maybe he'll hit it with a load of blokes and they'll have all that money to themselves in a short space of time.

Maybe the expensive bloke is top notch, won't cut corners. Or maybe he's busy and only trying his luck.

If you lived in Derby you'd be easier to help but now you've blown it.

Have you had a quote off mo55y?

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I've got an itchy arse but in a meeting so I can't scratch it

I've got visible sweat patches under my arms, in a light blue shirt

I had pack up dinner today and they had my favourite curry in the canteen

Our keeper has injured his hand so I'm in goal tonight

I've scuffed my nice shoes

I've got no food in

I can't make it to the f*cking match on Sunday

It's too hot in my room, so I open the windows and get murdered by mosquitos

Sainsbury's nearby ALWAYS has 4 or 5 self service checkouts closed, leading to 100m queues

There's a fit girl that I've been saying hello to in the building next to mine, saw this morning hand in hand with her posh twvt, handsome boyfriend



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Sky Sport News's Jim White bugs me, talks to you like you're an idiot and thinks he's very important.


And while we're on the subject of Sky Sport, Nick Collins's moustache bugs me as well.


People that insist Nigel Clough is a loser and Billy Davies is a winner, bring the forum into disrepute in my opinion.

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